Mary Rasor

Last updated 20 Dec 2021 in Spear–Johnson Family.


Born: Bet 2 Jun 1777 and 1 Jun 1778 in , , Virginia, United States

Died: 1872

Supporting evidence for:

book-gateway-to-the-west-v2-1989: Gateway to The West, Vol. II, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed multiple dates); citing “Ruth Bowers and Anita Short (comp.), Gateway to the West, Volume 2, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1989” [The source is a collection of Common Pleas Court records, will abstracts, cemetery inscriptions and similar records. All of these are transcribed; no images of the original records are included.]

Reference Detail: Pages 313-314, entry dated 3-11-1863 (images 325-326, accessed 28 Jul 2009)

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Mary Shafer).

census-us-1870-ps-oh-noble-seneca-12: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Noble County, Seneca Township, page 12 (form) or page 206B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 6 Nov 2006) ⟩ "Ohio ⟩ Noble ⟩ Senecaville" image 7; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 1252 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 552751]

Reference Detail: Line 36, dwelling 91

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Mary Shafer).

periodical-four-score-and-ten-1903: “Four Score and Ten,” human interest; ( accessed 16 Oct 2020) ⟩ “United States of America ⟩ Missouri ⟩ Stanberry ⟩ The Stanberry Headlight ⟩ 1903 ⟩ 10 ⟩ 28” page 1; citing “The Stanberry Headlight (Stanberry, Gentry County, Missouri), 28 Oct. 1903 (Wednesday), page 1, column 7”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Mary Rasor).

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census-us-1870-ps-oh-noble-seneca-12: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Noble County, Seneca Township, page 12 (form) or page 206B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 6 Nov 2006) ⟩ "Ohio ⟩ Noble ⟩ Senecaville" image 7; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 1252 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 552751]

Reference Detail: Line 36, dwelling 91

Comment Detail: Source includes age (92) and location (Virginia). Using his age and the official census date of 1 Jun 1870 gives a birth date range from 2 Jun 1777 to 1 Jun 1778.

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book-history-of-noble-county-ohio-1887: History of Noble County, Ohio; Chicago: L. H. Watkins & Company, 1887; book image (PDF), Google Play ( downloaded 20 Apr 2018), held by New York Public Library [The personal histories were collected from the identified individuals and their contemporaries. Other histories were collected from county records and other places, with the help of numerous county officials and others.]

Reference Detail: Page 477 (PDF page 552)

Comment Detail: Source includes year (1872).

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Spouse/Partner: Conrad Shafer (1771 – 1862)

Married: ?

Supporting evidence for:

book-gateway-to-the-west-v2-1989: Gateway to The West, Vol. II, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed multiple dates); citing “Ruth Bowers and Anita Short (comp.), Gateway to the West, Volume 2, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1989” [The source is a collection of Common Pleas Court records, will abstracts, cemetery inscriptions and similar records. All of these are transcribed; no images of the original records are included.]

Reference Detail: Pages 313-314, entry dated 3-11-1863 (images 325-326, accessed 28 Jul 2009)

Comment Detail: Source identifies Mary Shafer as the widow of Conrad Shafer.

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Child: Elizabeth Shafer (bet 1808/1809 – bef 1903)

Child: William Shafer (bet 1810/1811 – 1904)

Child: John C. Shafer (bet 1810/1811 – abt 1904)

Child: Nelson Shafer (abt 1813 – ?)

Child: George Shafer (? – bef 1903)

Child: Margaret Shafer (? – bef 1862)

Child: Samuel Shafer (? – bef 1903)

Child: Mary Ann Shafer (? – bef 1903)

Child: James Shafer (abt 1822 – ?)

Miscellaneous Facts


Burial: at , Noble County, Ohio, United States

Cemetery: Mt. Ephriam Methodist Episcopal Cemetery at Seneca Township, Noble County, Ohio, United States

Supporting evidence for:

periodical-four-score-and-ten-1903: “Four Score and Ten,” human interest; ( accessed 16 Oct 2020) ⟩ “United States of America ⟩ Missouri ⟩ Stanberry ⟩ The Stanberry Headlight ⟩ 1903 ⟩ 10 ⟩ 28” page 1; citing “The Stanberry Headlight (Stanberry, Gentry County, Missouri), 28 Oct. 1903 (Wednesday), page 1, column 7”

Comment Detail: Source indicates that Conrad and his wife [Mary Rasor] were "'At Rest' side by side" in a small cemetery. In Conrad's source information, this cemetery is defined as (Mt. Ephriam M.E.) in (Senaca Twp [, Noble County, Ohio]).

periodical-four-score-and-ten-1903: “Four Score and Ten,” human interest; ( accessed 16 Oct 2020) ⟩ “United States of America ⟩ Missouri ⟩ Stanberry ⟩ The Stanberry Headlight ⟩ 1903 ⟩ 10 ⟩ 28” page 1; citing “The Stanberry Headlight (Stanberry, Gentry County, Missouri), 28 Oct. 1903 (Wednesday), page 1, column 7”

Comment Detail: Source includes location (a little cemetery that crowns one of hte hills of Noble county).

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Residence: at , Guernsey County, Ohio, United States

Residence: at Seneca Township, Noble County, Ohio, United States

Supporting evidence for:

periodical-four-score-and-ten-1903: “Four Score and Ten,” human interest; ( accessed 16 Oct 2020) ⟩ “United States of America ⟩ Missouri ⟩ Stanberry ⟩ The Stanberry Headlight ⟩ 1903 ⟩ 10 ⟩ 28” page 1; citing “The Stanberry Headlight (Stanberry, Gentry County, Missouri), 28 Oct. 1903 (Wednesday), page 1, column 7”

Comment Detail: Source includes approximate date ("close of the War of 1812") and location (Guernsey county [, Ohio]).

census-us-1870-ps-oh-noble-seneca-12: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Noble County, Seneca Township, page 12 (form) or page 206B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 6 Nov 2006) ⟩ "Ohio ⟩ Noble ⟩ Senecaville" image 7; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 1252 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 552751]

Reference Detail: Line 36, dwelling 91

Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jun 1870) and location (Seneca Township, in the County of Noble, State of Ohio).

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General Notes and Anecdotes

In 1870, when she was 92, Mary was identified in the U.S. Census as "infirm & insane" and living with a daughter's family. The diagnosis of insanity was likely just an overreach of the time for someone dealing with an age-related disability such as dementia. [census-us-1870-ps-oh-noble-seneca-12]

Supporting evidence for:
general notes

census-us-1870-ps-oh-noble-seneca-12: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Ohio, Noble County, Seneca Township, page 12 (form) or page 206B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 6 Nov 2006) ⟩ "Ohio ⟩ Noble ⟩ Senecaville" image 7; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 1252 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 552751]

Reference Detail: Line 36, dwelling 91

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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)


Mary's father may have been George Rasor (b. c.1725-1754 in Louden County, VA. Her mother may have been Molly Long (b. c.1734-1757 in Leesburg, Louden County, VA.

Was Mary's middle name Magdalena? Did she use the nickname Polly?

She may have been born in 1776. [research-ancestor-chart-of-george-spear]

Mary may have been born in Louden County, VA, and died in Mt. Ephraim, Noble County, OH.

Conrad Shafer and Mary Rasor may have married in 6 Oct 1799. [research-ancestor-chart-of-george-spear]

If Conrad and Mary married in 1799, she was about 22. Their apparent first child, Elizabeth was born almost a decade after that; a long time. At that time, Mary was around 30, rather old for first child. She was about 45 when son James was born. There are four other identified children who slot in well between Nelson and James. Were all four born in this period, or were some born before Elizabeth?

Conrad and Mary may have married in Leesburg, VA. But there also exists a marriage record for Conrad Shafer and Mary Rasor in Guernsey County, Ohio, on 11 Feb 1831. Quite a coincidence for a second couple with the same names to be married 32 years after the first.

All children but James William may have been born in Leesburg, Louden County, VA; he might have been born in Mt. Ephriam.

Mary probably died 4 Aug 1872 in Ohio. [research-ancestor-chart-of-george-spear]

Supporting evidence for:
research notes

periodical-four-score-and-ten-1903: “Four Score and Ten,” human interest; ( accessed 16 Oct 2020) ⟩ “United States of America ⟩ Missouri ⟩ Stanberry ⟩ The Stanberry Headlight ⟩ 1903 ⟩ 10 ⟩ 28” page 1; citing “The Stanberry Headlight (Stanberry, Gentry County, Missouri), 28 Oct. 1903 (Wednesday), page 1, column 7”

(no additional information)

research-ancestor-chart-of-george-spear: {private} Engelmann, Ancestor Chart of George E. Spear, privately printed 1988; privately held

(no additional information)

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