[Ancestors] [Descendants]
Ralph Byam Winegar
Last updated 2 Nov 2023 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Born: 8 Mar 1886 in Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, Dakota Territory, United States
Died: 1967
Father: James H. Winegar (1858 – ?)
Mother: Katherine Byam (bet 1863/1864 – ?)
census-us-1900-ps-sd-jerauld-200-5a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 200, sheet 5A (form/penned) or page 176A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0200" image 3; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1241550]
Reference Detail: Line 14, dwelling 59
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph Winegar).
military-draftreg-ralph-winegar-1918: Draft registration card for Ralph Byam Winegar (1918); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed before 2018) 〉 “South Dakota 〉 Dewey County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card W” image 44; citing “World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, M1509, 4,582 rolls, imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph Byam Winegar).
census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 252, sheet 1B (form/penned) or page 108B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0252" image 2; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1482 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375495]
Reference Detail: Line 75, dwelling 15
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph B. Winegar).
census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-2-6b: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Bristol Township, enumeration district 2, sheet 6B (form/penned) or page 34B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Aurora 〉 Bristol 〉 District 0002" image 4; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 58, dwelling 96
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph Winegar).
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 37-15, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 203B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0015" image 4; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 54, dwelling 36
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph B. Winegar).
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph Winegar).
death-sybil-angell-1993: Certificate of Death for Sybil F. Angell (1993); Montana, U.S., State Deaths, 1907-2016, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 24 Apr 2021) 〉 “Montana Death Records 〉 1993 Mar-1993 Apr” image 479; citing “Montana State Deaths, 1868-2018, State of Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Office of Vital Statistics, Helena, Montana, state registration number 93-001979, local registration number 5231, registered 8 Apr 1993”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph Winegar) of Sybil's father.
marker-ralph-winegar-1967: Gravestone of Ralph B. Winegar (1967); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021), memorial ID 77360802, photograph uploaded 30 Sep 2011; citing “Prospect Hill Cemetery (Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph B. Winegar).
marriage-olson-winegar-1937: Marriage return for Clarence T. Olson and Stella May Winegar (1937); Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “Skagit 〉 Marriages 1937 Sep-Dec” image 48; citing “Washington State Archives. Olympia, Washington; license #12473, return #11491”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph B. Winegar).
marriage-winegar-adams-1913: Marriage license and certificate for R. B. Winegar and Ruth R. Adams (1913); North Dakota, U.S., Select County Marriage Records, 1872-2017, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “McHenry 〉 1913-1925” images 138-139; citing “Marriage Records Book C, page 344, case no. 593; Historical Society of North Dakota and State Archives, Bismarck, North Dakota”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (R. B. Winegar).
marriage-winegar-hammer-1935: Marriage license and certificate for Ralph B. Winegar and May A. Hammer (1935); Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “004351328” image 541; DGS 4351328, image 610; entry 1087 (page 1077); citing “Marriage License Rec., Vol. 1, Oct 1914 – Nov 1928, pages 1076-1077; Webaux County Courthouse, Wibaux, Montana”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ralph B. Winegar).
Show all citations and reference details for Ralph Byam Winegar in a new window.
census-us-1900-ps-sd-jerauld-200-5a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 200, sheet 5A (form/penned) or page 176A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0200" image 3; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1241550]
Reference Detail: Line 14, dwelling 59
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Mar/1896), age (14), and location (So Dak [South Dakota]). Using his age and the official census date of 1 June 1900 gives a birth date range from 2 June 1885 to 1 June 1886, which encompasses the given date. Note that South Dakota was part of the Dakota Territory until 2 Nov 1889 and did not become a state until that date.
census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 252, sheet 1B (form/penned) or page 108B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0252" image 2; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1482 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375495]
Reference Detail: Line 75, dwelling 15
Comment Detail: Source includes age (24) and location (South Dakota). Using his age and the official census date of 15 Apr 1910 gives a birth date range from 16 Apr 1885 to 15 Apr 1886. Note that South Dakota was part of the Dakota Territory until 2 Nov 1889 and did not become a state until that date.
census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-2-6b: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Bristol Township, enumeration district 2, sheet 6B (form/penned) or page 34B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Aurora 〉 Bristol 〉 District 0002" image 4; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 58, dwelling 96
Comment Detail: Source includes age (33) and location (South Dakota). Using his age and the official census date of 1 Jan 1920 gives a birth date range from 2 Jan 1886 to 1 Jan 1887. Note that South Dakota was part of the Dakota Territory until 2 Nov 1889 and did not become a state until that date.
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 37-15, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 203B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0015" image 4; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 54, dwelling 36
Comment Detail: Source includes age (44) and location (South Dakota). Using his age and the official census date of 1 Apr 1930 gives a birth date range from 2 Apr 1885 to 1 Apr 1886. Note that South Dakota was part of the Dakota Territory until 2 Nov 1889 and did not become a state until that date.
census-us-ia-1915-marshall-marshalltown-d939: 1915 Iowa State Census, Marshall County, Marshalltown, card D939; Iowa, State Census Collection, 1836–1925, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: 8 Sep 2007) 〉 "1915 〉 Marshall 〉 Marshalltown" image 12100; citing “Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well various special censuses from 1836-1897 obtained from the State Historical Society of Iowa via Heritage Quest” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes location (S Dak) of father's birth place. Note that South Dakota was part of the Dakota Territory until 2 Nov 1889 and did not become a state until that date.
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes age (29) and location (South Dak). The official date of the census is unknown, so the birth year is either 1885 or 1886. Also note that South Dakota was part of the Dakota Territory until 2 Nov 1889 and did not become a state until that date.
marker-ralph-winegar-1967: Gravestone of Ralph B. Winegar (1967); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021), memorial ID 77360802, photograph uploaded 30 Sep 2011; citing “Prospect Hill Cemetery (Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1886).
marriage-olson-winegar-1937: Marriage return for Clarence T. Olson and Stella May Winegar (1937); Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “Skagit 〉 Marriages 1937 Sep-Dec” image 48; citing “Washington State Archives. Olympia, Washington; license #12473, return #11491”
Comment Detail: Source includes location (Wessington Springs, S. Dakota).
marriage-winegar-adams-1913: Marriage license and certificate for R. B. Winegar and Ruth R. Adams (1913); North Dakota, U.S., Select County Marriage Records, 1872-2017, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “McHenry 〉 1913-1925” images 138-139; citing “Marriage Records Book C, page 344, case no. 593; Historical Society of North Dakota and State Archives, Bismarck, North Dakota”
Comment Detail: Source includes age (27). Using his age and the license date of 23 Dec 1913 gives a birth date range from 24 Dec 1885 to 23 Dec 1886.
marriage-winegar-hammer-1935: Marriage license and certificate for Ralph B. Winegar and May A. Hammer (1935); Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “004351328” image 541; DGS 4351328, image 610; entry 1087 (page 1077); citing “Marriage License Rec., Vol. 1, Oct 1914 – Nov 1928, pages 1076-1077; Webaux County Courthouse, Wibaux, Montana”
Comment Detail: Source includes age (49) and location (Wessington Springs, S. Dak.). Using his age and the marriage license date of 20 May 1935 gives a birth date range from 21 May 1885 to 20 May 1886. Note that South Dakota was part of the Dakota Territory until 2 Nov 1889 and did not become a state until that date.
military-draftreg-ralph-winegar-1918: Draft registration card for Ralph Byam Winegar (1918); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed before 2018) 〉 “South Dakota 〉 Dewey County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card W” image 44; citing “World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, M1509, 4,582 rolls, imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (March 8th 1886).
Show all citations and reference details for Ralph Byam Winegar in a new window.
marker-ralph-winegar-1967: Gravestone of Ralph B. Winegar (1967); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021), memorial ID 77360802, photograph uploaded 30 Sep 2011; citing “Prospect Hill Cemetery (Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1967).
Show all citations and reference details for Ralph Byam Winegar in a new window.
census-us-1900-ps-sd-jerauld-200-5a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 200, sheet 5A (form/penned) or page 176A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0200" image 3; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1241550]
Reference Detail: Lines 12,14, dwelling 59
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ralph Winegar as a son of James Winegar. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
marriage-winegar-hammer-1935: Marriage license and certificate for Ralph B. Winegar and May A. Hammer (1935); Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “004351328” image 541; DGS 4351328, image 610; entry 1087 (page 1077); citing “Marriage License Rec., Vol. 1, Oct 1914 – Nov 1928, pages 1076-1077; Webaux County Courthouse, Wibaux, Montana”
Comment Detail: Source identifies James H. Winegar as the father of Ralph B. Winegar. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
Show all citations and reference details for Ralph Byam Winegar in a new window.
marriage-winegar-hammer-1935: Marriage license and certificate for Ralph B. Winegar and May A. Hammer (1935); Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “004351328” image 541; DGS 4351328, image 610; entry 1087 (page 1077); citing “Marriage License Rec., Vol. 1, Oct 1914 – Nov 1928, pages 1076-1077; Webaux County Courthouse, Wibaux, Montana”
Comment Detail: Source identifies Katherine Byam as the mother of Ralph B. Winegar. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
Show all citations and reference details for Ralph Byam Winegar in a new window.
Family #1
Spouse/Partner: Mary Winifred Spear (1883 – 1975)
Married: Bet 16 Apr 1903 and 15 Apr 1904
census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 252, sheet 1B (form/penned) or page 108B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0252" image 2; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1482 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375495]
Reference Detail: Lines 75,76, dwelling 15
Comment Detail: Source identifies Mary W. Winegar as the wife of Ralph B. Winegar and the number of years married (6) for both. Using the official census date of 15 apr 1910 gives a marriage date range from 16 Apr 1903 to 15 Apr 1904.
census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-2-6b: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Bristol Township, enumeration district 2, sheet 6B (form/penned) or page 34B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Aurora 〉 Bristol 〉 District 0002" image 4; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 58,59, dwelling 96
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ruth Winegar as the wife of Ralph Winegar.
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 37-15, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 203B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0015" image 4; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 54,55, dwelling 36
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ruth R. Winegar as the wife of Ralph B. Winegar.
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1913).
marriage-winegar-adams-1913: Marriage license and certificate for R. B. Winegar and Ruth R. Adams (1913); North Dakota, U.S., Select County Marriage Records, 1872-2017, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “McHenry 〉 1913-1925” images 138-139; citing “Marriage Records Book C, page 344, case no. 593; Historical Society of North Dakota and State Archives, Bismarck, North Dakota”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (24 day of Dec. 1913) and location (Oakes, County of Dicky, State of North Dakota).
marriage-winegar-hammer-1935: Marriage license and certificate for Ralph B. Winegar and May A. Hammer (1935); Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “004351328” image 541; DGS 4351328, image 610; entry 1087 (page 1077); citing “Marriage License Rec., Vol. 1, Oct 1914 – Nov 1928, pages 1076-1077; Webaux County Courthouse, Wibaux, Montana”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (the 20th day of May A.D. 1935) and location (Wibaux in the said County of Wibaux and State of Montana).
Show all citations and reference details for Ralph Byam Winegar in a new window.
Child: Zella Audrey Winegar (1905 – 2003)
Child: Lucile Lillian Winegar (1907 – 1995)
Child: Sybil F. Winegar (1908 – 1993)
Child: Merle James Winegar (1910 – 1981)
Family #2
Spouse/Partner: Ruth R. Adams (1895 – ?)
Married: 24 Dec 1913 in Oakes, Dickey County, North Dakota, United States
census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 252, sheet 1B (form/penned) or page 108B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0252" image 2; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1482 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375495]
Reference Detail: Lines 75,76, dwelling 15
Comment Detail: Source identifies Mary W. Winegar as the wife of Ralph B. Winegar and the number of years married (6) for both. Using the official census date of 15 apr 1910 gives a marriage date range from 16 Apr 1903 to 15 Apr 1904.
census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-2-6b: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Bristol Township, enumeration district 2, sheet 6B (form/penned) or page 34B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Aurora 〉 Bristol 〉 District 0002" image 4; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 58,59, dwelling 96
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ruth Winegar as the wife of Ralph Winegar.
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 37-15, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 203B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0015" image 4; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 54,55, dwelling 36
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ruth R. Winegar as the wife of Ralph B. Winegar.
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1913).
marriage-winegar-adams-1913: Marriage license and certificate for R. B. Winegar and Ruth R. Adams (1913); North Dakota, U.S., Select County Marriage Records, 1872-2017, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “McHenry 〉 1913-1925” images 138-139; citing “Marriage Records Book C, page 344, case no. 593; Historical Society of North Dakota and State Archives, Bismarck, North Dakota”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (24 day of Dec. 1913) and location (Oakes, County of Dicky, State of North Dakota).
marriage-winegar-hammer-1935: Marriage license and certificate for Ralph B. Winegar and May A. Hammer (1935); Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “004351328” image 541; DGS 4351328, image 610; entry 1087 (page 1077); citing “Marriage License Rec., Vol. 1, Oct 1914 – Nov 1928, pages 1076-1077; Webaux County Courthouse, Wibaux, Montana”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (the 20th day of May A.D. 1935) and location (Wibaux in the said County of Wibaux and State of Montana).
Show all citations and reference details for Ralph Byam Winegar in a new window.
Child: Marvel D. Winegar (1914 – ?)
Child: Stella May Winegar (bet 1920/1921 – ?)
Family #3
Spouse/Partner: May A. Hammer (bet 1907/1908 – ?)
Married: 20 May 1935 in Wibaux, Wibaux County, Montana, United States
census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 252, sheet 1B (form/penned) or page 108B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0252" image 2; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1482 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375495]
Reference Detail: Lines 75,76, dwelling 15
Comment Detail: Source identifies Mary W. Winegar as the wife of Ralph B. Winegar and the number of years married (6) for both. Using the official census date of 15 apr 1910 gives a marriage date range from 16 Apr 1903 to 15 Apr 1904.
census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-2-6b: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Bristol Township, enumeration district 2, sheet 6B (form/penned) or page 34B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Aurora 〉 Bristol 〉 District 0002" image 4; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 58,59, dwelling 96
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ruth Winegar as the wife of Ralph Winegar.
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 37-15, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 203B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0015" image 4; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 54,55, dwelling 36
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ruth R. Winegar as the wife of Ralph B. Winegar.
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1913).
marriage-winegar-adams-1913: Marriage license and certificate for R. B. Winegar and Ruth R. Adams (1913); North Dakota, U.S., Select County Marriage Records, 1872-2017, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “McHenry 〉 1913-1925” images 138-139; citing “Marriage Records Book C, page 344, case no. 593; Historical Society of North Dakota and State Archives, Bismarck, North Dakota”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (24 day of Dec. 1913) and location (Oakes, County of Dicky, State of North Dakota).
marriage-winegar-hammer-1935: Marriage license and certificate for Ralph B. Winegar and May A. Hammer (1935); Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “004351328” image 541; DGS 4351328, image 610; entry 1087 (page 1077); citing “Marriage License Rec., Vol. 1, Oct 1914 – Nov 1928, pages 1076-1077; Webaux County Courthouse, Wibaux, Montana”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (the 20th day of May A.D. 1935) and location (Wibaux in the said County of Wibaux and State of Montana).
Show all citations and reference details for Ralph Byam Winegar in a new window.
Miscellaneous Facts
Burial: at Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
Education Level: 8th grade
Cemetery: Prospect Hill Cemetery at Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
marker-ralph-winegar-1967: Gravestone of Ralph B. Winegar (1967); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021), memorial ID 77360802, photograph uploaded 30 Sep 2011; citing “Prospect Hill Cemetery (Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source includes location (Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, USA).
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes grade level (8 grade).
marker-ralph-winegar-1967: Gravestone of Ralph B. Winegar (1967); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021), memorial ID 77360802, photograph uploaded 30 Sep 2011; citing “Prospect Hill Cemetery (Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source includes cemetery (Prospect Hill Cemetery) and location (Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, USA).
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Religion: congregational
Residence: at Pleasant Township, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
Occupation: farmer
Residence: at Pleasant Township, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Oakes, Dickey County, North Dakota, United States
Occupation: farmer
Residence: at Pleasant Township, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
Occupation: farmer
Residence: at Timber Lake, Dewey County, South Dakota, United States
Occupation: farmer
Residence: at Bristol Township, Aurora County, South Dakota, United States
Occupation: farmer
Residence: at Pleasant Township, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Dickinson, Stark County, North Dakota, United States
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes church affiliation (Congregational).
census-us-1900-ps-sd-jerauld-200-5a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 200, sheet 5A (form/penned) or page 176A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0200" image 3; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1241550]
Reference Detail: Line 14, dwelling 59
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jun 1990) and location (Plesant Township, County: Jerauld, State: So. Dakota).
census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 252, sheet 1B (form/penned) or page 108B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0252" image 2; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1482 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375495]
Reference Detail: Line 75, dwelling 15
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (15 Apr 1910) and occupation (Farmer).
census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 252, sheet 1B (form/penned) or page 108B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0252" image 2; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1482 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375495]
Reference Detail: Line 75, dwelling 15
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (15 Apr 1910) and location (Pleasant Township, County: Jerauld, State: South Dakota).
marriage-winegar-adams-1913: Marriage license and certificate for R. B. Winegar and Ruth R. Adams (1913); North Dakota, U.S., Select County Marriage Records, 1872-2017, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “McHenry 〉 1913-1925” images 138-139; citing “Marriage Records Book C, page 344, case no. 593; Historical Society of North Dakota and State Archives, Bismarck, North Dakota”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (December 23rd 1913) and location (Oakes, N.D.).
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1915) and occupation (Farming).
census-us-sd-1915-122-ralph-winegar: 1915 South Dakota State Census, card 122, Ralph Winegar; South Dakota State Census, 1915, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021), 〉 “4246350” image 1768; DGS 4246350, image 1768; citing “State Historical Society, Pierre” [Information is stored on cards rather than using the more common list format.]
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1915) and location (County: Jerauld, Township: Pleasant, [State: South Dakota]).
military-draftreg-ralph-winegar-1918: Draft registration card for Ralph Byam Winegar (1918); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed before 2018) 〉 “South Dakota 〉 Dewey County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card W” image 44; citing “World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, M1509, 4,582 rolls, imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Sept 12, 1918) and occupation (farming).
military-draftreg-ralph-winegar-1918: Draft registration card for Ralph Byam Winegar (1918); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed before 2018) 〉 “South Dakota 〉 Dewey County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card W” image 44; citing “World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, M1509, 4,582 rolls, imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Sept 12, 1918) and location (Timber Lake, Dewey, S.D.).
census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-2-6b: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Bristol Township, enumeration district 2, sheet 6B (form/penned) or page 34B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Aurora 〉 Bristol 〉 District 0002" image 4; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 58, dwelling 96
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jan 1920) and occupation (Farmer).
census-us-1920-ps-sd-aurora-2-6b: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Aurora County, Bristol Township, enumeration district 2, sheet 6B (form/penned) or page 34B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Aurora 〉 Bristol 〉 District 0002" image 4; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 1714 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 58, dwelling 96
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jan 1920) and location (Bristol Township, County: Aurora, State: South Dakota).
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 37-15, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 203B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0015" image 4; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 54, dwelling 36
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1930) and occupation (Farmer).
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 37-15, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 203B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0015" image 4; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 54, dwelling 36
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1930) and location (Pleasant Township, County: Jerauld, State: South Dakota).
marriage-winegar-hammer-1935: Marriage license and certificate for Ralph B. Winegar and May A. Hammer (1935); Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Apr 2021) 〉 “004351328” image 541; DGS 4351328, image 610; entry 1087 (page 1077); citing “Marriage License Rec., Vol. 1, Oct 1914 – Nov 1928, pages 1076-1077; Webaux County Courthouse, Wibaux, Montana”
Comment Detail: Source includes marriage license date (20th day of May A.D. 1935) and location (Dickinson, N. Dak.).
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General Notes and Anecdotes
In 1910, he boarded a hired hand, John H. Baldwin, age 16. [census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b]
In 1930, 17-year old William Hanson was working and living on the Winegar farm. [census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b]
census-us-1910-ps-sd-jerauld-252-1b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 252, sheet 1B (form/penned) or page 108B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0252" image 2; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1482 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375495]
Reference Detail: Line x, dwelling 15
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jerauld-15-2b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jerauld County, Pleasant Township, enumeration district 37-15, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 203B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jerauld 〉 Pleasant 〉 District 0015" image 4; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 54, dwelling 36
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Ralph may have been born near the location of what is now Timber Lake, in Dewey County, South Dakota.
His "nearest relative" in 1918 was James Henry Winegar of Wessington Springs, South Dakota. This is presumably his father. [military-draftreg-ralph-winegar-1918]
Ralph Winegar and Mary Spear were probably married in Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota. [research-a-spear-family-history]
He may have died in May 1967, in Wessington, Beadle County, South Dakota. [research-social-security-death-index]
military-draftreg-ralph-winegar-1918: Draft registration card for Ralph Byam Winegar (1918); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed before 2018) 〉 “South Dakota 〉 Dewey County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card W” image 44; citing “World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, M1509, 4,582 rolls, imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
(no additional information)
research-a-spear-family-history: {private} Engelmann, A Spear Family History, privately printed 1988, updated 2002, 2005; privately held
(no additional information)
research-social-security-death-index: Social Security Death Index, Master File; Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA [available from many sources]
Reference Detail: U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com)
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