Thomas Mendenhall
Last updated 30 Aug 2021 in Spear–Johnson Family.
book-mendenhalls-a-genealogy-1969: The Mendenhalls; database with images, Ancestry ( accessed on multiple dates); citing "Henry Hart Beeson, The Mendenhalls: A Genealogy; Houston, unknown, 1991" [This is a privately published genealogy, and appears to be typed rather than typeset. Reference is made to some original records, but there are no images or transcripts included.]
Reference Detail: Pages 1-2 (images 3-4), accessed 29 Aug 2009
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Thomas Mendenhall).
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Spouse/Partner: Joan ____ (? – ?)
Married: ?
Child: Thomas Mendenhall (? – ?)
Child: Margery Mendenhall (? – ?)
Child: Joan Mendenhall (? – ?)
Child: Mary Mendenhall (? – ?)
Child: John Mendenhall (1659 – 1758)
Child: Benjamin Mendenhall (1662 – 1740)
Child: Stephen Mendenhall (1664 – ?)
Child: Moses Mendenhall (1666 – 1738)
Child: Aaron Mendenhall (1669 – ?)
Miscellaneous Facts
Burial: 1682 at Mildenhall, , Wiltshire, England
book-mendenhalls-a-genealogy-1969: The Mendenhalls; database with images, Ancestry ( accessed on multiple dates); citing "Henry Hart Beeson, The Mendenhalls: A Genealogy; Houston, unknown, 1991" [This is a privately published genealogy, and appears to be typed rather than typeset. Reference is made to some original records, but there are no images or transcripts included.]
Reference Detail: Page 2 (image 4), accessed 29 Aug 2009
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1682) and location (Marriage Hill [near the bourough of Mildenhall, County Wiltshire, England]).
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Thomas may have been a son of Francis Mildenhall, buried 7 Nov 1673 at Little Beduin, County Wilts, England. He may have had a sister Jane. [book-mendenhalls-a-genealogy-1969]
A will for Thomas Mildenhall (Mendenhall) exists in "Wills and Administrations at Somerset House, Prerogative Court of Canterbury", Vol. 371, Cottle Vol. 3, 1682, folio 135.
Transcript of Thomas Mildenhall's Will:
17 Nov 1682 THOMAS MILDENHALL of Maridge in parish of Ramsbury, Wilts, yeo, being aged and weak in body, etc. To ELDEST SON THOMAS MILDENHALL of West Hundred in the county of Berkshire all manner of Tenth and Tythes of what sort soever being and growing out of that messuage and tenement with the appurtenances hereunto belonging which I now dwell in and is in my possession which I lately purchased of Henry Powle Esq and others; Item, I give and devise unto my SONNE JOHN MILDENHALL and his heirs forever the ffee simple of all that cottage and . . gardens in Maridge purchased of Thomas Stockbridge and one close of land or pasture by 5A or thereabouts be it more or less lying in Marridge heath which I lately purchased of Nathaniel Stoneham, also all that close of arrable pasture ground heretofore parcell of great Rashlett Coppice in parish of Ramsbury . . 7A and halfe and all the tenths and tithes the said 7A and half of arable or pasture ground for and towards his better preferment in marriage and for his marriage portion. And upon this condition never the less that he the said JOHN MILDENHALL shall and will pay or cause to be paid to his BROTHER BENJAMIN MILDENHALL the summe of £40 lawfull money of England at such time as the said premises before given shall come be in his now possession. All which premises by me given unto my said SONNE JOHN I lately purchased of said Henry Powle Esq and others. Item I give and devise unto my SON STEPHEN MILDENHALL all that messuage or tenement and two . . of arrable land in Heath in parish of Chilton Folliott, Wilts, 30A with the appurtenances during the time of the lease thereof to me granted by John Parker & wf Jane, upon condition nevertheless that he the said STEPHEN MILDENHALL his execrs and assignes shall and will yearly and every year pay unto his BRO MOSES MILDENHALL £5 p annum out of the said premises where he the said STEPHEN shall come to enjoy the same dureing the remainder or terme of the said lease. I give and bequeath to my DAU MARY £4 score one year decease. To DAU MARGERY wf of Thomas Martin of Bedwin Magna 40 shillings. To DAU JOANE wf of John Spier one shilling. And my will and meaning is that the said messuages lands tenements and premises herein before by me given and bequeathed to my said sonnes JOHN and STEPHEN shall remain and be in the possession of my now WF JOANE MILDENHALL during her natural life. And my will and meaning further is that in case there shall happen to be any losse or damage in recoverie or getting in of my debts and estate which shall be due and owing (next page) at the time of my decease, that my executors hereinafter named and such of my children and legatees aforesaid shall be his hers or their equal part and portion in the lott thereof out of their respective legacies and portions as to my overseers hereinafter named shall think meete and convenient. Item I give and devise unto my SON MOSES the inheritance of that house and land in possession of Thomas Ellaway in or around the parish of Marridge aforesaid and which I lately purchased of Nicholas George of Whittenndish together with all the writings of the same premises which I order shall be delivered to my said SON MOSES in a weeks time after my decease if he demands them. Rest to wife who is sole executor. Appoint MY BROTHER BENJAMIN STROADE and my SON THOMAS to be overseers. I do give to each of them for their care herein 5 shillings.
End of Transcription
(In the probate paragraph the date appeared to be 17 Nov 1682.)
book-mendenhalls-a-genealogy-1969: The Mendenhalls; database with images, Ancestry ( accessed on multiple dates); citing "Henry Hart Beeson, The Mendenhalls: A Genealogy; Houston, unknown, 1991" [This is a privately published genealogy, and appears to be typed rather than typeset. Reference is made to some original records, but there are no images or transcripts included.]
Reference Detail: Page 1 (image 3), accessed 29 Aug 2009
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