Clarkson M. Hockett

Last updated 21 Nov 2021 in Spear–Johnson Family.


Born: 12 Nov 1870 in , , Indiana, United States

Father: Henry A. Hockett (1835 – 1909)

Mother: Eunice J. Osborn (1843 – 1881)

Supporting evidence for:

census-us-1880-ps-in-hendricks-136-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Indiana, Hendricks County, Center Township, enumeration district 136, page 17 (form/penned) or 503A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 12 August 2018) ⟩ "Indiana ⟩ Hendricks ⟩ Center ⟩ 136" image 17; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 283 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 12, dwelling 161

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Clarkson M. Hockett).

census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-1-4a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney, enumeration district 1, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 17A (stamped OR stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 17 August 2018) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0001" image 7; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 44, dwelling 90

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Clarkson M. Hockett).

census-us-1930-ps-sd-aurora-20-2a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney (Wards 1 & 2), enumeration district 2-20, sheet 2A (form/penned) or page 89A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 23 November 2007) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0020" image 3; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2217 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341951]

Reference Detail: Line 35, dwelling 49

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Clarkson M. Hockett).

religious-registry-indianapolis-mm-1883-53: Indianapolis Monthly Meeting Membership Book 1883-1893, page 53; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 2018), “⟩Indiana ⟩ Marion ⟩ Indianapolis Monthly Meeting ⟩ Friends Church Membership and Transfer Record”, images 118-119; citing “Indiana Yearly Meeting Minutes; Earlham College Friends Collection & College Archives, Richmond, Indiana”

Reference Detail: Line 10 (unmarked)

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Hockett[,] Mary Anna)..

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census-us-1880-ps-in-hendricks-136-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Indiana, Hendricks County, Center Township, enumeration district 136, page 17 (form/penned) or 503A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 12 August 2018) ⟩ "Indiana ⟩ Hendricks ⟩ Center ⟩ 136" image 17; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 283 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 12, dwelling 161

Comment Detail: Source includes age (9) and location (⟨conflict⟩). Using the official census date of 1 June 1880 gives a birth date range from 2 June 1870 to 1 June 1871. See research notes for conflict details.

census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-1-4a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney, enumeration district 1, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 17A (stamped OR stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 17 August 2018) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0001" image 7; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 44, dwelling 90

Comment Detail: Source includes age (49) and location (Indiana). Using his age and the official census date of 1 Jan 1920 gives a birth date range from 2 Jan 1870 to 1 Jan 1871.

census-us-1930-ps-sd-aurora-20-2a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney (Wards 1 & 2), enumeration district 2-20, sheet 2A (form/penned) or page 89A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 23 November 2007) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0020" image 3; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2217 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341951]

Reference Detail: Line 35, dwelling 49

Comment Detail: Source includes age (59) and location (Indiana). Using his age and the official census date of 1 Apr 1930 gives a birth date range from 2 Apr 1870 to 1 Apr 1871.

religious-registry-indianapolis-mm-1883-53: Indianapolis Monthly Meeting Membership Book 1883-1893, page 53; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 2018), “⟩Indiana ⟩ Marion ⟩ Indianapolis Monthly Meeting ⟩ Friends Church Membership and Transfer Record”, images 118-119; citing “Indiana Yearly Meeting Minutes; Earlham College Friends Collection & College Archives, Richmond, Indiana”

Reference Detail: Line 10 (unmarked)

Comment Detail: Source includes date (11 mo. 12 1870).

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census-us-1880-ps-in-hendricks-136-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Indiana, Hendricks County, Center Township, enumeration district 136, page 17 (form/penned) or 503A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 12 August 2018) ⟩ "Indiana ⟩ Hendricks ⟩ Center ⟩ 136" image 17; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 283 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 9,12 dwelling 161

Comment Detail: Source identifies Clarkson M. Hockett as a son of Henry A. Hockett. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.

religious-registry-indianapolis-mm-1883-53: Indianapolis Monthly Meeting Membership Book 1883-1893, page 53; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 2018), “⟩Indiana ⟩ Marion ⟩ Indianapolis Monthly Meeting ⟩ Friends Church Membership and Transfer Record”, images 118-119; citing “Indiana Yearly Meeting Minutes; Earlham College Friends Collection & College Archives, Richmond, Indiana”

Reference Detail: Line 11 (unmarked)

Comment Detail: Source identifies Henry A. Hockett as a parent of Clarkson M. Hockett. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.

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religious-registry-indianapolis-mm-1883-53: Indianapolis Monthly Meeting Membership Book 1883-1893, page 53; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 2018), “⟩Indiana ⟩ Marion ⟩ Indianapolis Monthly Meeting ⟩ Friends Church Membership and Transfer Record”, images 118-119; citing “Indiana Yearly Meeting Minutes; Earlham College Friends Collection & College Archives, Richmond, Indiana”

Reference Detail: Line 11 (unmarked)

Comment Detail: Source identifies Eunice Hockett as a parent of Clarkson M. Hockett. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.

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Spouse/Partner: Anna ____ (1876 – ?)

Married: ?

Supporting evidence for:

census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-1-4a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney, enumeration district 1, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 17A (stamped OR stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 17 August 2018) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0001" image 7; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Lines 44,45, dwelling 90

Comment Detail: Source identifies Anna [?] Hockett as the wife of Clarkson M. Hockett.

census-us-1930-ps-sd-aurora-20-2a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney (Wards 1 & 2), enumeration district 2-20, sheet 2A (form/penned) or page 89A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 23 November 2007) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0020" image 3; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2217 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341951]

Reference Detail: Lines 35,36, dwelling 49

Comment Detail: Source identifies Anna T. Hockett as the wife of Clarkson M. Hockett.

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Child: Blanche N. Hockett (bet 1904/1905 – ?)

Child: Bernice Hockett (bet 1906/1907 – ?)

Child: Russell J. Hockett (bet 1908/1909 – ?)

Miscellaneous Facts


Residence: at Center Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, United States

Occupation: grain buyer at an elevator

Residence: at Stickney, Aurora County, South Dakota, United States

Occupation: commercial traveler(?) for a solicitor(?)

Residence: at Stickney, Aurora County, South Dakota, United States

Supporting evidence for:

census-us-1880-ps-in-hendricks-136-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Indiana, Hendricks County, Center Township, enumeration district 136, page 17 (form/penned) or 503A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 12 August 2018) ⟩ "Indiana ⟩ Hendricks ⟩ Center ⟩ 136" image 17; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 283 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 12, dwelling 161

Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jun 1880) and location (West half Center Township, in the County of Hendricks, State of Indiana).

census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-1-4a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney, enumeration district 1, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 17A (stamped OR stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 17 August 2018) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0001" image 7; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 44, dwelling 90

Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jan 1920) and occupation (Grain Buyer / Elevator).

census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-1-4a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney, enumeration district 1, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 17A (stamped OR stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 17 August 2018) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0001" image 7; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 44, dwelling 90

Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jan 1920) and location (Stickney, County: Aurora, State: South Dakota).

census-us-1930-ps-sd-aurora-20-2a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney (Wards 1 & 2), enumeration district 2-20, sheet 2A (form/penned) or page 89A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 23 November 2007) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0020" image 3; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2217 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341951]

Reference Detail: Line 35, dwelling 49

Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1930) and occupation (Com'l Traveler / Solicit).

census-us-1930-ps-sd-aurora-20-2a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Stickney (Wards 1 & 2), enumeration district 2-20, sheet 2A (form/penned) or page 89A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 23 November 2007) ⟩ "South Dakota ⟩ Aurora ⟩ Stickney ⟩ District 0020" image 3; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2217 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341951]

Reference Detail: Line 35, dwelling 49

Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1930) and location (Stickney Town, County: Aurora, State: South Dakota).

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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)


Birth Location: This database uses Indiana. The 1880 U.S. Census indicates Ill [Illinois]. Since his father was a farmer in Indiana (very close to Indianapolis) in 1870 (the year he was born), and were still there in 1880, Illinois doesn't seem to make much sense. [census-us-1880-ps-in-hendricks-136-17]


Clarkson may have been one of the early homesteaders in Aurora County, SD, owning land in range 101 North 64 West.

Clarkson and Anna may have married about 1903.

He probably died 16 May 1944 in Aurora County, South Dakota, USA.

Supporting evidence for:
research notes

census-us-1880-ps-in-hendricks-136-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Indiana, Hendricks County, Center Township, enumeration district 136, page 17 (form/penned) or 503A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 12 August 2018) ⟩ "Indiana ⟩ Hendricks ⟩ Center ⟩ 136" image 17; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 283 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”

Reference Detail: Line 12, dwelling 161

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