Marie Cooper ____
Last updated 2 Sep 2023 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Born: 1910
Died: 1992
marker-clyde-caswell-1974: Gravestone of Clyde P. (1974) and Marie Cooper (1992) Caswell; Find A Grave ( accessed 8 Jul 2021), memorial IDs 27499791 (Clyde Caswell) and 27499774 (Marie Caswell), photograph uploaded 15 Jan 2020 by “Some Rise Some Set” to both memorials; citing “Westwood Hills Memorial Park (Placerville, El Dorado County, California, USA), Hill Sec, 40-AL-71 (Clyde Caswell) and Hill Sec, 40-AL-72 (Marie Caswell)”
Comment Detail: Souce includes name (Marie Cooper / Caswell). The surname is common to two given names. (Caswell is a married name, and so is not included here.)
obituary-clyde-caswell-1974: Obituary for Clyde P. Caswell (1974); "Obituaries / Clyde Caswell," ( accessed 19 Jun 2020), "〉 United States of America 〉 California 〉 Sacramento 〉 The Sacramento Bee 〉 1974 〉 September 〉 Sep 25 1974, Wed 〉 Other Editions 〉 Page 16", column 1; citing "The Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California), 25 Sep 1974 (Wednesday), page B2, column 1"
Comment Detail: Source includes given name (Marie).
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marker-clyde-caswell-1974: Gravestone of Clyde P. (1974) and Marie Cooper (1992) Caswell; Find A Grave ( accessed 8 Jul 2021), memorial IDs 27499791 (Clyde Caswell) and 27499774 (Marie Caswell), photograph uploaded 15 Jan 2020 by “Some Rise Some Set” to both memorials; citing “Westwood Hills Memorial Park (Placerville, El Dorado County, California, USA), Hill Sec, 40-AL-71 (Clyde Caswell) and Hill Sec, 40-AL-72 (Marie Caswell)”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1910).
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marker-clyde-caswell-1974: Gravestone of Clyde P. (1974) and Marie Cooper (1992) Caswell; Find A Grave ( accessed 8 Jul 2021), memorial IDs 27499791 (Clyde Caswell) and 27499774 (Marie Caswell), photograph uploaded 15 Jan 2020 by “Some Rise Some Set” to both memorials; citing “Westwood Hills Memorial Park (Placerville, El Dorado County, California, USA), Hill Sec, 40-AL-71 (Clyde Caswell) and Hill Sec, 40-AL-72 (Marie Caswell)”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1992).
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Spouse/Partner: Clyde Philander Caswell (1893 – 1974)
Married: Aft 1956
obituary-clyde-caswell-1974: Obituary for Clyde P. Caswell (1974); "Obituaries / Clyde Caswell," ( accessed 19 Jun 2020), "〉 United States of America 〉 California 〉 Sacramento 〉 The Sacramento Bee 〉 1974 〉 September 〉 Sep 25 1974, Wed 〉 Other Editions 〉 Page 16", column 1; citing "The Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California), 25 Sep 1974 (Wednesday), page B2, column 1"
Comment Detail: Source includes fact of marriage [date is set to be after his first wife's death].
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Marie's birth surname is not known to this database. It was likely Krueger, given her full name on Find A Grave gives a Marie Esther Krueger Cooper (1910-1992). (She is linked in the memorial to Clyde Caswell, who is in this database, and Clyde's "couple's" gravestone includes Marie Cooper in the "spouse" position.) They share the Caswell surname on the marker, but as noted below, she apparently married to James Cooper after Clyde died.
Her memorial on Find A Grave notes she was first married (1928) to Pell John Schroeder (1903-1960), then to Clyde Caswell (1893-1974), then to James R. Cooper (1919-1976). Although Pell was buried in Westminster Memorial Park, Westminster, CA, the other three were interred at Westwood Hills Memorial Park, Placerville, CA; James has plot -70, Clyde has plot -71, and Marie has plot -72. (Was the double plot and marker already purchased? Is that why she was buried next to her second husband, under his surname, rather than her third husband?)
The Find A Grave data is mostly unsourced (Find A Grave memorials are added by friends or family of the deceased), except that Pell and Marie's marriage is implied on a WWII [draft] registration card included for his Find A Grave memorial. In it, "Mrs. Marie Schroder" is gven as the person who will always know Pell's address.
Marie had at least three living children in 1974 (per husband Clyde Caswell's obituary, which identified all three as his stepchildren). They are {private} [obituary-clyde-caswell-1974]
Of these children, the Find A Grave entry for James identifies only two as his. These are {private}. It doesn't mention {private}. Further, the surnames of the sons as given in the obituary are confusing, and don't appear to match the father's surnames as might be expected. The daughter's surname is likely explained by marriage custom.
obituary-clyde-caswell-1974: Obituary for Clyde P. Caswell (1974); "Obituaries / Clyde Caswell," ( accessed 19 Jun 2020), "〉 United States of America 〉 California 〉 Sacramento 〉 The Sacramento Bee 〉 1974 〉 September 〉 Sep 25 1974, Wed 〉 Other Editions 〉 Page 16", column 1; citing "The Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California), 25 Sep 1974 (Wednesday), page B2, column 1"
(no additional information)
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