Juliann Pugh
Last updated 2 Jan 2024 in Spear–Johnson Family.
land-heirs-of-james-spear-land-transfer-1832: Deed transfer for heirs of James Spear (1832); Belmont County Recorder, Ohio (https://belmontcountyrecorder.org/: accessed 1 Jan 2024); Instrument Number: DEED1-00000P-0168 to DEED1-00000P-0169, Book Volume P, Pages 168-169
Reference Detail: Lines 1-8 (names can be found elsewhere in document, sometimes spelled differently)
Comment Detail: Source includes given name (Juliann).
marriage-spears-pugh-1825: Marriage registry entry for Samuel Spears and Julian Pugh; Ohio County Marriages, 1789-2016, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 16 Jul 2020) 〉 “Belmont 〉 Marriage records 1821-1832 vol 2” image 16; DGS 4016301, image 222; entry 186 (page 3); citing “Marriage Book No. 1, pages 2-3; Belmont County Probate Court, Belmont County, Ohio”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (〈spelling〉 Pugh). See research notes for spelling details.
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Spouse/Partner: Samuel Spear (? – ?)
Married: 24 Nov 1825 in , Belmont County, Ohio, United States
land-heirs-of-james-spear-land-transfer-1832: Deed transfer for heirs of James Spear (1832); Belmont County Recorder, Ohio (https://belmontcountyrecorder.org/: accessed 1 Jan 2024); Instrument Number: DEED1-00000P-0168 to DEED1-00000P-0169, Book Volume P, Pages 168-169
Reference Detail: Lines 1-8 (names can be found elsewhere in document, sometimes spelled differently)
Comment Detail: Source includes deed transfer date ("third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thrty two") and notes Juliann is the wife of Samuel Spear.
marriage-spears-pugh-1825: Marriage registry entry for Samuel Spears and Julian Pugh; Ohio County Marriages, 1789-2016, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 16 Jul 2020) 〉 “Belmont 〉 Marriage records 1821-1832 vol 2” image 16; DGS 4016301, image 222; entry 186 (page 3); citing “Marriage Book No. 1, pages 2-3; Belmont County Probate Court, Belmont County, Ohio”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (24th day of Nov 1825) and location (Bemont County, Ohio). The day is problematic; the leading 2 could also be a 1 and the 4 could be 6. If it is a 4, the bottom line may have faded, or simply not been recorded properly. If 4 is wrong, the day could be 16 (which conflicts with the license day, 21) or 26 (which conflicts with the minister's recording day (25).
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Given Name: This database uses Juliann. The marriage certificate for Julian and Samuel Spear uses the spelling Julian. [marriage-spears-pugh-1825]
There is a Juliann Spear in the 1840 US Census for Salem, Tuscarawas County, OH. This is probably the same Juliann. For this entry, there were 3 boys between 5 and 10, 1 between 10 and 15, and no other males (e.g., no husband). There was one woman between 30 and 40, presumably Juliann. This age would be reasonably expected for the widow of Samuel Spear in 1840, implying she was born somewhere between 1800 and 1810, though the last couple of years of that range is probably not reasonable, given her marriage in 1825 -- being born in 1807 would make her about 18 in 1825.
The 1850 US Census record for Julia Spears in Salem, Tuscarawas County, OH, may be the same person. Her children are David (23), Wilson (20), Josephus (18), and John (17), all born in Ohio, which generally correspond to an amateaur on-line genealogy for Samuel and Julia/Juliann, but no sources are given in that tree to confirm any of this. In the census, her age is given as 44, born about 1806 in Maryland, making a reasonable 19 when she was married to Samuel.
marriage-spears-pugh-1825: Marriage registry entry for Samuel Spears and Julian Pugh; Ohio County Marriages, 1789-2016, record collection, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 16 Jul 2020) 〉 “Belmont 〉 Marriage records 1821-1832 vol 2” image 16; DGS 4016301, image 222; entry 186 (page 3); citing “Marriage Book No. 1, pages 2-3; Belmont County Probate Court, Belmont County, Ohio”
(no additional information)
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