Elizabeth Lui
Last updated 30 Jan 2024 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Born: 10 Feb 1822 in , , , Königreich Preußen (Kingdom of Prussia)
Died: 5 Jan 1890
census-us-1880-ps-dakotaterritory-hutchinson-93-15: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Dakota Territory, Hutchinson County, Township 100 Range 60, enumeration district 93, page 15 (form/penned) or 119C (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 12 August 2018) 〉 "Dakota Territory 〉 Hutchinson 〉 Not Stated 〉 093" image 14; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 112 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [This record is marked as Armstrong County for political reasons; Armstrong had been absorbed into Hutchinson County in 1879, and is the correct location.]
Reference Detail: Lines 25-29, dwelling 105
Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Brech, Elizabeth).
marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890: Gravestone of John Brech (1898) and Elisabetha Lue (1890); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 17 Jan 2024), memorial IDs 14968288 (John) and 14968287 (Elisabetha), photograph uploaded 12 Dec 2017 by Deb to both memorials; citing “Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery (Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (〈spelling〉, 〈spelling〉). See research notes for spelling details.
marriage-brech-breuch-1882: Marriage record for Theodore Brech and Christina Breuch (1882); Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Records, 1820-2004, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 16 Jan 2024), “〉 Pre-1907 〉 Dane”, image 10199; citing “Wisconsin Historical Society; Madison, WI, USA; Wisconsin Marriage Records Pre-1907”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Elizabeth Lui).
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census-us-1880-ps-dakotaterritory-hutchinson-93-15: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Dakota Territory, Hutchinson County, Township 100 Range 60, enumeration district 93, page 15 (form/penned) or 119C (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 12 August 2018) 〉 "Dakota Territory 〉 Hutchinson 〉 Not Stated 〉 093" image 14; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 112 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [This record is marked as Armstrong County for political reasons; Armstrong had been absorbed into Hutchinson County in 1879, and is the correct location.]
Reference Detail: Lines 25-29, dwelling 105
Comment Detail: Source includes age (58) and location ([Kingdom of] Prussia). Using her age and the official census date of 1 Jun 1880 gives a birth date range from 2 Jun 1821 to 1 Jun 1822.
marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890: Gravestone of John Brech (1898) and Elisabetha Lue (1890); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 17 Jan 2024), memorial IDs 14968288 (John) and 14968287 (Elisabetha), photograph uploaded 12 Dec 2017 by Deb to both memorials; citing “Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery (Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Feb. 10, 1822).
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marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890: Gravestone of John Brech (1898) and Elisabetha Lue (1890); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 17 Jan 2024), memorial IDs 14968288 (John) and 14968287 (Elisabetha), photograph uploaded 12 Dec 2017 by Deb to both memorials; citing “Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery (Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Jan. 5, 1890).
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Spouse/Partner: John Brech (1818 – 1898)
Married: ?
marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890: Gravestone of John Brech (1898) and Elisabetha Lue (1890); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 17 Jan 2024), memorial IDs 14968288 (John) and 14968287 (Elisabetha), photograph uploaded 12 Dec 2017 by Deb to both memorials; citing “Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery (Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source identifies Elisabetha Lue as the wife of John Brech.
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Child: Theodore Brech (1859 – 1930)
Miscellaneous Facts
Burial: at Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, United States
Cemetery: Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery at Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, United States
marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890: Gravestone of John Brech (1898) and Elisabetha Lue (1890); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 17 Jan 2024), memorial IDs 14968288 (John) and 14968287 (Elisabetha), photograph uploaded 12 Dec 2017 by Deb to both memorials; citing “Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery (Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source implicitly identifies cemetery name ([Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery]) and location ([Dimock, Hutchinson County, SD, USA]).
marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890: Gravestone of John Brech (1898) and Elisabetha Lue (1890); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 17 Jan 2024), memorial IDs 14968288 (John) and 14968287 (Elisabetha), photograph uploaded 12 Dec 2017 by Deb to both memorials; citing “Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery (Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, USA)”
Comment Detail: Source implicitly identifies location ([Dimock, Hutchinson County, SD, USA]).
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Given Name: This database uses Elisabeth. Her gravestone spells it Elisabetha. [marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890]
Surname: This database uses Lui. Her gravestone spells it Lue. [marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890]
Her full married name may be Elisabeth Lui (Guy) Brech, and she may have been born in 1822 and died in 1890. Note that her gravestone spells the name Lue. Note that the Breck-Breuch marriage record for son Theodore gives her name as Elizabeth Lui "before marriage" which would seem to indicate any marriage, so the "Guy" may not be her birth surname.
In addition to Theodore, John and Elizabeth Brech may have had sons Karl Brech (1848-1926) and John Jacob Brech (1866-1938).
The Johann (John) and Elizabeth Brech family, including John (54), Elisabeth (50), Anna (20), Theador (11), Anna (9) and Peter (7), may have arrived in the port of Philadelphia on 18 Feb 1874, aboard the SS Vaderland. However, there is some significant discrepency in approximate birth dates. (Pennsylvania, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, 1798-1962, Ancestry database, path "M425 - Philadelphia, 1800-1882 〉 92", images 30-36; see image 32 for the family)
In the 1880 US Census, I am somewhat confused about the Brech family. The head is John (62), his wife is Elizabeth (58), and their son is Peter (13). The confusion comes with the entries for Chas Brech (28) and Theodore Brech (21), which do not show their relationship to John as those for Elizabeth and Peter do, and appear after the younger Peter, which is an unusual ordering for other sons. [This database doesn't use the census to provide evidence for the parent/child link for Theodore, and Charles is not listed at all. This should be fixed when possible.] [census-us-1880-ps-dakotaterritory-hutchinson-93-15]
Other records point to John and Elizabeth being Theodore's parents, so my hypothesis is that Charles and Theodore are children of a previous marriage of John Brech, while Peter is the son of John and Elizabeth; Elizabeth would be the step or adoptive mother of Charles and Theodore. An alternative is that, Charles and Theodore are nephews of John and Elizabeth, and both John and Elizabeth are either simply temporary guardians, or step/adoptive parents. However, I have no explicit evidence for any of this as of now.
census-us-1880-ps-dakotaterritory-hutchinson-93-15: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Dakota Territory, Hutchinson County, Township 100 Range 60, enumeration district 93, page 15 (form/penned) or 119C (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 12 August 2018) 〉 "Dakota Territory 〉 Hutchinson 〉 Not Stated 〉 093" image 14; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 112 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [This record is marked as Armstrong County for political reasons; Armstrong had been absorbed into Hutchinson County in 1879, and is the correct location.]
Reference Detail: Lines 25-29, dwelling 105
marker-john-brech-elisabetha-lue-1898-1890: Gravestone of John Brech (1898) and Elisabetha Lue (1890); Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed 17 Jan 2024), memorial IDs 14968288 (John) and 14968287 (Elisabetha), photograph uploaded 12 Dec 2017 by Deb to both memorials; citing “Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery (Dimock, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, USA)”
(no additional information)
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