Sarah Williams

Last updated 17 May 2020 in Spear–Johnson Family.


Born: 10 May 1763

Father: Richard Williams (? – 1781)

Mother: Prudence Beals (? – 1815)

Supporting evidence for:

family-richard-prudence-williams-quaker-mm: U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry ( 7 July 2019), North Carolina ⟩ Guilford County ⟩ New Garden Monthly Meeting ⟩ Men's Minutes, 1783-1800, image 180; citing "The Third Book: In which are recorded minutes of the monthly meeting of New Garden (Men's Minutes, 1783-1800), Records Volume 1, page 16”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Sarah Williams).

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family-richard-prudence-williams-quaker-mm: U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry ( 7 July 2019), North Carolina ⟩ Guilford County ⟩ New Garden Monthly Meeting ⟩ Men's Minutes, 1783-1800, image 180; citing "The Third Book: In which are recorded minutes of the monthly meeting of New Garden (Men's Minutes, 1783-1800), Records Volume 1, page 16”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (the 10 of the 5 month 1763).

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family-richard-prudence-williams-quaker-mm: U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry ( 7 July 2019), North Carolina ⟩ Guilford County ⟩ New Garden Monthly Meeting ⟩ Men's Minutes, 1783-1800, image 180; citing "The Third Book: In which are recorded minutes of the monthly meeting of New Garden (Men's Minutes, 1783-1800), Records Volume 1, page 16”

Comment Detail: Source identifies Richard Williams as the father of Sarah Williams.

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family-richard-prudence-williams-quaker-mm: U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, database with images, Ancestry ( 7 July 2019), North Carolina ⟩ Guilford County ⟩ New Garden Monthly Meeting ⟩ Men's Minutes, 1783-1800, image 180; citing "The Third Book: In which are recorded minutes of the monthly meeting of New Garden (Men's Minutes, 1783-1800), Records Volume 1, page 16”

Comment Detail: Source identifies Prudence Williams as the mother of Sarah Williams.

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