Keziah Spear

Last updated 22 Apr 2024 in Spear–Johnson Family.


Born: 27 Jan 1833 in , , Ohio, United States

Died: 16 Apr 1868

Father: Joseph Spear (1809 – ?)

Mother: Sarah A. Hinton (1812 – ?)

Supporting evidence for:

census-us-1860-ps-oh-washington-ludlow-twp-5: 1860 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Washington County, Ludlow Township, page 5 (form) or 465A (stamped); 1860 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 18 May 2007) ⟩ “Ohio ⟩ Washington ⟩ Ludlow” image 5; citing “Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1049 (1438 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 805049]

Reference Detail: Lines 10-15, dwelling 36, family 36

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (⟨spelling⟩ Bowersock). See research notes for spelling details.

family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held

Reference Detail: Births register page

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Keziah Spear).

marker-kersia-bowersock-1868: Gravestone of Kersia Bowersock (1868); Find A Grave ( accessed 28 Feb 2024), memorial ID 24574286, photograph uploaded 24 May 2019 by Kate; citing “Connett Cemetery (Connett, Athens County, Ohio, USA)”

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (⟨spelling⟩ [Bowersock]). See research notes for spelling details.

marriage-adams-preston-1904: Marriage license and return for E. J. Adams and Mattie Preston (1904); Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 29 Feb 2024), “⟩ Athens ⟩ 1903 - 1909”, image 12, entry: page 4, top; citing “Marriage Records, Ohio Marriages; Various Ohio County Courthouses”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (K. ⟨spelling⟩). See research noes for spelling details.

marriage-bowersock-spear-1854: Marriage registry entry for Jacob Bowersock and Casiah Spear (1954); Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 28 Feb 2024), “⟩ Noble ⟩ 1852 - 1892”, image 63, entry: page 57, entry 2; citing “Marriage Records. Ohio Marriages; Various Ohio County Courthouses”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (⟨spelling⟩ Spear). See research notes for spelling detail.

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census-us-1860-ps-oh-washington-ludlow-twp-5: 1860 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Washington County, Ludlow Township, page 5 (form) or 465A (stamped); 1860 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 18 May 2007) ⟩ “Ohio ⟩ Washington ⟩ Ludlow” image 5; citing “Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1049 (1438 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 805049]

Reference Detail: Lines 10-15, dwelling 36, family 36

Comment Detail: Source includes age (27) and location (Ohio [, USA]). Using her age and the official census date of 1 Jun 1860 gives a birth date range from 2 Jun 1832 to 1 Jun 1833.

family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held

Reference Detail: Births register page

Comment Detail: Source includes date (Jan 27 1833) and location (Ohio). The source also adds Noble County to the location, but that county did not exist until 11 Mar 1851, suggesting the register entry was added after that date. Otherwise they would have used the name of one of the counties that gave parts to the new Noble County.

marker-kersia-bowersock-1868: Gravestone of Kersia Bowersock (1868); Find A Grave ( accessed 28 Feb 2024), memorial ID 24574286, photograph uploaded 24 May 2019 by Kate; citing “Connett Cemetery (Connett, Athens County, Ohio, USA)”

Comment Detail: Source includes age (⟨conflict⟩). See research notes for conflict details.

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marker-kersia-bowersock-1868: Gravestone of Kersia Bowersock (1868); Find A Grave ( accessed 28 Feb 2024), memorial ID 24574286, photograph uploaded 24 May 2019 by Kate; citing “Connett Cemetery (Connett, Athens County, Ohio, USA)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (Apr. 16, 1968). The stone has a lot of lichen growth, making the last two digits of the year a bit difficult to make out.

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family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held

Reference Detail: Births register page

Comment Detail: Source identifies Keziah Spear as a child of Joseph Spear.

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family-bible-register-joseph-and-sarah-spear: Family register pages for Joseph and Sarah Spear family bible, unknown location; privately held

Reference Detail: Births register page

Comment Detail: Source identifies Keziah Spear as a child of Sarah Hinton.

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Spouse/Partner: Jacob Bowersock (bet 1831/1832 – ?)

Married: 2 Mar 1854 in , Noble County, Ohio, United States

Supporting evidence for:

marker-kersia-bowersock-1868: Gravestone of Kersia Bowersock (1868); Find A Grave ( accessed 28 Feb 2024), memorial ID 24574286, photograph uploaded 24 May 2019 by Kate; citing “Connett Cemetery (Connett, Athens County, Ohio, USA)”

Comment Detail: Source notes that Kersia is the wife of Jacob Bowersock. The stone has a lot of lichen growth, making the end of Bowersock a bit difficult to make out.

marriage-bowersock-spear-1854: Marriage registry entry for Jacob Bowersock and Casiah Spear (1954); Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 28 Feb 2024), “⟩ Noble ⟩ 1852 - 1892”, image 63, entry: page 57, entry 2; citing “Marriage Records. Ohio Marriages; Various Ohio County Courthouses”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (second day of March 1854) and location (State of Ohio, Noble county).

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Child: Sylvester Bowersock (bet 1852/1853 – ?)

Child: Daniel Bowersock (bet 1854/1855 – ?)

Child: Samuel J. Bowersock (bet 1855/1856 – ?)

Child: Sarah C. Bowersock (bet 1858/1859 – ?)

Child: Martha Jane "Mattie" Bowersock (1864 – 1942)

Child: ____ Bowersock (abt 1865 – 1865)

Miscellaneous Facts


Residence: at Ludlow Township, Washington County, Ohio, United States

Supporting evidence for:

census-us-1860-ps-oh-washington-ludlow-twp-5: 1860 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Washington County, Ludlow Township, page 5 (form) or 465A (stamped); 1860 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 18 May 2007) ⟩ “Ohio ⟩ Washington ⟩ Ludlow” image 5; citing “Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1049 (1438 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 805049]

Reference Detail: Lines 10-15, dwelling 36, family 36

Comment Detail: Source includes official census date (1 Jun 1860) and residence location (Ludlou[w] Township in the County of Washington, State of Ohio [, USA]).

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General Notes and Anecdotes

In 1860, the Jacob and Keziah Bowersock family were neighbors of her mother Sarah and her husband Levi and their family, as well as the families of other members of the Bowersock clan. [census-us-1860-ps-oh-washington-ludlow-twp-5]

Supporting evidence for:
general notes

census-us-1860-ps-oh-washington-ludlow-twp-5: 1860 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Washington County, Ludlow Township, page 5 (form) or 465A (stamped); 1860 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 18 May 2007) ⟩ “Ohio ⟩ Washington ⟩ Ludlow” image 5; citing “Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1049 (1438 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 805049]

Reference Detail: Lines 2-5, dwelling 34, family 34

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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)


Birth Data: This database uses 27 Jan 1833. Her grave marker gives her age as 35 Y. 2 M. 19 D, when when applied to her death date of 16 Apr 1868 gives a birth date of 28 Jan 1833. This is a difference of only 1 day, and may represent a counting error, or even a difference in what "before" represents. [marriage-bowersock-spear-1854]


Given Name: This database uses Keziah. Her marriage return with Jacob Bowersock spells it Casiah. [marriage-bowersock-spear-1854]

Given Name: This database uses Keziah. The 1880 US Census spells it Kizia. [census-us-1860-ps-oh-washington-ludlow-twp-5]

Given Name: This database uses Keziah. Her gravestone uses the spelling Kersia. [marker-kersia-bowersock-1868]

Surname: This database uses Spear. Her marriage certificate with E. J. Adams uses the spelling Spears. [marriage-adams-preston-1904]


It appears that no one knew how Keziah spelled her name, or perhaps she didn't really care. I haven't found source in which she wrote her own name.

Keziah may have been born in Bedford, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. [research-a-spear-family-history]

Were either Jacob and Keziah married prior their union? Their son Sylvestor was born before their (apparent) marriage took place.

A marriage license affidavit is accessible on a FamilySearch database (Marriage records, 1851-1951; index to marriages, 1851-1973, FamilySearch database, DFN 4017741, MFN 2297016, image 279, entry 2). However, other than an affirmation that both are "of age," are not closer than first cousins, and were granted a license on 7 Feb 1854, it contains no useful linformation beyond what is supplied by their marriage record. [marriage-bowersock-spear-1854]

Information from the affidavit is also included on a "form" version of the marriage record, which is not used in this datbase. It is in the same database as the marriage record, but using the path "Noble ⟩ 1851-1871", image 69, p.136, entry 2.) [marriage-bowersock-spear-1854]

She may have died 16 Apr 1868 in York Township, Athens County, Ohio. [research-a-spear-family-history]


A biography, written by a descendent (and/or his wife) of Jacob and Keziah is attached to her memorial on Find A Grave. The gravestone is in Connett Cemetery, Connett, Athens County, Ohio. (Find A Grave, memorial 24574286)

Supporting evidence for:
research notes

census-us-1860-ps-oh-washington-ludlow-twp-5: 1860 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Washington County, Ludlow Township, page 5 (form) or 465A (stamped); 1860 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 18 May 2007) ⟩ “Ohio ⟩ Washington ⟩ Ludlow” image 5; citing “Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1049 (1438 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 805049]

Reference Detail: Lines 10-15, dwelling 36, family 36

marker-kersia-bowersock-1868: Gravestone of Kersia Bowersock (1868); Find A Grave ( accessed 28 Feb 2024), memorial ID 24574286, photograph uploaded 24 May 2019 by Kate; citing “Connett Cemetery (Connett, Athens County, Ohio, USA)”

(no additional information)

marriage-adams-preston-1904: Marriage license and return for E. J. Adams and Mattie Preston (1904); Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 29 Feb 2024), “⟩ Athens ⟩ 1903 - 1909”, image 12, entry: page 4, top; citing “Marriage Records, Ohio Marriages; Various Ohio County Courthouses”

(no additional information)

marriage-bowersock-spear-1854: Marriage registry entry for Jacob Bowersock and Casiah Spear (1954); Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 28 Feb 2024), “⟩ Noble ⟩ 1852 - 1892”, image 63, entry: page 57, entry 2; citing “Marriage Records. Ohio Marriages; Various Ohio County Courthouses”

(no additional information)

research-a-spear-family-history: {private} Engelmann, A Spear Family History, privately printed 1988, updated 2002, 2005; privately held

(no additional information)

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