[Ancestors] [Descendants]
Rene Joseph Davis
Last updated 5 Dec 2023 in Johnson–Miller Family.
Born: 17 Jul 1940 in Galveston, Galveston County, Texas, United States
Died: 17 Feb 2002
Father: John Crumber Davis Jr. (1908 – 1986)
Mother: Vernida R. Guillemet (1918 – 1987)
census-us-1950-p1-wa-kitsap-94-5b: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, Washington, Kitsap County, Bremerton City, enumeration district 18-94, sheet 5B; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 Washington 〉 Kitsap 〉 Bremerton 〉 18-94”, image 6; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5872 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Census page 5 is included twice in this database, as images 6 and 7. The first is used in this tree.]
Reference Detail: Line 10
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Davis, Rene).
marriage-davis-butler-1965: Marriage record for Rene Joseph Davis and Johnie Ola Butler (1965); Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 King 〉 Marriages 1965 Sep-Dec”, image 2292; citing “Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013; Reference Number: kingcoarchmc289567”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Rene Joseph Davis).
periodical-funeral-notice-john-davis-1986: “Funeral Notices / John Crumber Davis Jr.,” notice; Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Washington 〉 Bremerton 〉 Kitsap Sun 〉 1986 〉 September 〉 Sep 24 1986, Wed 〉 Page 16”, column 5; citing “The Sun (Kitsap, North Mason, and Jefferson Counties, Washington), 24 Sep 1986 (Wednesday), page C2, column 5”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (〈spelling〉 J. [Davis]).
periodical-funeral-notice-vernida-davis-1987: “Funeral Notices / Davis, Vernida,” notice; Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Washington 〉 Bremerton 〉 Kitsap Sun 〉 1987 〉 November 〉 Nov 14 1987, Sat 〉 Page 5”, column 8; citing “The Sun (Kitsap, North Mason, and Jefferson Counties, Washington), 14 Nov 1987 (Saturday), page A5, column 8”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (〈conflict〉 J. Davis). See research notes for conflict details.
ssa-npri-ssaci-rene-davis-2002: Social Security Administration record (SSACI) for Rene Joseph Davis (2002); U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jul 2023), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Rene Joseph Davis).
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census-us-1950-p1-wa-kitsap-94-5b: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, Washington, Kitsap County, Bremerton City, enumeration district 18-94, sheet 5B; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 Washington 〉 Kitsap 〉 Bremerton 〉 18-94”, image 6; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5872 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Census page 5 is included twice in this database, as images 6 and 7. The first is used in this tree.]
Reference Detail: Line 10
Comment Detail: Source includes age (9) and location (Texas). Using his age and the official census date of 1 Apr 1950 gives a birth date range from 2 Apr 1940 to 1 Apr 1941.
marriage-davis-butler-1965: Marriage record for Rene Joseph Davis and Johnie Ola Butler (1965); Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 King 〉 Marriages 1965 Sep-Dec”, image 2292; citing “Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013; Reference Number: kingcoarchmc289567”
Comment Detail: Source includes age (25) and location (Galveston, Texas). Using his age and the marriage date of 4 Dec 1965 gives a birth date range from 5 Dec 1939 to 4 Dec 1940.
ssa-npri-ssaci-rene-davis-2002: Social Security Administration record (SSACI) for Rene Joseph Davis (2002); U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jul 2023), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (17 Jul 1940) and location (Galveston, Texas).
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ssa-npri-ssaci-rene-davis-2002: Social Security Administration record (SSACI) for Rene Joseph Davis (2002); U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jul 2023), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (17 Feb 2002).
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periodical-funeral-notice-john-davis-1986: “Funeral Notices / John Crumber Davis Jr.,” notice; Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Washington 〉 Bremerton 〉 Kitsap Sun 〉 1986 〉 September 〉 Sep 24 1986, Wed 〉 Page 16”, column 5; citing “The Sun (Kitsap, North Mason, and Jefferson Counties, Washington), 24 Sep 1986 (Wednesday), page C2, column 5”
Comment Detail: Source identifies John Crumber Davis, Jr. as the mother of Renee J. [Davis].
ssa-npri-ssaci-rene-davis-2002: Social Security Administration record (SSACI) for Rene Joseph Davis (2002); U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jul 2023), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007”
Comment Detail: Source identifies John C. Davis as the father of Rene Joseph Davis.
census-us-1950-p1-wa-kitsap-94-5b: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, Washington, Kitsap County, Bremerton City, enumeration district 18-94, sheet 5B; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 Washington 〉 Kitsap 〉 Bremerton 〉 18-94”, image 6; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5872 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Census page 5 is included twice in this database, as images 6 and 7. The first is used in this tree.]
Reference Detail: Lines 7,10
Comment Detail: Source identifies Rene Davis as a son of John C. Davis.
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periodical-funeral-notice-vernida-davis-1987: “Funeral Notices / Davis, Vernida,” notice; Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Washington 〉 Bremerton 〉 Kitsap Sun 〉 1987 〉 November 〉 Nov 14 1987, Sat 〉 Page 5”, column 8; citing “The Sun (Kitsap, North Mason, and Jefferson Counties, Washington), 14 Nov 1987 (Saturday), page A5, column 8”
Comment Detail: Source identifies Vernida Davis as the mother of Rene J. Davis.
ssa-npri-ssaci-rene-davis-2002: Social Security Administration record (SSACI) for Rene Joseph Davis (2002); U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Jul 2023), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007”
Comment Detail: Source identifies Vernida Guillemmette as the mother of Rene Joseph Davis.
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Spouse/Partner: {private}
Married: 4 Dec 1965 in , Kitsap County, Washington, United States
marriage-davis-butler-1965: Marriage record for Rene Joseph Davis and Johnie Ola Butler (1965); Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 King 〉 Marriages 1965 Sep-Dec”, image 2292; citing “Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013; Reference Number: kingcoarchmc289567”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (4th day of Dec. A.D. 1965) and location (Kitsap County, Washington).
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Miscellaneous Facts
Residence: at Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, United States
Residence: at , Kitsap County, Washington, United States
Residence: at Seattle, King County, Washington, United States
Residence: at Renton, King County, Washington, United States
census-us-1950-p1-wa-kitsap-94-5b: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, Washington, Kitsap County, Bremerton City, enumeration district 18-94, sheet 5B; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 Washington 〉 Kitsap 〉 Bremerton 〉 18-94”, image 6; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5872 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Census page 5 is included twice in this database, as images 6 and 7. The first is used in this tree.]
Reference Detail: Line 10
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1950) and location (Bremerton City, Kitsap County, Wash.).
marriage-davis-butler-1965: Marriage record for Rene Joseph Davis and Johnie Ola Butler (1965); Washington, U.S., Marriage Records, 1854-2013, database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 King 〉 Marriages 1965 Sep-Dec”, image 2292; citing “Washington State Archives; Olympia, Washington; Washington Marriage Records, 1854-2013; Reference Number: kingcoarchmc289567”
Comment Detail: Source includes marriage date (4th day of Dec A.D. 1965) and location (Kitsap County [, Washington]).
periodical-funeral-notice-john-davis-1986: “Funeral Notices / John Crumber Davis Jr.,” notice; Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Washington 〉 Bremerton 〉 Kitsap Sun 〉 1986 〉 September 〉 Sep 24 1986, Wed 〉 Page 16”, column 5; citing “The Sun (Kitsap, North Mason, and Jefferson Counties, Washington), 24 Sep 1986 (Wednesday), page C2, column 5”
Comment Detail: Source includes date of notice (24 Sep 1986) and location (Seattle [, Washington]).
periodical-funeral-notice-vernida-davis-1987: “Funeral Notices / Davis, Vernida,” notice; Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Washington 〉 Bremerton 〉 Kitsap Sun 〉 1987 〉 November 〉 Nov 14 1987, Sat 〉 Page 5”, column 8; citing “The Sun (Kitsap, North Mason, and Jefferson Counties, Washington), 14 Nov 1987 (Saturday), page A5, column 8”
Comment Detail: Source includes date of story (14 Nov 1987) and location (Renton [, Washington]).
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Given Name: This database uses Rene. The funeral notice for his father John Davis, Jr. uses Renee. [periodical-funeral-notice-john-davis-1986]
Given Name: This database uses Rene. The funeral notice for his mother Vernida Davis appears to use Renee. (There is a crease in the paper that slightly obscures the name. [periodical-funeral-notice-vernida-davis-1987]
Two sources use Renee as his name. However, this is generally used as the feminine form of Rene, and he was identified as a male in the 1950 U.S. Census. So this database will use Rene, as found in that census. [census-us-1950-p1-wa-kitsap-94-5b, periodical-funeral-notice-john-davis-1986, periodical-funeral-notice-vernida-davis-1987]
Rene has one slot in a couple's niche in Greenwood Memorial Park in Renton, Washington. His Find A Grave memorial is 58564332. The photograph of the cover plate is from 2010, so I don't yet know if it's been filled, or who it may be filled by. Also, it isn't clear if this is for a mausoleum or columbarium, though I think the latter.
census-us-1950-p1-wa-kitsap-94-5b: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, Washington, Kitsap County, Bremerton City, enumeration district 18-94, sheet 5B; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 Washington 〉 Kitsap 〉 Bremerton 〉 18-94”, image 6; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5872 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Census page 5 is included twice in this database, as images 6 and 7. The first is used in this tree.]
Reference Detail: Line 10
periodical-funeral-notice-john-davis-1986: “Funeral Notices / John Crumber Davis Jr.,” notice; Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Washington 〉 Bremerton 〉 Kitsap Sun 〉 1986 〉 September 〉 Sep 24 1986, Wed 〉 Page 16”, column 5; citing “The Sun (Kitsap, North Mason, and Jefferson Counties, Washington), 24 Sep 1986 (Wednesday), page C2, column 5”
(no additional information)
periodical-funeral-notice-vernida-davis-1987: “Funeral Notices / Davis, Vernida,” notice; Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 5 Oct 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Washington 〉 Bremerton 〉 Kitsap Sun 〉 1987 〉 November 〉 Nov 14 1987, Sat 〉 Page 5”, column 8; citing “The Sun (Kitsap, North Mason, and Jefferson Counties, Washington), 14 Nov 1987 (Saturday), page A5, column 8”
(no additional information)
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