[Ancestors] [Descendants]

David C. Spear
Last updated 23 Feb 2024 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Born: 22 Mar 1862 in , Noble County, Ohio, United States
Died: 13 Apr 1940 in Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota, United States
Father: Thomas James "TJ" Spear (1835 – 1923)
Mother: Mary Ann Shafer (1840 – 1887)
birth-mary-spear-1896: Delayed birth certificate affidavit for Mary Anna Spear (1896); Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jan 2024), “〉 Delayed Birth Records 〉 ALL 〉 Delayed births, no. 065001-070000, 1896-1897”, image 2892; citing “State Historical Society of Iowa; Des Moines, Iowa; Title: Iowa Birth Records, 1888-1904 (original data: Iowa Births, 1880-1904, 1921-1946; State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa; Iowa Delayed Births, 1856-1940; State Historical Society of Iowa, States Archives, Des Moines, Iowa)”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (David C. Spear).
obituary-david-spear-1940: Obituary for David C. Spear (1940); “Hill City Man Dies In Local Hospital,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1940 〉 04 〉 13" page 5; citing “The Rapid City Daily Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 13 Apr 1940 (Saturday), page 5, column 4”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (David C. Spear).
obituary-kenneth-spear-1975: Obituary for Kenneth Maris Spear (1975); “Kenneth M. Spear,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1975 〉 11 〉 28" page 6; citing “Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 28 Nov 1975 (Friday), page 6, column 2”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (David 〈conflict〉 Spear). See research notes for conflict details.
obituary-thomas-spear-1923: Obituary for Thomas James Spear (1923); “T.J. Spear Dies Suddenly,” Oberlin Herald (Oberlin Kansas), 16 Aug 1923 (Thursday), page unknown, column unknown
Comment Detail: Source includes initials and implied surname (D.C. Spear).
book-memorial-record-of-iowa-v1-1896: A Memorial and Biographical Record of Iowa, Volume 1; Marceline, Missouri: Walsworth Publishing Co., 1978; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed 19 Apr 2018); reprint of 1896 edition published Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1896; provided by the University of Wisconsin at Madison
Reference Detail: Page 44 (PDF page 63)
Comment Detail: Source includes name (D. Spear).
book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969: Ruth Iverson, Marj Strait, Margie Peters (ed.), Proving Up: Jones County History; Murdo, South Dakota: privately published, Book and Thimble Club [of Murdo], 1969 [The book is a history of Jones County along with personal reminiscences.]
Reference Detail: "The David C. Spear Family" (Kenneth and Ethel Spear), p. 413,415.
census-us-1870-ps-ia-guthrie-union-2: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Union, page 2 (form) or page 243B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 12 August 2018) 〉 "Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Union" image 2; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 393 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 545892]
Reference Detail: Line 5, dwelling 8
Comment Detail: Source includes name (David Spear).
census-us-1900-ps-ia-dallas-11-3b: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Dallas County, Linden, enumeration district 11, sheet 3B (form/penned) or page 114B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Iowa 〉 Dallas 〉 Linn 〉 District 0011" image 6; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240427]
Reference Detail: Lines 92, dwelling 72
Comment Detail: Source includes name (David C. Spear).
census-us-1910-ps-sd-lyman-54-8a: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Lyman County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 54, sheet 8A (form/penned) or page 44A (stamped); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Lyman 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0054" image 1; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1484 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375497]
Reference Detail: Line 30, dwelling 9
Comment Detail: Source includes name (David C. Spear).
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jones-11-1a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jones County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 38-11, sheet 1A (form/penned) or page 242A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jones 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0011" image 1; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 49, dwelling 8
Comment Detail: Source includes name (David C. Spear).
census-us-1940-ps-sd-pennington-84-1a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Pennington County, Township 2S Range 5, enumeration district 52-84, sheet 1A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) "〉 South Dakota 〉 Pennington 〉 Township 2 S Range 5 〉 52-84" image 2; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 3865 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 3
Comment Detail: Source includes name (David C. Spear).
family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held
Reference Detail: Death and family register pages
Comment Detail: Source includes name on deaths page (D. C. Spear) and family page (David C. Spear).
marker-david-eva-spear-1940-1937: Gravestone of David C. (1940) and Eva P. (1937) Spear; Draper Cemetery (Jones County, South Dakota), block 50, lot 1; photographed before 2010, privately held
Comment Detail: Source includes given name on one plaque (David C.) and family name on a common plaque (Spear), both on a single stone-covered, upright marker.
Show all citations and reference details for David C. Spear in a new window.
birth-mary-spear-1896: Delayed birth certificate affidavit for Mary Anna Spear (1896); Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jan 2024), “〉 Delayed Birth Records 〉 ALL 〉 Delayed births, no. 065001-070000, 1896-1897”, image 2892; citing “State Historical Society of Iowa; Des Moines, Iowa; Title: Iowa Birth Records, 1888-1904 (original data: Iowa Births, 1880-1904, 1921-1946; State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa; Iowa Delayed Births, 1856-1940; State Historical Society of Iowa, States Archives, Des Moines, Iowa)”
Comment Detail: Source includes age (34 [when Mary was born]) and David's birth location (Noble Co. Ohio). Using his age and Mary's birth date of 2 May 1896 gives a birth date range from 3 May 1861 to 2 May 1862. The source also notes that he has known Mary for 44 years, that he is 78 years old, and the affadavit date is 2 Apr 1940, giving a date range of 3 Apr 1861 to 2 Apr 1862, which are all consistent with the data above.
census-us-1870-ps-ia-guthrie-union-2: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Union, page 2 (form) or page 243B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 12 August 2018) 〉 "Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Union" image 2; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 393 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 545892]
Reference Detail: Line 5, dwelling 8
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (Ohio). See research notes for conflict details.
census-us-1900-ps-ia-dallas-11-3b: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Dallas County, Linden, enumeration district 11, sheet 3B (form/penned) or page 114B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Iowa 〉 Dallas 〉 Linn 〉 District 0011" image 6; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240427]
Reference Detail: Lines 92, dwelling 72
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Mch [March]/1862), age (38), and location (Ohio). Using his age and the official census date of 1 June 1900 gives a birth date range from 2 June 1861 to 1 June 1862, which encompasses the given date.
census-us-1910-ps-sd-lyman-54-8a: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Lyman County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 54, sheet 8A (form/penned) or page 44A (stamped); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Lyman 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0054" image 1; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1484 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375497]
Reference Detail: Line 30, dwelling 9
Comment Detail: Source includes age (48) and location (Ohio). Using his age and the official census date of 15 Apr 1910 gives a birth date range from 16 Apr 1861 to 15 Apr 1862.
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jones-11-1a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jones County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 38-11, sheet 1A (form/penned) or page 242A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jones 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0011" image 1; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 49, dwelling 8
Comment Detail: Source includes age (68) and location (Ohio). Using his age and the official census date of 1 Apr 1930 gives a birth date range from 2 Apr 1861 to 1 Apr 1862.
census-us-1940-ps-sd-pennington-84-1a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Pennington County, Township 2S Range 5, enumeration district 52-84, sheet 1A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) "〉 South Dakota 〉 Pennington 〉 Township 2 S Range 5 〉 52-84" image 2; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 3865 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 3
Comment Detail: Source includes age (78) and location (Ohio). Using the official census date of 1 Apr 1940 gives a birth date range from 2 Apr 1861 to 1 Apr 1862.
family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held
Reference Detail: General register page
Comment Detail: Source includes date (March 22 - 1862) and location (Noble Co, Ohio [, USA]).
marker-david-eva-spear-1940-1937: Gravestone of David C. (1940) and Eva P. (1937) Spear; Draper Cemetery (Jones County, South Dakota), block 50, lot 1; photographed before 2010, privately held
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1862).
obituary-david-spear-1940: Obituary for David C. Spear (1940); “Hill City Man Dies In Local Hospital,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1940 〉 04 〉 13" page 5; citing “The Rapid City Daily Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 13 Apr 1940 (Saturday), page 5, column 4”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (March 22, 1862) and location (Noble county, Ohio).
Show all citations and reference details for David C. Spear in a new window.
book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969: Ruth Iverson, Marj Strait, Margie Peters (ed.), Proving Up: Jones County History; Murdo, South Dakota: privately published, Book and Thimble Club [of Murdo], 1969 [The book is a history of Jones County along with personal reminiscences.]
Reference Detail: "The David C. Spear Family" (Kenneth and Ethel Spear), p. 415.
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1940).
family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held
Reference Detail: Deaths register page
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Apr 13, 1940).
marker-david-eva-spear-1940-1937: Gravestone of David C. (1940) and Eva P. (1937) Spear; Draper Cemetery (Jones County, South Dakota), block 50, lot 1; photographed before 2010, privately held
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1940).
obituary-david-spear-1940: Obituary for David C. Spear (1940); “Hill City Man Dies In Local Hospital,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1940 〉 04 〉 13" page 5; citing “The Rapid City Daily Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 13 Apr 1940 (Saturday), page 5, column 4”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (early Saturday [for an obituary published Saturday, 13 Apr 1940]) and location ("a Rapid City hospital"). The date assumes the obituary was published the same day; the Journal was published daily at that time, and my assumption is that it didn't take a week for the obituary to be given to the paper for publication.
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family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held
Reference Detail: Deaths, family register pages
Comment Detail: Source identifies Thomas James Spear as the father of D. C. Spear on the deaths register page, and David C. Spear as a child of Thomas J. [Spear] on the family register page. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
obituary-thomas-spear-1923: Obituary for Thomas James Spear (1923); “T.J. Spear Dies Suddenly,” Oberlin Herald (Oberlin Kansas), 16 Aug 1923 (Thursday), page unknown, column unknown
Comment Detail: Source identifies D. C. [Spear] as a son of Thomas James Spear. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
Show all citations and reference details for David C. Spear in a new window.
family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held
Reference Detail: General register page
Comment Detail: Source identifies David C. Spear as a child of Mary A. [Spear]. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
Show all citations and reference details for David C. Spear in a new window.
Spouse/Partner: Eva Penrose Maris (1868 – 1937)
Married: 3 Apr 1890 in , Guthrie County, Iowa, United States
book-memorial-record-of-iowa-v1-1896: A Memorial and Biographical Record of Iowa, Volume 1; Marceline, Missouri: Walsworth Publishing Co., 1978; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed 19 Apr 2018); reprint of 1896 edition published Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1896; provided by the University of Wisconsin at Madison
Reference Detail: Page 44 (PDF page 63)
Comment Detail: Source notes that Eva P. [Maris] was the wife of D. Spear.
book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969: Ruth Iverson, Marj Strait, Margie Peters (ed.), Proving Up: Jones County History; Murdo, South Dakota: privately published, Book and Thimble Club [of Murdo], 1969 [The book is a history of Jones County along with personal reminiscences.]
Reference Detail: "The David C. Spear Family" (Kenneth and Ethel Spear), p. 414, image caption.
Comment Detail: Source includes date (April 3, 1890) and location (Guthrie County, Iowa).
census-us-1900-ps-ia-dallas-11-3b: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Dallas County, Linden, enumeration district 11, sheet 3B (form/penned) or page 114B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Iowa 〉 Dallas 〉 Linn 〉 District 0011" image 6; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240427]
Reference Detail: Lines 92,93, dwelling 72
Comment Detail: Source identifies Eva M. Spear as the wife of David C. Spear and the number of years married (10) for both. Using the official census date of 1 June 1900 gives a marriage date range from 2 June 1889 to 1 June 1890.
census-us-1910-ps-sd-lyman-54-8a: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Lyman County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 54, sheet 8A (form/penned) or page 44A (stamped); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Lyman 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0054" image 1; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1484 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375497]
Reference Detail: Lines 30,31, dwelling 9
Comment Detail: Source identifies Eva M. Spear as the wife of David C. Spear and the number of years married (20) for both. Using the official census date of 15 Apr 1910 gives a marriage date range from 16 Apr 1889 to 15 Apr 1890.
Show all citations and reference details for David C. Spear in a new window.
Child: Kenneth Maris Spear (1891 – 1975)
Child: Lyle Gilbert Spear (1893 – 1894)
Child: Mary A. Spear (1896 – 1986)
Child: George Emmor Spear (1898 – 1991)
Child: David Chester Spear (bet 1907/1908 – 1920)
Miscellaneous Facts
Burial: 15 Apr 1940 at Draper, Jones County, South Dakota, United States
Moved To Residence: Bet 1 Jul 1868 and 30 Jun 1869 at Guthrie Center, Guthrie County, Iowa, United States
Moved To Residence: 1885 at , Rawlins County, Kansas, United States
Education Level: 6, 1 Apr 1940
Cemetery: Draper Cemetery at Draper, Jones County, South Dakota, United States
family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held
Reference Detail: Deaths register page
Comment Detail: Source includes burial location (Draper, [Jones County,] SD [, USA]).
marker-david-eva-spear-1940-1937: Gravestone of David C. (1940) and Eva P. (1937) Spear; Draper Cemetery (Jones County, South Dakota), block 50, lot 1; photographed before 2010, privately held
Comment Detail: Marker is located in Draper Cemetery, in Draper, South Dakota.
obituary-david-spear-1940: Obituary for David C. Spear (1940); “Hill City Man Dies In Local Hospital,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1940 〉 04 〉 13" page 5; citing “The Rapid City Daily Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 13 Apr 1940 (Saturday), page 5, column 4”
Comment Detail: Source notes that the body was taken to Draper [, South Dakota] for burial on Monday [15 April 1940).
obituary-belle-border-1965: Obituary for Belle Spear Border (1964); “Obituaries / Mrs. Belle Spear Border,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 28 Nov 2022), “〉 United States 〉 Kansas 〉 Atwood 〉 The Citizen-Patriot 〉 1965 〉 October 〉 Oct 14 1965, Thu 〉 Page 13”, column 1; citing “The Citizen-Patriot (Atwood, Rawlins County, Kansas), 14 Oct 1965 (Thursday), page five, column 1”
Comment Detail: Source includes Belle Spear's age (8) and location (Iowa, near Guthrie Center). Using her age and her birth date of 1 Jul 1860 gives a date range from 1 Jul 1868 to 30 Jun 1869.
obituary-belle-border-1965: Obituary for Belle Spear Border (1964); “Obituaries / Mrs. Belle Spear Border,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 28 Nov 2022), “〉 United States 〉 Kansas 〉 Atwood 〉 The Citizen-Patriot 〉 1965 〉 October 〉 Oct 14 1965, Thu 〉 Page 13”, column 1; citing “The Citizen-Patriot (Atwood, Rawlins County, Kansas), 14 Oct 1965 (Thursday), page five, column 1”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1885) and destination location (Rawlins County Kansas).
census-us-1940-ps-sd-pennington-84-1a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Pennington County, Township 2S Range 5, enumeration district 52-84, sheet 1A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) "〉 South Dakota 〉 Pennington 〉 Township 2 S Range 5 〉 52-84" image 2; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 3865 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 3
Comment Detail: Source includes highest school grade attended (8).
marker-david-eva-spear-1940-1937: Gravestone of David C. (1940) and Eva P. (1937) Spear; Draper Cemetery (Jones County, South Dakota), block 50, lot 1; photographed before 2010, privately held
Comment Detail: Marker is located in Draper Cemetery, in Draper, South Dakota.
Show all citations and reference details for David C. Spear in a new window.
Residence: at Union Township, Guthrie County, Iowa, United States
Occupation: farmer
Residence: at Linden, Dallas County, Iowa, United States
Residence: at Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Wessington Springs, Jerauld County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at , Lyman County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Lincoln Township, Lyman County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Draper, Jones County, South Dakota, United States
Occupation: farmer
Residence: at Lincoln Township, Jones County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Hill City, Pennington County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Township 2 South Range 5 East, Pennington County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Township 2 South Range 5 East, Pennington County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Hill City, Pennington County, South Dakota, United States
Residence: at Hill City, Pennington County, South Dakota, United States
census-us-1870-ps-ia-guthrie-union-2: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Union, page 2 (form) or page 243B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 12 August 2018) 〉 "Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Union" image 2; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 393 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 545892]
Reference Detail: Line 5, dwelling 8
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jun 1870) and location (Union, in the County of Guthrie, State of Iowa).
birth-mary-spear-1896: Delayed birth certificate affidavit for Mary Anna Spear (1896); Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jan 2024), “〉 Delayed Birth Records 〉 ALL 〉 Delayed births, no. 065001-070000, 1896-1897”, image 2892; citing “State Historical Society of Iowa; Des Moines, Iowa; Title: Iowa Birth Records, 1888-1904 (original data: Iowa Births, 1880-1904, 1921-1946; State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa; Iowa Delayed Births, 1856-1940; State Historical Society of Iowa, States Archives, Des Moines, Iowa)”
Comment Detail: Source includes Mary's birth date (May 2 1896) and David's occupation at the time of her birth (Farmer).
census-us-1900-ps-ia-dallas-11-3b: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Dallas County, Linden, enumeration district 11, sheet 3B (form/penned) or page 114B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Iowa 〉 Dallas 〉 Linn 〉 District 0011" image 6; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240427]
Reference Detail: Lines 92, dwelling 72
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 June 1900) and location (Linden, County: Dallas, State: Iowa).
obituary-kenneth-spear-1975: Obituary for Kenneth Maris Spear (1975); “Kenneth M. Spear,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1975 〉 11 〉 28" page 6; citing “Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 28 Nov 1975 (Friday), page 6, column 2”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1903), noting it was the year the family moved, and location (Wessington Springs [, South Dakota]).
book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969: Ruth Iverson, Marj Strait, Margie Peters (ed.), Proving Up: Jones County History; Murdo, South Dakota: privately published, Book and Thimble Club [of Murdo], 1969 [The book is a history of Jones County along with personal reminiscences.]
Reference Detail: "The David C. Spear Family" (Kenneth and Ethel Spear), p. 413.
Comment Detail: Source includes date (1905) and location (Wessington Springs, South Dakota).
book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969: Ruth Iverson, Marj Strait, Margie Peters (ed.), Proving Up: Jones County History; Murdo, South Dakota: privately published, Book and Thimble Club [of Murdo], 1969 [The book is a history of Jones County along with personal reminiscences.]
Reference Detail: "The David C. Spear Family" (Kenneth and Ethel Spear), p. 414.
Comment Detail: Source includes date (April, 1906) and location (... we started to [move from Wessington Springs to] "The Land of Promise").
book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969: Ruth Iverson, Marj Strait, Margie Peters (ed.), Proving Up: Jones County History; Murdo, South Dakota: privately published, Book and Thimble Club [of Murdo], 1969 [The book is a history of Jones County along with personal reminiscences.]
Reference Detail: "Spear Family" (Mary Willett Spear), p. 415.
Comment Detail: Source includes date (May 5, 1906) and location (Jones (then Lyman) County [, South Dakota]). Although D.C. is not explicitly named here, Mary was D.C.'s daughter and she is talking about her parents and siblings relocating to the Lyman County farm.
obituary-kenneth-spear-1975: Obituary for Kenneth Maris Spear (1975); “Kenneth M. Spear,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1975 〉 11 〉 28" page 6; citing “Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 28 Nov 1975 (Friday), page 6, column 2”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1906) and location (Jones County, northwest of Draper). Note that Jones County did not exist until 1916. Their move was to Lyman County, which included the future Jones County.
census-us-1910-ps-sd-lyman-54-8a: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Lyman County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 54, sheet 8A (form/penned) or page 44A (stamped); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Lyman 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0054" image 1; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 1484 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1375497]
Reference Detail: Line 30, dwelling 9
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (15 Apr 1910) and location (Lincoln Township, County: Lyman, State: South Dakota).
obituary-thomas-spear-1923: Obituary for Thomas James Spear (1923); “T.J. Spear Dies Suddenly,” Oberlin Herald (Oberlin Kansas), 16 Aug 1923 (Thursday), page unknown, column unknown
Comment Detail: Source includes town and implied state (Draper, South Dakota), and implied date (12 Aug 1923).
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jones-11-1a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jones County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 38-11, sheet 1A (form/penned) or page 242A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jones 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0011" image 1; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 49, dwelling 8
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1930) and occupation (Farming).
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jones-11-1a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jones County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 38-11, sheet 1A (form/penned) or page 242A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jones 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0011" image 1; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 49, dwelling 8
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1930) and location (Lincoln Township, County: Jones, State: South Dakota).
book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969: Ruth Iverson, Marj Strait, Margie Peters (ed.), Proving Up: Jones County History; Murdo, South Dakota: privately published, Book and Thimble Club [of Murdo], 1969 [The book is a history of Jones County along with personal reminiscences.]
Reference Detail: "The David C. Spear Family" (Kenneth and Ethel Spear), p. 415.
Comment Detail: Souce includes date (1931) and location (moved to the Black Hills near Hill City).
census-us-1940-ps-sd-pennington-84-1a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Pennington County, Township 2S Range 5, enumeration district 52-84, sheet 1A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) "〉 South Dakota 〉 Pennington 〉 Township 2 S Range 5 〉 52-84" image 2; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 3865 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 3
Comment Detail: Source includes date (1 Apr 1935) and location (Township 2S Range 5E, Pennington County, South Dakota).
census-us-1940-ps-sd-pennington-84-1a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Pennington County, Township 2S Range 5, enumeration district 52-84, sheet 1A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) "〉 South Dakota 〉 Pennington 〉 Township 2 S Range 5 〉 52-84" image 2; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 3865 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 3
Comment Detail: Source includes date (1 Apr 1940) and location (Township 2S Range 5, Pennington County, South Dakota).
birth-mary-spear-1896: Delayed birth certificate affidavit for Mary Anna Spear (1896); Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jan 2024), “〉 Delayed Birth Records 〉 ALL 〉 Delayed births, no. 065001-070000, 1896-1897”, image 2892; citing “State Historical Society of Iowa; Des Moines, Iowa; Title: Iowa Birth Records, 1888-1904 (original data: Iowa Births, 1880-1904, 1921-1946; State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa; Iowa Delayed Births, 1856-1940; State Historical Society of Iowa, States Archives, Des Moines, Iowa)”
Comment Detail: Source includes date of affadavit (2nd day of April 1940) and residence location (Hill City in the COUNTY OF Pennington, STATE OF South Dakota).
obituary-david-spear-1940: Obituary for David C. Spear (1940); “Hill City Man Dies In Local Hospital,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1940 〉 04 〉 13" page 5; citing “The Rapid City Daily Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 13 Apr 1940 (Saturday), page 5, column 4”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (13 Apr 1940) and location (Hill City [, South Dakota]).
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General Notes and Anecdotes
D.C. and his family moved to Wessington Springs [Jerauld County, South Dakota] about 1903, where in late 1905 they filed for a homestead in on White Clay Creek. By late April 1906 they were ready to move to their new home, where they arrived in early May 1906. Although they shipped their goods (mostly) via the railroad, the family came by wagon. [book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969]
In 1913, David acquired 160 acres in Jones county. [land-david-spear-land-patent-1913]
On 14 Dec 1917, D.C. was one of the jurors summoned to the first circuit court in the newly created Jones County (South Dakota). [book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969]
D.C. was very active in church work, including Sunday school, and was known to be a fine singer. He was also a perfectionist and an advocate of the concept, "pay back is hell." [interview-{private}-2006-b]
The retaining wall in front of the cabin was built entirely by hand, without power tools; just a stone boat (a sledge), chains, bar, hammers, and chisels. The only power was supplied by a couple of horses to drag the sled. The stones were assembled without mortar in rows of varying colors, and still stands today. [interview-{private}-2006-b]
By 1930, David and Eva had moved in with son Kenneth's family in Jones County. The next year however, they had moved back to their old homestead in Pennington County. They lived there, with son George's family, for the rest of their lives. [book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969, census-us-1930-ps-sd-jones-11-1a, census-us-1940-ps-sd-pennington-84-1a]
book-proving-up-jones-county-history-1969: Ruth Iverson, Marj Strait, Margie Peters (ed.), Proving Up: Jones County History; Murdo, South Dakota: privately published, Book and Thimble Club [of Murdo], 1969 [The book is a history of Jones County along with personal reminiscences.]
Reference Detail: "The David C. Spear Family" (Kenneth and Ethel Spear), pp. 413-414; "Spear Family" (Mary Willett Spear), p. 415.
census-us-1930-ps-sd-jones-11-1a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Jones County, Lincoln Township, enumeration district 38-11, sheet 1A (form/penned) or page 242A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "South Dakota 〉 Jones 〉 Lincoln 〉 District 0011" image 1; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2225 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2341959]
Reference Detail: Lines 44,49,50, dwelling 8
census-us-1940-ps-sd-pennington-84-1a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, South Dakota, Pennington County, Township 2S Range 5, enumeration district 52-84, sheet 1A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) "〉 South Dakota 〉 Pennington 〉 Township 2 S Range 5 〉 52-84" image 2; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 3865 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 3
interview-{private}-2006-b: Email conversation with {private}, 12 Oct 2006; privately held
Reference Detail: Message #2.
land-david-spear-land-patent-1913: Land patent for David C. Spear; BLM General Land Office (http://www.glorecords.blm.gov: accessed before 5 May 2018), serial patent, accession #327067, South Dakota, certificate #03569, issued 19 Apr 1913
(no additional information)
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Given Name: This database uses David C. His son Kenneth's obituary uses the name David Z. [obituary-kenneth-spear-1975]
Birth Date: This database uses 22 March 1862. Using his age (7) on the official 1870 census date of 1 June 1870 gives a birth date range from 2 June 1862 to 1 June 1863. [census-us-1870-ps-ia-guthrie-union-2]
The 'C' is not really an initial, it is just 'C' -- it doesn't stand for a name. (from {private} Spear, no source?)
Add examples for the "payback is hell" comment in the general notes.
Although his obituary indicates he lived in Hill City, this was only his postal address, and he still lived outside of town. [obituary-david-spear-1940]
David may have been born in Mt. Ephraim, Ohio. [research-a-spear-family-history]
Were David and Eva actually married in Wichita, Iowa? [research-a-spear-family-history]
In 1926, D.C. purchased 12 acres and a cabin in the Black Hills near Keystone, where he and Eva lived for most of their remaining lives. Because of the visible stone core of the Hills rising above the home, Eva named it Rock Valley. Many days were spent collecting the colorful quartz and obsidian to construct a layered retaining wall in front of the house. (from A History of Pennington County, S.D. by the Pennington County History Book Committee, published in Dallas, Texas: Taylor Publishing Co., 1986 -- found in the Rapid City Public Library)
census-us-1870-ps-ia-guthrie-union-2: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Union, page 2 (form) or page 243B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 12 August 2018) 〉 "Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Union" image 2; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 393 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 545892]
Reference Detail: Line 5, dwelling 8
obituary-david-spear-1940: Obituary for David C. Spear (1940); “Hill City Man Dies In Local Hospital,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1940 〉 04 〉 13" page 5; citing “The Rapid City Daily Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 13 Apr 1940 (Saturday), page 5, column 4”
(no additional information)
obituary-kenneth-spear-1975: Obituary for Kenneth Maris Spear (1975); “Kenneth M. Spear,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 6 May 2021), image “United States of America 〉 South Dakota 〉 Rapid City 〉 Rapid City Journal 〉 1975 〉 11 〉 28" page 6; citing “Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota), 28 Nov 1975 (Friday), page 6, column 2”
(no additional information)
research-a-spear-family-history: {private} Engelmann, A Spear Family History, privately printed 1988, updated 2002, 2005; privately held
(no additional information)
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