Descendant Tree of Helge O. Knudtson
This page shows up to 10 generations. Spouses and partners are indented and marked with a ‘+’. Children are further indented and shown with the next generation number.
1. Helge O. Knudtson (? – ?)
+ Betsy P. Peterson (1882 – 1964) [set base to this person | father | mother]
2. Oscar H. Knudson (1902 – 1976) [set base to this person]
+ Loretta M. Freely (1905 – bef 1958) [set base to this person]
2. Harold K. Knudtson (1904 – 1948) [set base to this person]
+ Eleanor ____ (abt 1907 – ?) [set base to this person]