Descendant Tree of Samel Newell Jr.
This page shows up to 10 generations. Spouses and partners are indented and marked with a ‘+’. Children are further indented and shown with the next generation number.
1. Samel Newell Jr. (1686 – ?) [set base to father | mother]
+ Sarah Norton (? – 1775) [set base to this person | father | mother]
2. Asahel Newell (1725 – 1769) [set base to this person]
+ Hannah Woodruff (1731 – 1815) [set base to this person]
3. Solomon Newell (1752 – 1799) [set base to this person]
+ Damairs Johnson (1751 – 1830) [set base to this person]
4. Asahel Newell (1784 – 1867) [set base to this person]
+ Elizabeth Bushnell (1779 – 1845) [set base to this person]
5. Elizabeth (Betsy) Newell (1813 – 1891) [set base to this person]
+ Royal Elanson Twitchell (1807 – 1869) [set base to this person]
6. James Edwin Twitchell (1839 – 1924) [set base to this person]
+ Emily (Emma) Bailey (1845 – 1912) [set base to this person]
7. Sherman Twitchell (1865 – 1865) [set base to this person]
7. Mary Eliza Twitchell (1866 – ?) [set base to this person]
7. Candace Luvinia Twitchell (1868 – ?) [set base to this person]
7. Elanson Bailey Twitchell (1870 – ?) [set base to this person]
7. James Newell Hightower Twitchell (1872 – ?) [set base to this person]
7. Margaretta Emily Twitchell (1875 – ?) [set base to this person]
7. Gideon Leonard Twitchell (1877 – ?) [set base to this person]
7. Katherine (Kate) Twitchell (1882 – 1921) [set base to this person]
+ Leslie Burson Emry (1880 – 1933) [set base to this person]
8. Leslie Burson Emry Jr (1911 – 1977) [set base to this person]
+ Ruth Jane Rich (1919 – ?) [set base to this person]
9. Betty Jane Emry (1942 – ?) [set base to this person]
+ {private}
10. {private}
+ {private}
9. {private}
9. {private}
8. Edwin Cyrus Emry (1913 – 1992) [set base to this person]
+ Florence Jean Cooley (1911 – 1991) [set base to this person]
9. {private}
9. {private}
8. David Twitchell Emry (1915 – 1986) [set base to this person]
+ Elizabeth May Weeks (1914 – 1991) [set base to this person]
9. {private}
9. {private}
9. {private}
7. Carl Rhoades Twitchell (1885 – ?) [set base to this person]