[Ancestors] [Descendants]
Wing Rogers
Last updated 25 Dec 2023 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Born: 14 Dec 1740 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, British America
Father: John Rogers (? – 1791)
Mother: Sarah ____ (? – ?)
estate-proved-nathan-smith-1824: Proved will for Nathan Smith (1824); Vermont, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1749-1999, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 22 Nov 2021) “〉 Rutland 〉 Probate Records, Vol 10-11, 1816-1825" images 595-596; citing “Probate Records (Rutland District, Vermont); Vermont, pages 556-559”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Wing Rogers).
book-mass-vital-records-marshfield-1631-1890: Massachusetts Vital Records: Marshfield 1631–1890, by Jay Mack Holbrook, Holbrook Research Institute: Oxford, Massachusetts, 1894, ISBN 0-9331248-23-X and -69-8; Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed on multiple dates), “〉 Marshfield 〉 Town Meeting Minutes, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 1–390; citing “Marshfield town records; State Archives at the State House, Boston, Massachusetts” [The contents consists of microfilmed copies of original records.]
Reference Detail: Image 346, page 99, center colunm, entry 7, accessed 17 Sep 2023
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Wing [Rogers]).
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Deaths page, left side, entry 10
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Wing Rogers).
marriage-rogers-chapman-1764: Marriage registry entry for Wing Rogers and Deliverance Chapman (1764); Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 17 Sep 2023), “〉 Pembroke 〉 Records of Slaves Granted Freedom, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 89-90, entry two; citing “Friends Records / Pembroke, Mass; pages 76-77; Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital and Town Records; Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)” [This record is an 1892 transcribed copy of Society of Friends records from Pembroke, Massachusetts Bay Colony. It does contain some presumed typographical errors. In spite of the database path, it does not appear to contain slave records, just records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society. This registry entry follows an entry for John Rogers and Sarah Chapman (1759), and precedes an entry for Joseph Rogers and Mara Chapman (1766).]
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Wing Rogers).
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
book-mass-vital-records-marshfield-1631-1890: Massachusetts Vital Records: Marshfield 1631–1890, by Jay Mack Holbrook, Holbrook Research Institute: Oxford, Massachusetts, 1894, ISBN 0-9331248-23-X and -69-8; Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed on multiple dates), “〉 Marshfield 〉 Town Meeting Minutes, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 1–390; citing “Marshfield town records; State Archives at the State House, Boston, Massachusetts” [The contents consists of microfilmed copies of original records.]
Reference Detail: Image 346, page 99, center colunm, entry 7, accessed 17 Sep 2023
Comment Detail: Source includes date (14th day of December 1740) and implied location ([Marshfield, Plymouth, Province of Massachusetts Bay]).
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
book-mass-vital-records-marshfield-1631-1890: Massachusetts Vital Records: Marshfield 1631–1890, by Jay Mack Holbrook, Holbrook Research Institute: Oxford, Massachusetts, 1894, ISBN 0-9331248-23-X and -69-8; Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed on multiple dates), “〉 Marshfield 〉 Town Meeting Minutes, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 1–390; citing “Marshfield town records; State Archives at the State House, Boston, Massachusetts” [The contents consists of microfilmed copies of original records.]
Reference Detail: Image 346, page 99, center colunm, entry 7, accessed 17 Sep 2023
Comment Detail: Source identifies Wing as the son of John Rogers, implying a biological relationship.
marriage-rogers-chapman-1764: Marriage registry entry for Wing Rogers and Deliverance Chapman (1764); Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 17 Sep 2023), “〉 Pembroke 〉 Records of Slaves Granted Freedom, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 89-90, entry two; citing “Friends Records / Pembroke, Mass; pages 76-77; Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital and Town Records; Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)” [This record is an 1892 transcribed copy of Society of Friends records from Pembroke, Massachusetts Bay Colony. It does contain some presumed typographical errors. In spite of the database path, it does not appear to contain slave records, just records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society. This registry entry follows an entry for John Rogers and Sarah Chapman (1759), and precedes an entry for Joseph Rogers and Mara Chapman (1766).]
Comment Detail: Source identifies Wing Rogers as a son of John Rogers. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
book-mass-vital-records-marshfield-1631-1890: Massachusetts Vital Records: Marshfield 1631–1890, by Jay Mack Holbrook, Holbrook Research Institute: Oxford, Massachusetts, 1894, ISBN 0-9331248-23-X and -69-8; Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed on multiple dates), “〉 Marshfield 〉 Town Meeting Minutes, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 1–390; citing “Marshfield town records; State Archives at the State House, Boston, Massachusetts” [The contents consists of microfilmed copies of original records.]
Reference Detail: Image 346, page 99, center colunm, entry 7, accessed 17 Sep 2023
Comment Detail: Source identifies Wing as the son of Sarah, implying a biological relationship.
marriage-rogers-chapman-1764: Marriage registry entry for Wing Rogers and Deliverance Chapman (1764); Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 17 Sep 2023), “〉 Pembroke 〉 Records of Slaves Granted Freedom, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 89-90, entry two; citing “Friends Records / Pembroke, Mass; pages 76-77; Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital and Town Records; Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)” [This record is an 1892 transcribed copy of Society of Friends records from Pembroke, Massachusetts Bay Colony. It does contain some presumed typographical errors. In spite of the database path, it does not appear to contain slave records, just records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society. This registry entry follows an entry for John Rogers and Sarah Chapman (1759), and precedes an entry for Joseph Rogers and Mara Chapman (1766).]
Comment Detail: Source identifies Wing Rogers as a son of Sarah [Rogers]. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
Family #1
Spouse/Partner: Deliverance Chapman (? – ?)
Married: 4 Apr 1764 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10,11
Comment Detail: Source identifes Deliverance _____ as the [first] wife of Wing Rogers.
marriage-rogers-chapman-1764: Marriage registry entry for Wing Rogers and Deliverance Chapman (1764); Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 17 Sep 2023), “〉 Pembroke 〉 Records of Slaves Granted Freedom, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 89-90, entry two; citing “Friends Records / Pembroke, Mass; pages 76-77; Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital and Town Records; Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)” [This record is an 1892 transcribed copy of Society of Friends records from Pembroke, Massachusetts Bay Colony. It does contain some presumed typographical errors. In spite of the database path, it does not appear to contain slave records, just records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society. This registry entry follows an entry for John Rogers and Sarah Chapman (1759), and precedes an entry for Joseph Rogers and Mara Chapman (1766).]
Comment Detail: Source includes date (fourth day of the fourth month called April anno domini one thousand seven hundred and sixty four) and location (Pembroke [in the county of Plimouth and Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England]).
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Mercy Hatch.
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10,12-14
Comment Detail: Source identifes Mercy _____ as the [second] wife of Wing Rogers.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Rebecca Sherman.
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10-15
Comment Detail: Source identifies Rebeckca _____ as the "3rd wife" of Wing Rogers.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Hannah Titus.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Deliverance Chatman.
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
Child: Deliverance Rogers (1766 – 1849)
Family #2
Spouse/Partner: Mercy Hatch (? – ?)
Married: ?
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10,11
Comment Detail: Source identifes Deliverance _____ as the [first] wife of Wing Rogers.
marriage-rogers-chapman-1764: Marriage registry entry for Wing Rogers and Deliverance Chapman (1764); Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 17 Sep 2023), “〉 Pembroke 〉 Records of Slaves Granted Freedom, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 89-90, entry two; citing “Friends Records / Pembroke, Mass; pages 76-77; Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital and Town Records; Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)” [This record is an 1892 transcribed copy of Society of Friends records from Pembroke, Massachusetts Bay Colony. It does contain some presumed typographical errors. In spite of the database path, it does not appear to contain slave records, just records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society. This registry entry follows an entry for John Rogers and Sarah Chapman (1759), and precedes an entry for Joseph Rogers and Mara Chapman (1766).]
Comment Detail: Source includes date (fourth day of the fourth month called April anno domini one thousand seven hundred and sixty four) and location (Pembroke [in the county of Plimouth and Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England]).
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Mercy Hatch.
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10,12-14
Comment Detail: Source identifes Mercy _____ as the [second] wife of Wing Rogers.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Rebecca Sherman.
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10-15
Comment Detail: Source identifies Rebeckca _____ as the "3rd wife" of Wing Rogers.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Hannah Titus.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Deliverance Chatman.
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
Child: Elizabeth Rogers (1767 – 1817)
Child: Augustus Rogers (1770 – ?)
Child: Rufus Rogers (1773 – ?)
Family #3
Spouse/Partner: Rebecca Sherman (? – 1801)
Married: ?
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10,11
Comment Detail: Source identifes Deliverance _____ as the [first] wife of Wing Rogers.
marriage-rogers-chapman-1764: Marriage registry entry for Wing Rogers and Deliverance Chapman (1764); Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 17 Sep 2023), “〉 Pembroke 〉 Records of Slaves Granted Freedom, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 89-90, entry two; citing “Friends Records / Pembroke, Mass; pages 76-77; Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital and Town Records; Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)” [This record is an 1892 transcribed copy of Society of Friends records from Pembroke, Massachusetts Bay Colony. It does contain some presumed typographical errors. In spite of the database path, it does not appear to contain slave records, just records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society. This registry entry follows an entry for John Rogers and Sarah Chapman (1759), and precedes an entry for Joseph Rogers and Mara Chapman (1766).]
Comment Detail: Source includes date (fourth day of the fourth month called April anno domini one thousand seven hundred and sixty four) and location (Pembroke [in the county of Plimouth and Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England]).
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Mercy Hatch.
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10,12-14
Comment Detail: Source identifes Mercy _____ as the [second] wife of Wing Rogers.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Rebecca Sherman.
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10-15
Comment Detail: Source identifies Rebeckca _____ as the "3rd wife" of Wing Rogers.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Hannah Titus.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Deliverance Chatman.
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
Child: Wing Rogers (1777 – ?)
Child: Asa Rogers (1780 – ?)
Child: Lydia Rogers (1782 – ?)
Child: Mary Rogers (1786 – ?)
Child: Esther Rogers (1788 – ?)
Child: Anna Rogers (1792 – 1801)
Family #4
Spouse/Partner: Hannah Titus (? – ?)
Married: ?
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10,11
Comment Detail: Source identifes Deliverance _____ as the [first] wife of Wing Rogers.
marriage-rogers-chapman-1764: Marriage registry entry for Wing Rogers and Deliverance Chapman (1764); Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 17 Sep 2023), “〉 Pembroke 〉 Records of Slaves Granted Freedom, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 89-90, entry two; citing “Friends Records / Pembroke, Mass; pages 76-77; Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital and Town Records; Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)” [This record is an 1892 transcribed copy of Society of Friends records from Pembroke, Massachusetts Bay Colony. It does contain some presumed typographical errors. In spite of the database path, it does not appear to contain slave records, just records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society. This registry entry follows an entry for John Rogers and Sarah Chapman (1759), and precedes an entry for Joseph Rogers and Mara Chapman (1766).]
Comment Detail: Source includes date (fourth day of the fourth month called April anno domini one thousand seven hundred and sixty four) and location (Pembroke [in the county of Plimouth and Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England]).
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Mercy Hatch.
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10,12-14
Comment Detail: Source identifes Mercy _____ as the [second] wife of Wing Rogers.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Rebecca Sherman.
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Births page 2, left side, entries 10-15
Comment Detail: Source identifies Rebeckca _____ as the "3rd wife" of Wing Rogers.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Hannah Titus.
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235,236 (PDF pages 244,245), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source indicates Wing Rogers married Deliverance Chatman.
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
Miscellaneous Facts
Moved To Residence: Abt 1770 at Danby, Albany County, Province of New York, British America
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Page 235 (PDF page 244), “Rogers, Wing”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1770) and implied location of Danby [then in Albany County, Province of New York, British America]
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
Residence: at Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
marriage-rogers-chapman-1764: Marriage registry entry for Wing Rogers and Deliverance Chapman (1764); Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 17 Sep 2023), “〉 Pembroke 〉 Records of Slaves Granted Freedom, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths”, images 89-90, entry two; citing “Friends Records / Pembroke, Mass; pages 76-77; Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital and Town Records; Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook)” [This record is an 1892 transcribed copy of Society of Friends records from Pembroke, Massachusetts Bay Colony. It does contain some presumed typographical errors. In spite of the database path, it does not appear to contain slave records, just records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society. This registry entry follows an entry for John Rogers and Sarah Chapman (1759), and precedes an entry for Joseph Rogers and Mara Chapman (1766).]
Comment Detail: Source includes date (fourth day of the fourth month called April Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and sixty four) and location (Hanover in the County of Plimouth and Provence of the Massachusets Bay in New England).
Show all citations and reference details for Wing Rogers in a new window.
General Notes and Anecdotes
Wing was a very wealthy man and one of the leading citizens of Danby, Vermont, but he was also noted for a few eccentricities. One story told about him is that he normally carried his family to church in an ox cart. Another related that sometimes he would carry his wife and children on a trundle bed. [book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869]
book-history-and-map-of-danby-vermont-1869: J. C. Williams, The History and Map of Danby, Vermont; Rutland, Vt.: McLean & Robbins, 1869; book image (PDF), Google Books (http://books.google.com: accessed before 20 Apr 2018) [Includes a section devoted to family sketches of contemporary and ancestral individuals as well as sections for civil and military town history. The family sketches appear to be the result of interviews with residents by the author.]
Reference Detail: Pages 235-236 (PDF pages 244-245), “Rogers, Wing”
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Wing may have married Mercy about 1767, Rebecca about 1776, and Hannah about 1799. (from an unsourced memorial for Wing Rogers; the memorial contains no gravestone image)
Wing Rogers (either the father or the son) died 27 Apr 1816 in Ferrisburg, Vermont. The source is not clear, and there is not yet enough other evidence to indicate when either died.) [family-barak-smith-family-bible-register]
It is known that Wing Rogers, father of Elizabeth Rogers, had apparently died before the 1818 date of Nathan Smiths' will. In it, Nathan mentions that Elizabeth's father, Wing Rogers, had given her property in his [Wing Rogers'] will. [estate-proved-nathan-smith-1824]
estate-proved-nathan-smith-1824: Proved will for Nathan Smith (1824); Vermont, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1749-1999, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 22 Nov 2021) “〉 Rutland 〉 Probate Records, Vol 10-11, 1816-1825" images 595-596; citing “Probate Records (Rutland District, Vermont); Vermont, pages 556-559”
(no additional information)
family-barak-smith-family-bible-register: Family bible registry entries for the family of Barak Smith; photocopy, privately held [Most entries are believed to have been made by Barak and Mary Smith. Entries are separated by inconsistent types of lines, and not all entries have individuals or couples; several are informational.]
Reference Detail: Deaths page, left side, entry 12
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