John Sharples

Last updated 6 Sep 2021 in Spear–Johnson Family.


Died: 11 Jun 1685 in , Chester County, Province of Pennsylvania, British America

Supporting evidence for:

book-genealogy-of-the-sharpless-family-1887: Gilbert Cope (compiler), Henry Fishwick, Joseph Lemuel Chester, Genealogy of the Sharpless Family: Descended from John and Jane Sharples, Settlers near Chester, Pennsylvania, 1682: …; Manchester, Indiana: Heckman Bindery, photocopy reprint of original published by Philadelphia: Dando Printing and Publishing Co. (“For the Family, under the auspices of the Bi-centennial Committee, Philadelphia”), 1887; book image (PDF), Internet Archive ( accessed 21 Apr 2018); held by Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Fort Wayne, Indiana [This book includes transcriptions and a few actual images of original wills and other documents.]

Reference Detail: Page 68 (PDF page 110)

Comment Detail: Source includes name (John Sharples).

book-passengers-and-ships-prior-to-1684-1970: Passengers and Ships Prior to 1684, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed on multiple dates); citing “Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. (comp. and ed.) (, Passengers and Ships Prior to 1684; Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1970, for the Welcome Society of Pennsylvania” [Consists of reprints of articles (with corrections and additions) of port documents from England.]

Reference Detail: Page 40 (image 52), accessed 30 May 2009

Comment Detail: Source includes name (John Shapless). See research notes for spelling conflict not shown here.

religious-registry-chester-mm-burials-1682-5: Chester Monthly Meeting burial register begun 23 Dec 1682 (Chester, Province of Pennsylvania), pages 5–6; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, ( accessed 28 Aug 2021), “⟩ Pennsylvania ⟩ Chester ⟩ Chester Monthly Meeting ⟩ Burials, 1682”, image 4; citing “Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records”

Reference Detail: Pages 5, 6, multiple entries

Comment Detail: Source includes name (John Sharples).

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book-genealogy-of-the-sharpless-family-1887: Gilbert Cope (compiler), Henry Fishwick, Joseph Lemuel Chester, Genealogy of the Sharpless Family: Descended from John and Jane Sharples, Settlers near Chester, Pennsylvania, 1682: …; Manchester, Indiana: Heckman Bindery, photocopy reprint of original published by Philadelphia: Dando Printing and Publishing Co. (“For the Family, under the auspices of the Bi-centennial Committee, Philadelphia”), 1887; book image (PDF), Internet Archive ( accessed 21 Apr 2018); held by Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Fort Wayne, Indiana [This book includes transcriptions and a few actual images of original wills and other documents.]

Reference Detail: Page 68 (PDF page 110)

Comment Detail: Source includes date (4 mo. 11, 1685 [old style]) and location (near Chester, Pennsylvania).

religious-registry-chester-mm-burials-1682-5: Chester Monthly Meeting burial register begun 23 Dec 1682 (Chester, Province of Pennsylvania), pages 5–6; U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, ( accessed 28 Aug 2021), “⟩ Pennsylvania ⟩ Chester ⟩ Chester Monthly Meeting ⟩ Burials, 1682”, image 4; citing “Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records”

Reference Detail: Page 6, entry 1

Comment Detail: Source includes date (11th Day of the 4th month 1685 [old style]).

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Spouse/Partner: Jane Moore (1638 – 1722)

Married: 1662

Supporting evidence for:

book-genealogy-of-the-sharpless-family-1887: Gilbert Cope (compiler), Henry Fishwick, Joseph Lemuel Chester, Genealogy of the Sharpless Family: Descended from John and Jane Sharples, Settlers near Chester, Pennsylvania, 1682: …; Manchester, Indiana: Heckman Bindery, photocopy reprint of original published by Philadelphia: Dando Printing and Publishing Co. (“For the Family, under the auspices of the Bi-centennial Committee, Philadelphia”), 1887; book image (PDF), Internet Archive ( accessed 21 Apr 2018); held by Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Fort Wayne, Indiana [This book includes transcriptions and a few actual images of original wills and other documents.]

Reference Detail: Pages 57,68 (PDF pages 99,110)

Comment Detail: Source includes year (1662). Note that this is from 57. A full date of (2m (April) 27, 1662 [old style]) is given on page 68, but per the text on page 57, this must be an estimate by the author.

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Child: Phebe Sharples (1663 – 1685)

Child: John Sharples (1666 – ?)

Child: Thomas Sharples (1668 – 1682)

Child: James Sharples (1670 – abt 1746)

Child: Caleb Sharples (1673 – 1686)

Child: Jane Sharples (1676 – 1685)

Child: Joseph Sharples (1678 – ?)

Miscellaneous Facts


Christening: 15 Aug 1624 at , Wybunbury, Cheshire, England

Immigration: on the Friendship out of Liverpool, 14 Aug 1682 at Upland, Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States

Supporting evidence for:

book-genealogy-of-the-sharpless-family-1887: Gilbert Cope (compiler), Henry Fishwick, Joseph Lemuel Chester, Genealogy of the Sharpless Family: Descended from John and Jane Sharples, Settlers near Chester, Pennsylvania, 1682: …; Manchester, Indiana: Heckman Bindery, photocopy reprint of original published by Philadelphia: Dando Printing and Publishing Co. (“For the Family, under the auspices of the Bi-centennial Committee, Philadelphia”), 1887; book image (PDF), Internet Archive ( accessed 21 Apr 2018); held by Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Fort Wayne, Indiana [This book includes transcriptions and a few actual images of original wills and other documents.]

Reference Detail: Page 68 (PDF page 110)

Comment Detail: Source includes date (Aug. 15, 1624) and location (Wybunbury, Cheshire, England).

book-passengers-and-ships-prior-to-1684-1970: Passengers and Ships Prior to 1684, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed on multiple dates); citing “Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. (comp. and ed.) (, Passengers and Ships Prior to 1684; Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1970, for the Welcome Society of Pennsylvania” [Consists of reprints of articles (with corrections and additions) of port documents from England.]

Reference Detail: Page 40 text and footnotes 37,41 (image 52), accessed 30 May 2009

Comment Detail: Source includes presumed arrival date (14 Aug 1682), location (Upland [, Chester County, Pennsylvania]), ship name (Friendship) and departure port (Liverpool).

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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)


Surname: This database uses Sharples. Passengers and Ships Prior to 1684 also notes the alternate spelling of Sharpless. [book-passengers-and-ships-prior-to-1684-1970]


John and Jane Sharples and their family are sometimes noted as immigrating aboard the Welcome with Governor William Penn. However, the port records from England indicate that the Sharples family did not arrive until August 1682, aboard the Friendship. [book-passengers-and-ships-prior-to-1684-1970]

There exists a record of a trial in which several people, including John Sharples[s] and Richard Woodward, were accused of "...High Treason, in tumultuously assembling themselves in Moorfields, and other Places, under Colour of pulling down Bawdy Houses...". The trial was held in Middlesex County, England, in 1668. Richard was acquitted as were several others; I didn't notice a verdict explicitly for John, but it appears he was also acquitted. The rest were found guilty, but the prose is complex. If this turns out to be the same John and/or Richard in this tree, I'll spend more time on it. (from A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors from the Earliest Period to the Year 1783, with Notes and Other Illustrations by T. B. Howell, Esq. F.R.S F.S.A., 1816. The work consists of 21 volumes; this information is entry #227, page 879(?), in volume 6, "13-30 Charles II, 1661-1678.")

Supporting evidence for:
research notes

book-passengers-and-ships-prior-to-1684-1970: Passengers and Ships Prior to 1684, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed on multiple dates); citing “Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. (comp. and ed.) (, Passengers and Ships Prior to 1684; Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1970, for the Welcome Society of Pennsylvania” [Consists of reprints of articles (with corrections and additions) of port documents from England.]

Reference Detail: Pages 16-17 (images 28-29), accessed 30 May 2009; Page 40 (image 52), accessed 30 May 2009

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