Descendant Tree of Viola Grace Garton
This page shows up to 10 generations. Spouses and partners are indented and marked with a ‘+’. Children are further indented and shown with the next generation number.
1. Viola Grace Garton (1893 – ?)
+ William James Oram (bet 1888/1889 – ?) [set base to this person]
2. William E. Oram (bet 1912/1913 – ?) [set base to this person]
2. Gladys Marie Oram (1914 – 2008) [set base to this person]
2. Albert E. Oram (bet 1915/1916 – ?) [set base to this person]
2. John F. Oram (1917 – ?) [set base to this person]
2. Elizabeth H. Oram (bet 1920/1921 – ?) [set base to this person]
2. Paul H. Oram (bet 1922/1923 – ?) [set base to this person]
2. Robert Charles Oram (1925 – 1997) [set base to this person]
+ {private}
3. {private}
3. {private}
+ Helen Pearl Johnson (1922 – 2018) [set base to this person]