Elizabeth Hunt
Last updated 11 Sep 2021 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Died: 1701
book-mendenhalls-a-genealogy-1969: The Mendenhalls; database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed on multiple dates); citing "Henry Hart Beeson, The Mendenhalls: A Genealogy; Houston, unknown, 1991" [This is a privately published genealogy, and appears to be typed rather than typeset. Reference is made to some original records, but there are no images or transcripts included.]
Reference Detail: Page 4 (image 6), accessed 29 Aug 2009
Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Elizabeth Bartram).
book-natures-of-john-and-william-bartram-1996: Thomas P. Slaughter, The Natures of John and William Bartram; New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996, ISBN 0-679-43045-8 [Biography of John and William Bartram.]
Reference Detail: Page 22.
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Elizah _____).
marriage-bartram-hunt-1696: Marriage record for William Bartram and Elizah Hunt (1696); U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 15 Aug 2019) 〉 “Pennsylvania 〉 Delaware 〉 Darby Monthly Meeting 〉 A Few Certificates and Marriages, 1684-1763” image 56; citing “Darby Monthly Meeting 1684–1763 (a few Certificates and Marriages in front pages), page 67; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Elizah Hunt).
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book-natures-of-john-and-william-bartram-1996: Thomas P. Slaughter, The Natures of John and William Bartram; New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996, ISBN 0-679-43045-8 [Biography of John and William Bartram.]
Reference Detail: Page 22.
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1701).
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Spouse/Partner: William Bartram (? – 1711)
Married: 27 May 1696 in Darby, Chester County, Province of Pennsylvania, British America
book-mendenhalls-a-genealogy-1969: The Mendenhalls; database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed on multiple dates); citing "Henry Hart Beeson, The Mendenhalls: A Genealogy; Houston, unknown, 1991" [This is a privately published genealogy, and appears to be typed rather than typeset. Reference is made to some original records, but there are no images or transcripts included.]
Reference Detail: Page 4 (image 6), accessed 29 Aug 2009
Comment Detail: Source implies marriage of William and Elizabeth Bartram.
marriage-bartram-hunt-1696: Marriage record for William Bartram and Elizah Hunt (1696); U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 15 Aug 2019) 〉 “Pennsylvania 〉 Delaware 〉 Darby Monthly Meeting 〉 A Few Certificates and Marriages, 1684-1763” image 56; citing “Darby Monthly Meeting 1684–1763 (a few Certificates and Marriages in front pages), page 67; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania”
Comment Detail: Source includes location implied because this took place at the Darby Monthly Meeting, and date ("this twenty & seventh day of ye third month one thousand and six hundred ninety & six"). Note this was before the 1752 calendar change for England (and colonies), so third month was May.
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Child: John Bartram (1698 – 1777)
Child: James Bartram (1701 – ?)
Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Elizah's father's name was James Hunt. [marriage-bartram-hunt-1696]
Her mother's name may have been Elizah Chambers.
Elizah may have died 21 Oct 1701 in Darby, Province of Pennsylvania.
marriage-bartram-hunt-1696: Marriage record for William Bartram and Elizah Hunt (1696); U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 15 Aug 2019) 〉 “Pennsylvania 〉 Delaware 〉 Darby Monthly Meeting 〉 A Few Certificates and Marriages, 1684-1763” image 56; citing “Darby Monthly Meeting 1684–1763 (a few Certificates and Marriages in front pages), page 67; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania”
(no additional information)
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