Mary Rochelle Williams

Last updated 26 Mar 2024 in Johnson–Miller Family.


Born: 28 Nov 1935 in Samaria, Oneida County, Idaho, United States

Died: 15 Oct 2013 in Roy, Weber County, Utah, United States

Supporting evidence for:

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1968); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 1829-1830; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Rochelle Williams).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1969); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 3703-3704; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Rochelle Williams). It also notes her [married[ name as the plaintiff, Rochelle Winegar.

divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963: Certificate of divorce for Loyd[sic] W. and Mary Rochelle Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Divorce Records, 1947-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 449-450; citing “Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; State Divorce Index, 1947-1969” [The second image is a blank page.]

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Mary Rochelle Hess).

marker-robert-mary-evans-2019-2013: Gravestone of Robert William (2019) and Mary Rochelle (2013) Evans; Find A Grave ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), memorial IDs 205835054 (Robert) and 178358007 (Mary), two photographs (front and back) uploaded 17 Feb 2020 (Robert) and 3 Dec 2020 (Mary) by Don; citing “Hooper City Cemetery (Hooper, Weber County, Utah, USA)”

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Mary Rochelle Evans).

marriage-hess-williams-1952: Marriage license and certificate for Lloyd W. Hess and Mary Rochelle Williams (1952); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1952”, images 2837-2838; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes name (Mary Rochelle Williams).

marriage-winegar-hess-1963: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 6313-6314; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Rochelle W. Hess) and maiden name (Williams).

marriage-winegar-winegar-1968: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Winegar (1968); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 24 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1968”, images 11971-11972; citing “Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho; Idaho Marriage Index, 1861-1969 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Rochelle W. Winegar) and birth name (Rochelle Williams).

military-hsappl-loyd-hess-1974: Headstone application for Loyd Kim Hess (1974); U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1861-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 26 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1972-1974 ⟩ Herrod, Walter C Jr-Hill, Zelbert”, image 432; citing “National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, MO, USA; Applications for Headstones and Markers, July 1, 1970–September 30, 1985, NAID: 6016127; Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15”

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Rochelle W. Hess Evans). [The 'V' in Evans is capitalized.]

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Mary Rochelle Williams Evans).

obituary-robert-evans-2019: Obituary for Robert Williams Evans (2019); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home.]

Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Rochelle Evans).

Show all citations and reference details for Mary Rochelle Williams in a new window.


divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1968); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 1829-1830; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes birth date (Nov. 28, ⟨conflict⟩) and birth state (Idaho [, USA]). See research notes for conflict details.

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1969); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 3703-3704; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes birth date (Nov. 28, 1936) and state (Idaho).

marker-robert-mary-evans-2019-2013: Gravestone of Robert William (2019) and Mary Rochelle (2013) Evans; Find A Grave ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), memorial IDs 205835054 (Robert) and 178358007 (Mary), two photographs (front and back) uploaded 17 Feb 2020 (Robert) and 3 Dec 2020 (Mary) by Don; citing “Hooper City Cemetery (Hooper, Weber County, Utah, USA)”

Comment Detail: Source includes birth date (Nov. 28, 1935).

marriage-hess-williams-1952: Marriage license and certificate for Lloyd W. Hess and Mary Rochelle Williams (1952); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1952”, images 2837-2838; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes age (16) and location (Samaria, [Oneida County,] Idaho [, USA]). Using her age and the marriage license date of 21 Feb 1952 gives a birth date range from 22 Feb 1935 to 21 Feb 1936.

marriage-winegar-hess-1963: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 6313-6314; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes age (27) and location (⟨conflict⟩). Using her age and the marriage license date of 16 Apr 1963 gives a birth date range from 17 Apr 1935 to 16 Apr 1936.

marriage-winegar-winegar-1968: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Winegar (1968); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 24 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1968”, images 11971-11972; citing “Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho; Idaho Marriage Index, 1861-1969 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes age (32) and location (Samaria [Oneida County,] Idaho [, USA]). Using her age and the marriage license date of 18 Jul 1968 gives a birth date range from 19 Jul 1935 to 18 Jul 1936.

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes birth date (November 28, 1935) and location (Samaria, [Oneida County,] Idaho [, USA]). According to a daughter, Rochelle "always said she was really born on November 26th but it took the doctor two days to come to the house and he put the wrong date on her birth certificate."

Show all citations and reference details for Mary Rochelle Williams in a new window.


marker-robert-mary-evans-2019-2013: Gravestone of Robert William (2019) and Mary Rochelle (2013) Evans; Find A Grave ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), memorial IDs 205835054 (Robert) and 178358007 (Mary), two photographs (front and back) uploaded 17 Feb 2020 (Robert) and 3 Dec 2020 (Mary) by Don; citing “Hooper City Cemetery (Hooper, Weber County, Utah, USA)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (Oct. 15, 2013).

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes death date (October 15, 2013) and location (Roy, [Weber County,] Utah [, USA]).

obituary-robert-evans-2019: Obituary for Robert Williams Evans (2019); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home.]

Comment Detail: Source includes death date (October 15, 2013).

Show all citations and reference details for Mary Rochelle Williams in a new window.

Family #1

Spouse/Partner: Loyd W. Hess (1933 – 2010)

Married: 22 Feb 1952 in Malad City, Oneida County, Idaho, United States

Supporting evidence for:

divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963: Certificate of divorce for Loyd[sic] W. and Mary Rochelle Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Divorce Records, 1947-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 449-450; citing “Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; State Divorce Index, 1947-1969” [The second image is a blank page.]

Comment Detail: Source includes date of marriage (⟨conflict⟩) and date of divorce decree (February 8 1963). See research notes for conflict details.

marriage-hess-williams-1952: Marriage license and certificate for Lloyd W. Hess and Mary Rochelle Williams (1952); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1952”, images 2837-2838; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (22 day of February in the year A.D. 1952) and location (Malad [City] in the county of Oneida, in the State of Idaho).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1968); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 1829-1830; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (July 11, 1968) and location (Sublette County [, WY, USA]). It also includes the marriage date (April 17, 1963) and location (Idaho Falls, [Bonneville County,] Idaho [, USA]). Note that "Idaho Falls" is in a field labeled for the county name, not the town name.

marriage-winegar-hess-1963: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 6313-6314; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (17 day of April in the year A.D. 1963) and location (Idaho Falls in the County of Bonneville, in the State of Idaho [, USA]).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1969); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 3703-3704; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (Feb. 10, 1969) and location (Sublette [County, WY, USA]). It also includes marriage date (July 18, 1968) and location (⟨conflict⟩, Idaho [, USA]). See research notes for conflict details.

marriage-winegar-winegar-1968: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Winegar (1968); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 24 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1968”, images 11971-11972; citing “Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho; Idaho Marriage Index, 1861-1969 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (18th day of July in the year A.D. 1968 [June originally entered and corrected]) and location (Victor in the County of Teton, in the State of Idaho [, USA]).

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (August 3, 1972) and marriage location (Pinedale, [Sublette County,] WY [, USA]).

obituary-robert-evans-2019: Obituary for Robert Williams Evans (2019); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home.]

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (August 3, 1972) and marriage location (Pinedale, [Sublette County,] WY [, USA]).

Show all citations and reference details for Mary Rochelle Williams in a new window.

Child: Loyd Kim "Kim" Hess (1953 – 1974)

Family #2

Spouse/Partner: Jerald Smith Winegar (1941 – 1996)

Married: 17 Apr 1963 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, Idaho, United States

Supporting evidence for:

divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963: Certificate of divorce for Loyd[sic] W. and Mary Rochelle Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Divorce Records, 1947-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 449-450; citing “Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; State Divorce Index, 1947-1969” [The second image is a blank page.]

Comment Detail: Source includes date of marriage (⟨conflict⟩) and date of divorce decree (February 8 1963). See research notes for conflict details.

marriage-hess-williams-1952: Marriage license and certificate for Lloyd W. Hess and Mary Rochelle Williams (1952); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1952”, images 2837-2838; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (22 day of February in the year A.D. 1952) and location (Malad [City] in the county of Oneida, in the State of Idaho).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1968); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 1829-1830; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (July 11, 1968) and location (Sublette County [, WY, USA]). It also includes the marriage date (April 17, 1963) and location (Idaho Falls, [Bonneville County,] Idaho [, USA]). Note that "Idaho Falls" is in a field labeled for the county name, not the town name.

marriage-winegar-hess-1963: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 6313-6314; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (17 day of April in the year A.D. 1963) and location (Idaho Falls in the County of Bonneville, in the State of Idaho [, USA]).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1969); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 3703-3704; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (Feb. 10, 1969) and location (Sublette [County, WY, USA]). It also includes marriage date (July 18, 1968) and location (⟨conflict⟩, Idaho [, USA]). See research notes for conflict details.

marriage-winegar-winegar-1968: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Winegar (1968); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 24 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1968”, images 11971-11972; citing “Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho; Idaho Marriage Index, 1861-1969 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (18th day of July in the year A.D. 1968 [June originally entered and corrected]) and location (Victor in the County of Teton, in the State of Idaho [, USA]).

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (August 3, 1972) and marriage location (Pinedale, [Sublette County,] WY [, USA]).

obituary-robert-evans-2019: Obituary for Robert Williams Evans (2019); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home.]

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (August 3, 1972) and marriage location (Pinedale, [Sublette County,] WY [, USA]).

Show all citations and reference details for Mary Rochelle Williams in a new window.

Child: {private}

Child: Loyd Kim "Kim" Hess (1953 – 1974)

Family #3

Spouse/Partner: Jerald Smith Winegar (1941 – 1996)

Married: 18 Jul 1968 in Victor, Teton County, Idaho, United States

Supporting evidence for:

divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963: Certificate of divorce for Loyd[sic] W. and Mary Rochelle Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Divorce Records, 1947-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 449-450; citing “Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; State Divorce Index, 1947-1969” [The second image is a blank page.]

Comment Detail: Source includes date of marriage (⟨conflict⟩) and date of divorce decree (February 8 1963). See research notes for conflict details.

marriage-hess-williams-1952: Marriage license and certificate for Lloyd W. Hess and Mary Rochelle Williams (1952); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1952”, images 2837-2838; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (22 day of February in the year A.D. 1952) and location (Malad [City] in the county of Oneida, in the State of Idaho).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1968); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 1829-1830; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (July 11, 1968) and location (Sublette County [, WY, USA]). It also includes the marriage date (April 17, 1963) and location (Idaho Falls, [Bonneville County,] Idaho [, USA]). Note that "Idaho Falls" is in a field labeled for the county name, not the town name.

marriage-winegar-hess-1963: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 6313-6314; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (17 day of April in the year A.D. 1963) and location (Idaho Falls in the County of Bonneville, in the State of Idaho [, USA]).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1969); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 3703-3704; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (Feb. 10, 1969) and location (Sublette [County, WY, USA]). It also includes marriage date (July 18, 1968) and location (⟨conflict⟩, Idaho [, USA]). See research notes for conflict details.

marriage-winegar-winegar-1968: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Winegar (1968); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 24 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1968”, images 11971-11972; citing “Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho; Idaho Marriage Index, 1861-1969 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (18th day of July in the year A.D. 1968 [June originally entered and corrected]) and location (Victor in the County of Teton, in the State of Idaho [, USA]).

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (August 3, 1972) and marriage location (Pinedale, [Sublette County,] WY [, USA]).

obituary-robert-evans-2019: Obituary for Robert Williams Evans (2019); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home.]

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (August 3, 1972) and marriage location (Pinedale, [Sublette County,] WY [, USA]).

Show all citations and reference details for Mary Rochelle Williams in a new window.

Child: Jerry Winegar (1969 – 2000)

Family #4

Spouse/Partner: Robert William "Bob" Evans (1929 – 2019)

Married: 3 Aug 1972 in Pinedale, Sublette County, Wyoming, United States

Supporting evidence for:

divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963: Certificate of divorce for Loyd[sic] W. and Mary Rochelle Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Divorce Records, 1947-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 449-450; citing “Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; State Divorce Index, 1947-1969” [The second image is a blank page.]

Comment Detail: Source includes date of marriage (⟨conflict⟩) and date of divorce decree (February 8 1963). See research notes for conflict details.

marriage-hess-williams-1952: Marriage license and certificate for Lloyd W. Hess and Mary Rochelle Williams (1952); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1952”, images 2837-2838; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (22 day of February in the year A.D. 1952) and location (Malad [City] in the county of Oneida, in the State of Idaho).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1968); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 1829-1830; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (July 11, 1968) and location (Sublette County [, WY, USA]). It also includes the marriage date (April 17, 1963) and location (Idaho Falls, [Bonneville County,] Idaho [, USA]). Note that "Idaho Falls" is in a field labeled for the county name, not the town name.

marriage-winegar-hess-1963: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 6313-6314; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (17 day of April in the year A.D. 1963) and location (Idaho Falls in the County of Bonneville, in the State of Idaho [, USA]).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1969); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 3703-3704; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (Feb. 10, 1969) and location (Sublette [County, WY, USA]). It also includes marriage date (July 18, 1968) and location (⟨conflict⟩, Idaho [, USA]). See research notes for conflict details.

marriage-winegar-winegar-1968: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Winegar (1968); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 24 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1968”, images 11971-11972; citing “Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho; Idaho Marriage Index, 1861-1969 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (18th day of July in the year A.D. 1968 [June originally entered and corrected]) and location (Victor in the County of Teton, in the State of Idaho [, USA]).

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (August 3, 1972) and marriage location (Pinedale, [Sublette County,] WY [, USA]).

obituary-robert-evans-2019: Obituary for Robert Williams Evans (2019); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home.]

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (August 3, 1972) and marriage location (Pinedale, [Sublette County,] WY [, USA]).

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Child: {private}

Child: {private}

Child: Loyd Kim "Kim" Hess (1953 – 1974)

Miscellaneous Facts


School: Malad High School, Abt 1949-1953 at Malad City, Oneida County, Idaho, United States

Supporting evidence for:

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes school location (Malad [City, Oneida County], Idaho [, USA]). The school name is not given, but is presumably Malad High School, the only public school in the city. The years are an estimate from her birth date and a four-year school (1935 + 18 - 4 = 1949, end 1953).

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Residence: at Malad City, Oneida County, Idaho, United States

Residence: at , , Idaho, United States

Residence: at Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, Idaho, United States

Residence: at Pinedale, Sublette County, Wyoming, United States

Residence: at Pinedale, Sublette County, Wyoming, United States

Residence: at Pinedale, Sublette County, Wyoming, United States

Residence: at Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, United States

Residence: at Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, United States

Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Supporting evidence for:

marriage-hess-williams-1952: Marriage license and certificate for Lloyd W. Hess and Mary Rochelle Williams (1952); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1952”, images 2837-2838; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage license date (21st day of February, A.D., 1952) and residence location (Malad [City], [Oneida County,] Idaho [, USA]).

divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963: Certificate of divorce for Loyd[sic] W. and Mary Rochelle Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Divorce Records, 1947-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 449-450; citing “Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; State Divorce Index, 1947-1969” [The second image is a blank page.]

Comment Detail: Source includes date of divorce decree (February 8 1963) and residence location (Idaho [, USA]).

marriage-winegar-hess-1963: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 6313-6314; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage license date (16th day of April, A.D. 1963) and residence location (Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho [, USA]).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1968); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 1829-1830; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (July 11, 1968) and residence location (State: Wyoming, County: Sublette, City: Pinedale [in USA]).

marriage-winegar-winegar-1968: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Winegar (1968); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 24 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1968”, images 11971-11972; citing “Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho; Idaho Marriage Index, 1861-1969 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

Comment Detail: Source includes marriage license date (18th day of July, A.D. 1968) and residence location (Pinedale Sublette Wyoming [, USA]).

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1969); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 3703-3704; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

Comment Detail: Source includes dissolution date (Feb. 10, 1969) and residence location (State: Wyoming, County: Sublette, City: Pinedale [in USA]).

obituary-kim-hess-1974: Obituary for Kim Hess (1974); “Obituaries / Kim Hess,” ( accessed 26 Mar 2024), “⟩ United States ⟩ Utah ⟩ Ogden ⟩ The Ogden Standard-Examiner ⟩ 1974 ⟩ April ⟩ Apr 22, 1974, Mon ⟩ Page 19”, column 5; citing “Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 22 Apr 1974 (Monday), page 7B, column 5”

Comment Detail: Source includes Kim's death date ("Saturday" [for an obituary published Monday, 22 Apr 1974, this gives a date of 20 Apr 1974]) and residence location (Rock Springs, [Sweetwater County, WY, USA]).

military-hsappl-loyd-hess-1974: Headstone application for Loyd Kim Hess (1974); U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1861-1985, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 26 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1972-1974 ⟩ Herrod, Walter C Jr-Hill, Zelbert”, image 432; citing “National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, MO, USA; Applications for Headstones and Markers, July 1, 1970–September 30, 1985, NAID: 6016127; Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15”

Comment Detail: Source includes date (April 24, 1974) and location (Rocksprings, [Sweetwater County,] Wyo. [, USA]).

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

Comment Detail: Source includes name of religion (Church of Jesus christ of Latter-Day Saints).

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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)


Birth Date (Year): This database uses 1935. Both of her divorce certificates with Jerald Winegar use the year 1936. [divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968, divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969]

Birth Location: This database uses Samaria, Oneida County, Idaho, United States. The 1963 marriage license with Jerald Winegar uses the location Malad, Idaho (presumably Malad City. [marriage-winegar-hess-1963]

Marriage Date (Hess-Williams): This database uses 22 Feb 1952. The divorce decree for the marriage gives the date as 27 Aug 1962. This is interesting in that it is the year prior to the date of the divorce decree, but is also easily attributable as a single digit error when the certificate was created. [divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963]

Marriage Location (Winegar-Winegar): This database uses Teton County in Idaho. The divorce for this marriage specifies Idaho County, Idaho. I suspect it was really just a re-entry of the state name, not Idaho County. [divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969]


Rochelle's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Williams of Malad City, Utah. (The Ogden Standard-Examiner, Ogden, Utah, 2 Mar 1952, p.6B (20), c.4, "Idaho Woman Married to Plymouth Man")

Her parents, Jack and Mary E. Williams, were still in Malad City, UT in 1974. [obituary-kim-hess-1974]

At the time of her divorce from Lloyd Hess, she had three children and was pregnant with a fourth. [divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963]

Mary and Jerald Winegar were divorced in 1968, but remarried a week later and were divorced a second time in 1969. I suspect that the re-marriage was to ensure their son Jerry was born within a marriage. As can be seen in the divorce records, they had one child from the marriage in 1968 (Susan), two in 1969 (Susan and Jerry). [divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968, marriage-winegar-winegar-1968]

As noted in her obituary, Rochelle lived in several places, including Plymouth (UT), Victor (ID), Pinedale (WY), Rock Springs (WY), Evanston (WY), and Roy (UT). Although no years are given, she probably lived in each location in the given order. [obituary-mary-evans-2013]

Her obituary notes that she is survived by children not yet in this database, private, and chldren and step-children already listed in this database. [obituary-mary-evans-2013]

Her obituary also notes that she is survived by siblings not yet in this database, private. [obituary-mary-evans-2013]

Her obituary notes that she was preceded in death by a child not yet in this database, Loyd Kim Hess, by children and step-children already listed in this database, and a sister, Carolyn Ward. [obituary-mary-evans-2013]

The grave marker for Robert and Mary Rochelle lists their children on the back side as three sets; (1) six directly behind Mary Rochelle's name, (2) five directly behind Robert's name, and (3) two between the names. This layout suggests the six were brought into the marriage by Mary Rochelle, five by Robert, and two were born to Robert and Mary Rochelle's marriage. This is (so far) born out by other evidence. Their top-to-bottom listing is probably reflective of their birth order, also at least partially born out in the evidence. (1) The top four of the first six (Loyd Kim, {private}) were probably born to Loyd and Mary Rochelle, while the other two ({private} and Jerry) are from her marriages with Jerald. (2) The five are already in this database as children of Robert and his first wife, Christina. (3) The two are also already in this database as children of Robert and Mary Rochelle. [marker-robert-mary-evans-2019-2013]

Supporting evidence for:
research notes

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1968: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1968); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 1829-1830; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

(no additional information)

divorce-jerald-winegar-rochelle-williams-1969: Absolute divorce or annulment for Jerald Smith Winegar and Rochelle Williams (1969); Wyoming, U.S., Divorce Records, 1941-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ State Divorce Records ⟩ 1968”, images 3703-3704; citing “Wyoming State Archives; Wyoming Department of Health; Cheyenne, Wyoming; State Divorce Records, 1941-1969

(no additional information)

divorce-loyd-mary-hess-1963: Certificate of divorce for Loyd[sic] W. and Mary Rochelle Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Divorce Records, 1947-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 449-450; citing “Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; State Divorce Index, 1947-1969” [The second image is a blank page.]

(no additional information)

marker-robert-mary-evans-2019-2013: Gravestone of Robert William (2019) and Mary Rochelle (2013) Evans; Find A Grave ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), memorial IDs 205835054 (Robert) and 178358007 (Mary), two photographs (front and back) uploaded 17 Feb 2020 (Robert) and 3 Dec 2020 (Mary) by Don; citing “Hooper City Cemetery (Hooper, Weber County, Utah, USA)”

(no additional information)

marriage-winegar-hess-1963: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Hess (1963); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 23 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1963”, images 6313-6314; citing “Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Marriage Index For Years 1947-1964 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

(no additional information)

marriage-winegar-winegar-1968: Marriage license and certificate for Jerald S. Winegar and Rochelle W. Winegar (1968); Idaho, U.S., Marriage Records, 1863-1971, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 24 Mar 2024), “⟩ 1968”, images 11971-11972; citing “Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho; Idaho Marriage Index, 1861-1969 (original data: (A) Marriage Records, 1947-1971; Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; (B) Idaho Marriages, 1842-1996; Upper Snake River Family History Center and Ricks College; Rexburg, Idaho; (C) Idaho Marriage Records, 1842-1967; Idaho State Department of Health; Boise, Idaho)”

(no additional information)

obituary-kim-hess-1974: Obituary for Kim Hess (1974); “Obituaries / Kim Hess,” ( accessed 26 Mar 2024), “⟩ United States ⟩ Utah ⟩ Ogden ⟩ The Ogden Standard-Examiner ⟩ 1974 ⟩ April ⟩ Apr 22, 1974, Mon ⟩ Page 19”, column 5; citing “Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 22 Apr 1974 (Monday), page 7B, column 5”

(no additional information)

obituary-mary-evans-2013: Obituary for Mary Rochelle Williams Evans (2013); Rudd Funeral Home ( accessed 22 Mar 2024), service held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel in Roy, Utah [There are two locations, Rudd Funeral Home, and Rogers & Taylor Funeral Home. Search website for Rochelle Evans.]

(no additional information)

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