Ann Maris
Last updated 22 Aug 2021 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Born: 11 Jul 1791
Father: David Maris (1753 – ?)
Mother: Sarah Rachel Fawkes (1757 – ?)
book-maris-family-in-the-us-1885: George L. Maris and Annie M. Maris (compilers), The Maris Family in the United States: A Record of the Descendants of George and Alice Maris, 1683–1885; West Chester, Pennsylvania: F. S. Hickman, 1885; book image (PDF), Google Books ( accessed 20 Apr 2018), held by General Library of University of Michigan [Source includes abstracts from wills and other documents, along with interviews with contemporary descendants.]
Reference Detail: Page 27 (PDF page 88)
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ann [Maris]).
book-roster-of-revolutionary-ancestors-v1-1976: A roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution, database with images, (; accessed multiple dates) 〉 “Vol 1”; citing “A roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution: Commemoration of the United States of America Bicentennial, July 4, 1976; Evansville, Ind.: Unigraphic, 1976 (reproduction)” [Collection of mini-biographies, including spouses, children, and military details for revolutionary war participants, along with the latest known descendent as of 1976. These individuals were presumably used to provide proof of descent for DAR memberships.]
Reference Detail: Page 404 (image 410, accessed 17 Oct 2006), entry for "Maris, David"
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Ann [Maris]).
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book-maris-family-in-the-us-1885: George L. Maris and Annie M. Maris (compilers), The Maris Family in the United States: A Record of the Descendants of George and Alice Maris, 1683–1885; West Chester, Pennsylvania: F. S. Hickman, 1885; book image (PDF), Google Books ( accessed 20 Apr 2018), held by General Library of University of Michigan [Source includes abstracts from wills and other documents, along with interviews with contemporary descendants.]
Reference Detail: Page 27 (PDF page 88)
Comment Detail: Source includes date (7, 11, 1791 [mm, dd, yyyy]).
book-roster-of-revolutionary-ancestors-v1-1976: A roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution, database with images, (; accessed multiple dates) 〉 “Vol 1”; citing “A roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution: Commemoration of the United States of America Bicentennial, July 4, 1976; Evansville, Ind.: Unigraphic, 1976 (reproduction)” [Collection of mini-biographies, including spouses, children, and military details for revolutionary war participants, along with the latest known descendent as of 1976. These individuals were presumably used to provide proof of descent for DAR memberships.]
Reference Detail: Page 404 (image 410, accessed 17 Oct 2006), entry for "Maris, David"
Comment Detail: Source includes date (11 July 1791).
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book-maris-family-in-the-us-1885: George L. Maris and Annie M. Maris (compilers), The Maris Family in the United States: A Record of the Descendants of George and Alice Maris, 1683–1885; West Chester, Pennsylvania: F. S. Hickman, 1885; book image (PDF), Google Books ( accessed 20 Apr 2018), held by General Library of University of Michigan [Source includes abstracts from wills and other documents, along with interviews with contemporary descendants.]
Reference Detail: Page 27 (PDF page 88)
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ann [Maris] as a child of David Maris. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
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book-maris-family-in-the-us-1885: George L. Maris and Annie M. Maris (compilers), The Maris Family in the United States: A Record of the Descendants of George and Alice Maris, 1683–1885; West Chester, Pennsylvania: F. S. Hickman, 1885; book image (PDF), Google Books ( accessed 20 Apr 2018), held by General Library of University of Michigan [Source includes abstracts from wills and other documents, along with interviews with contemporary descendants.]
Reference Detail: Page 27 (PDF page 88)
Comment Detail: Source identifies Ann [Maris] as a child of Sarah Fawkes. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
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General Notes and Anecdotes
Ann died young. [book-maris-family-in-the-us-1885, book-roster-of-revolutionary-ancestors-v1-1976]
book-maris-family-in-the-us-1885: George L. Maris and Annie M. Maris (compilers), The Maris Family in the United States: A Record of the Descendants of George and Alice Maris, 1683–1885; West Chester, Pennsylvania: F. S. Hickman, 1885; book image (PDF), Google Books ( accessed 20 Apr 2018), held by General Library of University of Michigan [Source includes abstracts from wills and other documents, along with interviews with contemporary descendants.]
Reference Detail: Page 27 (PDF page 88)
book-roster-of-revolutionary-ancestors-v1-1976: A roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution, database with images, (; accessed multiple dates) 〉 “Vol 1”; citing “A roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution: Commemoration of the United States of America Bicentennial, July 4, 1976; Evansville, Ind.: Unigraphic, 1976 (reproduction)” [Collection of mini-biographies, including spouses, children, and military details for revolutionary war participants, along with the latest known descendent as of 1976. These individuals were presumably used to provide proof of descent for DAR memberships.]
Reference Detail: Page 404 (image 410, accessed 17 Oct 2006), entry for "Maris, David"
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