Meryle Ellen Marshall

Last updated 1 Nov 2023 in Spear–Johnson Family.


Born: 15 Aug 1921 in , , California, United States

Died: 21 Apr 1997 in , Los Angeles County, California, United States

Supporting evidence for:

birth-npri-sharon-johnson-1942: Birth index entry for Sharon Darlene Johnson (1942); California Birth Index, 1905-1995, database, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), no physical record image; citing “State of California; California Birth Index, 1905-1995; Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics”

Comment Detail: Source includes surname (Marshall).

census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-1527-7: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 19-1527, sheet 7; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), "⟩ California ⟩ Los Angeles ⟩ South Los Angeles ⟩ 19-1527", image 8; citing "Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 3648 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C."

Reference Detail: Lines 7-9

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Rucher, Meryle E.).

death-npri-meryle-griffith-1997: California death index entry for Meryle Ellen Griffith (1997); California, U.S., Death Index, 1940-1997, database, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), no physical record image; citing “State of California; California Death Index, 1940-1997; Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Meryle Ellen Marshall) and [married] name (Meryle Ellen Griffith).

interview-helen-oram-2009: Notes from interview with Helen (Johnson) Caswell Oram, 19 Oct 2009; privately held

Reference Detail: Note #10: George O. Johnson.

Comment Detail: Source includes first name (Murial[sp?]).

marriage-bogues-rucker-1951: California marriage index for Archie G. Bogues and Meryle E. Rucker/Marshall (1951); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1951”, image 42, entries 45,46, right side (7,8 from the bottom); citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Rucker (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Marshall, Meryle E.) and [married] name (Rucker, Meryle E.).

marriage-griffith-bogues-1959: California marriage index entries for Albert N. Griffith and Meryle E. Bogues/Marshall (1959); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1959”, image 234, entries 83, 84, right side; citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Bogues (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Marshall, Meryle E.) and [married] name (Bogues, Meryle E.).

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Meryle Ellen Marshall).

marriage-karam-marshall-1978: California marriage index entry for Moses Karam and Marshall (1978); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1960-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1970-1979 ⟩ Kelley-Martinez ⟩ Marine, Judith L-Martinez, Jennifer”, image 111, entry 33; citing “State of California; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985; Microfiche; Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Marshall, Meryle E.).

marriage-rucker-johnson-1948: Marriage index entry for Earl P. Rucker and Meryle E. Johnson (1948); California, U.S., County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1849-1980, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ Unknown ⟩ Marriage ⟩ 1948”, image 436, entry 26; citing “California Department of Public Health, courtesy of Digital Images; (original data: California, County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1830-1980; California Department of Public Health)”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Johnson, Meryle E.).

Show all citations and reference details for Meryle Ellen Marshall in a new window.


death-npri-meryle-griffith-1997: California death index entry for Meryle Ellen Griffith (1997); California, U.S., Death Index, 1940-1997, database, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), no physical record image; citing “State of California; California Death Index, 1940-1997; Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (15 Aug 1921) and location (California).

marriage-bogues-rucker-1951: California marriage index for Archie G. Bogues and Meryle E. Rucker/Marshall (1951); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1951”, image 42, entries 45,46, right side (7,8 from the bottom); citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Rucker (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes age (30). Using her age and the marriage date of 31 Dec 1951 gives a birth date range from 1 Jan 1921 to 31 Dec 1921.

marriage-griffith-bogues-1959: California marriage index entries for Albert N. Griffith and Meryle E. Bogues/Marshall (1959); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1959”, image 234, entries 83, 84, right side; citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Bogues (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes age (37). Using her age and the marriage date of 21 Feb 1959 gives a birth date range from 22 Feb 1921 to 21 Feb 1922.

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes license date (12 November 1940), age (19), and location (Calif). Using the license date of and her age gives a birth date range from 13 Nov 1920 to 12 Nov 1921.

marriage-karam-marshall-1978: California marriage index entry for Moses Karam and Marshall (1978); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1960-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1970-1979 ⟩ Kelley-Martinez ⟩ Marine, Judith L-Martinez, Jennifer”, image 111, entry 33; citing “State of California; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985; Microfiche; Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes age (56). Using her age and the marriage date of 5 May 1978 gives a birth date range from 6 May 1921 to 5 May 1922.

census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-1527-7: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 19-1527, sheet 7; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), "⟩ California ⟩ Los Angeles ⟩ South Los Angeles ⟩ 19-1527", image 8; citing "Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 3648 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C."

Reference Detail: Lines 7-9

Comment Detail: Source includes age (28) and location (California). Using her age and the official census date of 1 Apr 1950 gives a birth date range from 2 Apr 1921 to 1 Apr 1922.

Show all citations and reference details for Meryle Ellen Marshall in a new window.


death-npri-meryle-griffith-1997: California death index entry for Meryle Ellen Griffith (1997); California, U.S., Death Index, 1940-1997, database, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), no physical record image; citing “State of California; California Death Index, 1940-1997; Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (21 Apr 1997) and location (Los Angeles [County, California]).

Show all citations and reference details for Meryle Ellen Marshall in a new window.

Family #1

Spouse/Partner: George Oliver Johnson (1918 – 1991)

Married: 16 Nov 1940 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States

Supporting evidence for:

interview-helen-oram-2009: Notes from interview with Helen (Johnson) Caswell Oram, 19 Oct 2009; privately held

Reference Detail: Note #10: George O. Johnson.

Comment Detail: Source identifies Muriel as the first wife of George O. Johnson.

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes location (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California) and date (16 November 1940).

census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-1527-7: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 19-1527, sheet 7; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), "⟩ California ⟩ Los Angeles ⟩ South Los Angeles ⟩ 19-1527", image 8; citing "Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 3648 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C."

Reference Detail: Lines 7-9

Comment Detail: Source identifies Meryle E. Rucher as the wife of Earl P. Rucher.

marriage-rucker-johnson-1948: Marriage index entry for Earl P. Rucker and Meryle E. Johnson (1948); California, U.S., County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1849-1980, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ Unknown ⟩ Marriage ⟩ 1948”, image 436, entry 26; citing “California Department of Public Health, courtesy of Digital Images; (original data: California, County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1830-1980; California Department of Public Health)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (1948 / Nov / 1).

marriage-bogues-rucker-1951: California marriage index for Archie G. Bogues and Meryle E. Rucker/Marshall (1951); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1951”, image 42, entries 45,46, right side (7,8 from the bottom); citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Rucker (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (12-31-51 [mdy]) and location (70 [county/city code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-griffith-bogues-1959: California marriage index entries for Albert N. Griffith and Meryle E. Bogues/Marshall (1959); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1959”, image 234, entries 83, 84, right side; citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Bogues (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (2-21-59 [mdy]) and location ("70" [code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-karam-marshall-1978: California marriage index entry for Moses Karam and Marshall (1978); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1960-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1970-1979 ⟩ Kelley-Martinez ⟩ Marine, Judith L-Martinez, Jennifer”, image 111, entry 33; citing “State of California; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985; Microfiche; Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (05-05-78 [mdy]) and location ("19" [code for Los Angeles County, California]).

Show all citations and reference details for Meryle Ellen Marshall in a new window.

Child: {private}

Family #2

Spouse/Partner: Earl P. Rucker (bet 1922/1923 – ?)

Married: Bef 1 Nov 1948

Supporting evidence for:

interview-helen-oram-2009: Notes from interview with Helen (Johnson) Caswell Oram, 19 Oct 2009; privately held

Reference Detail: Note #10: George O. Johnson.

Comment Detail: Source identifies Muriel as the first wife of George O. Johnson.

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes location (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California) and date (16 November 1940).

census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-1527-7: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 19-1527, sheet 7; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), "⟩ California ⟩ Los Angeles ⟩ South Los Angeles ⟩ 19-1527", image 8; citing "Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 3648 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C."

Reference Detail: Lines 7-9

Comment Detail: Source identifies Meryle E. Rucher as the wife of Earl P. Rucher.

marriage-rucker-johnson-1948: Marriage index entry for Earl P. Rucker and Meryle E. Johnson (1948); California, U.S., County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1849-1980, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ Unknown ⟩ Marriage ⟩ 1948”, image 436, entry 26; citing “California Department of Public Health, courtesy of Digital Images; (original data: California, County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1830-1980; California Department of Public Health)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (1948 / Nov / 1).

marriage-bogues-rucker-1951: California marriage index for Archie G. Bogues and Meryle E. Rucker/Marshall (1951); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1951”, image 42, entries 45,46, right side (7,8 from the bottom); citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Rucker (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (12-31-51 [mdy]) and location (70 [county/city code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-griffith-bogues-1959: California marriage index entries for Albert N. Griffith and Meryle E. Bogues/Marshall (1959); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1959”, image 234, entries 83, 84, right side; citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Bogues (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (2-21-59 [mdy]) and location ("70" [code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-karam-marshall-1978: California marriage index entry for Moses Karam and Marshall (1978); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1960-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1970-1979 ⟩ Kelley-Martinez ⟩ Marine, Judith L-Martinez, Jennifer”, image 111, entry 33; citing “State of California; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985; Microfiche; Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (05-05-78 [mdy]) and location ("19" [code for Los Angeles County, California]).

Show all citations and reference details for Meryle Ellen Marshall in a new window.

Child: {private}

Family #3

Spouse/Partner: Archie G. Bogues (1917 – ?)

Married: 31 Dec 1951 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States

Supporting evidence for:

interview-helen-oram-2009: Notes from interview with Helen (Johnson) Caswell Oram, 19 Oct 2009; privately held

Reference Detail: Note #10: George O. Johnson.

Comment Detail: Source identifies Muriel as the first wife of George O. Johnson.

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes location (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California) and date (16 November 1940).

census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-1527-7: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 19-1527, sheet 7; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), "⟩ California ⟩ Los Angeles ⟩ South Los Angeles ⟩ 19-1527", image 8; citing "Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 3648 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C."

Reference Detail: Lines 7-9

Comment Detail: Source identifies Meryle E. Rucher as the wife of Earl P. Rucher.

marriage-rucker-johnson-1948: Marriage index entry for Earl P. Rucker and Meryle E. Johnson (1948); California, U.S., County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1849-1980, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ Unknown ⟩ Marriage ⟩ 1948”, image 436, entry 26; citing “California Department of Public Health, courtesy of Digital Images; (original data: California, County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1830-1980; California Department of Public Health)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (1948 / Nov / 1).

marriage-bogues-rucker-1951: California marriage index for Archie G. Bogues and Meryle E. Rucker/Marshall (1951); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1951”, image 42, entries 45,46, right side (7,8 from the bottom); citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Rucker (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (12-31-51 [mdy]) and location (70 [county/city code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-griffith-bogues-1959: California marriage index entries for Albert N. Griffith and Meryle E. Bogues/Marshall (1959); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1959”, image 234, entries 83, 84, right side; citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Bogues (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (2-21-59 [mdy]) and location ("70" [code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-karam-marshall-1978: California marriage index entry for Moses Karam and Marshall (1978); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1960-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1970-1979 ⟩ Kelley-Martinez ⟩ Marine, Judith L-Martinez, Jennifer”, image 111, entry 33; citing “State of California; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985; Microfiche; Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (05-05-78 [mdy]) and location ("19" [code for Los Angeles County, California]).

Show all citations and reference details for Meryle Ellen Marshall in a new window.

Family #4

Spouse/Partner: Albert N. Griffith (bet 1920/1921 – ?)

Married: 21 Feb 1959 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States

Supporting evidence for:

interview-helen-oram-2009: Notes from interview with Helen (Johnson) Caswell Oram, 19 Oct 2009; privately held

Reference Detail: Note #10: George O. Johnson.

Comment Detail: Source identifies Muriel as the first wife of George O. Johnson.

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes location (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California) and date (16 November 1940).

census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-1527-7: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 19-1527, sheet 7; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), "⟩ California ⟩ Los Angeles ⟩ South Los Angeles ⟩ 19-1527", image 8; citing "Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 3648 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C."

Reference Detail: Lines 7-9

Comment Detail: Source identifies Meryle E. Rucher as the wife of Earl P. Rucher.

marriage-rucker-johnson-1948: Marriage index entry for Earl P. Rucker and Meryle E. Johnson (1948); California, U.S., County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1849-1980, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ Unknown ⟩ Marriage ⟩ 1948”, image 436, entry 26; citing “California Department of Public Health, courtesy of Digital Images; (original data: California, County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1830-1980; California Department of Public Health)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (1948 / Nov / 1).

marriage-bogues-rucker-1951: California marriage index for Archie G. Bogues and Meryle E. Rucker/Marshall (1951); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1951”, image 42, entries 45,46, right side (7,8 from the bottom); citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Rucker (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (12-31-51 [mdy]) and location (70 [county/city code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-griffith-bogues-1959: California marriage index entries for Albert N. Griffith and Meryle E. Bogues/Marshall (1959); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1959”, image 234, entries 83, 84, right side; citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Bogues (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (2-21-59 [mdy]) and location ("70" [code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-karam-marshall-1978: California marriage index entry for Moses Karam and Marshall (1978); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1960-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1970-1979 ⟩ Kelley-Martinez ⟩ Marine, Judith L-Martinez, Jennifer”, image 111, entry 33; citing “State of California; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985; Microfiche; Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (05-05-78 [mdy]) and location ("19" [code for Los Angeles County, California]).

Show all citations and reference details for Meryle Ellen Marshall in a new window.

Family #5

Spouse/Partner: Moses Karam (bet 1925/1926 – ?)

Married: 5 May 1978 in , Los Angeles County, California, United States

Supporting evidence for:

interview-helen-oram-2009: Notes from interview with Helen (Johnson) Caswell Oram, 19 Oct 2009; privately held

Reference Detail: Note #10: George O. Johnson.

Comment Detail: Source identifies Muriel as the first wife of George O. Johnson.

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes location (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California) and date (16 November 1940).

census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-1527-7: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 19-1527, sheet 7; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), "⟩ California ⟩ Los Angeles ⟩ South Los Angeles ⟩ 19-1527", image 8; citing "Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 3648 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C."

Reference Detail: Lines 7-9

Comment Detail: Source identifies Meryle E. Rucher as the wife of Earl P. Rucher.

marriage-rucker-johnson-1948: Marriage index entry for Earl P. Rucker and Meryle E. Johnson (1948); California, U.S., County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1849-1980, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ Unknown ⟩ Marriage ⟩ 1948”, image 436, entry 26; citing “California Department of Public Health, courtesy of Digital Images; (original data: California, County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1830-1980; California Department of Public Health)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (1948 / Nov / 1).

marriage-bogues-rucker-1951: California marriage index for Archie G. Bogues and Meryle E. Rucker/Marshall (1951); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1951”, image 42, entries 45,46, right side (7,8 from the bottom); citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Rucker (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (12-31-51 [mdy]) and location (70 [county/city code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-griffith-bogues-1959: California marriage index entries for Albert N. Griffith and Meryle E. Bogues/Marshall (1959); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1949-1959, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1959”, image 234, entries 83, 84, right side; citing “California Department of Health and Welfare; California Vital Records — Vitalsearch (; The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California” [There are two entries in the index for this couple, identical except for the bride’s surname: Bogues (first) and Marshall (second).]

Comment Detail: Source includes date (2-21-59 [mdy]) and location ("70" [code for Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California]).

marriage-karam-marshall-1978: California marriage index entry for Moses Karam and Marshall (1978); California, U.S., Marriage Index, 1960-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), “⟩ 1970-1979 ⟩ Kelley-Martinez ⟩ Marine, Judith L-Martinez, Jennifer”, image 111, entry 33; citing “State of California; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985; Microfiche; Center for Health Statistics, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (05-05-78 [mdy]) and location ("19" [code for Los Angeles County, California]).

Show all citations and reference details for Meryle Ellen Marshall in a new window.

Miscellaneous Facts


Occupation: beauty operator

Residence: at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States

Residence: at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States

Supporting evidence for:

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes license date (12 November1940) and occupation (Beauty Operator).

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

Comment Detail: Source includes license date (12 November 1940) and location (Los Angeles [, California]).

census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-1527-7: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 19-1527, sheet 7; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), "⟩ California ⟩ Los Angeles ⟩ South Los Angeles ⟩ 19-1527", image 8; citing "Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 3648 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C."

Reference Detail: Lines 7-9

Comment Detail: Source includes official census date (1 Apr 1950) and residence location (Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California).

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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)


Meryle's father was Jess L. Marshall (b. Missouri) and her mother was Nell M. Calbetzor (b. Indiana). [marriage-johnson-marshall-1940]

Her parent's surnames of Marshall and Calbetzor are also noted in the California death index. [death-npri-meryle-griffith-1997]

Albert and Meryle Griffith filed for divorce in Jan 1976. (from California divorce index)

Moses and Meryle Karam filed for divorce about 1 Dec 1978. (from California divorce index)

The Social Security ACI shows information for Meryle Ellen Marshall, born 15 Aug 1920 in Los Angeles, died 21 Apr 1997, father Jess L Marshall, and mother Nell M Calbetzor. It shows her name changes starting with her birth surname Marshall in 1938, to Rucker in 1950, to Bogues in 1952, to Griffith in 1959, and to Karam in 1978. The only conflict is her birth year (1920 instead of 1921) and Johnson isn't listed here. As will all index sources, access to the actual data/certificate may be impossible for a non-descendent. Note also that the date of registered name change is not generally the same date as the marriage, but should follow it (and be before the next marriage).

Supporting evidence for:
research notes

death-npri-meryle-griffith-1997: California death index entry for Meryle Ellen Griffith (1997); California, U.S., Death Index, 1940-1997, database, Ancestry ( accessed 1 Nov 2023), no physical record image; citing “State of California; California Death Index, 1940-1997; Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics”

(no additional information)

marriage-johnson-marshall-1940: Marriage license and certificate of marriage for George Oliver Johnson and Meryle Ellen Marshall (1940); California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, record collection, FamilySearch ( accessed front/2 Jun 2018, back/14 Jun 2021) ⟩ “5698655” image 1246; DGS 5698655, images 1246-1247; citing “Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California”

(no additional information)

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