[Ancestors] [Descendants]

Leopold Marks
Last updated 2 Feb 2024 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Born: 15 Nov 1894 in , , New York, United States
Died: Nov 1983
Father: Michael Marks (1856 – 1941)
Mother: Lottie Schmetgall (1851 – 1924)
census-us-1900-ps-mn-ottertail-156-4a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, enumeration district 156, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 137A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Dora 〉 District 0156" image 7; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240779]
Reference Detail: Line 24, dwelling 53
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leopold Marks).
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1942: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1942); U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Markkula, Matt - Martin, Joseph 〉 ALL” images 215-216; citing “The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Minnesota; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147; Box or Roll Number: 620”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leopold Marks).
ssa-npri-ssdi-leopold-marks-1983: Social Security Administration record (SSDI) for Leopold Marks (1983); U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA; Social Security Death Index, Master File”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leopold Marks).
census-us-1910-ps-mn-ottertail-137-2b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Vergas Village, enumeration district 137, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 66B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Vergas 〉 District 0137" image 4; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 714 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1374727]
Reference Detail: Line 79, dwelling 37
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leo Marks).
census-us-1920-ps-mn-clay-42-20a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 42, sheet 20A (form/penned) or page 189A (stamped); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0042" image 39; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 827 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 26, dwelling 395
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leo Marks).
census-us-1930-ps-mn-clay-32-26b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 14-32, sheet 26B (form/penned) or page 204B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 July 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0032" image 52; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1083 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2340818]
Reference Detail: Line 65, dwelling 482
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leopold Marks).
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 238
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leo Marks).
census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-2453-18: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 66-2453, sheet 18; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), “〉 California 〉 Los Angeles 〉 Los Angeles 〉 66-2453”, image 19; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5658 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 5-6
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Marks, Leopold). The name "Leo P" was crossed out and replaced with the given name.
census-us-mn-1905-ottertail-dora-5: 1905 Minnesota State Census, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, sheet 5 (form) or page 542 (corner); Minnesota, U.S., Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 18 Jul 2007) 〉 "1905 〉 Otter Tail, Part 1 – All Localities Except Fergus Falls" image 950; citing “Minnesota State Population Census Schedules, 1865-1905, roll 140, Minnesota Historical Society, 1977” [Some pages were filmed out-of-order.]
Reference Detail: Line 12, number of enumeration 52
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leopold Marks)
census-us-ny-1892-kings-17-1-2: 1892 New York State Census, population schedule, New York, Kings County, Brooklyn, ward (AD) 17, election district 1, pages 2-3; New York, U.S., State Census, 1892, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 28 Dec 2020) 〉 "Kings 〉 Brooklyn Ward 17 〉 E.D. 01" image 2; citing “1892 New York State Census, New York State Education Department, Office of Cultural Education, New York State Library, Albany, NY” [Pages 2 and 3 are inconsistently numbered with the recto page marked as 2. Note that the page spreads before and after this one are numbered as expected, verso pages even-numbered, recto pages odd-numbered.]
Reference Detail: Page 2 or 3 [verso on spread], Column B, line 33
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leopold Marks).
interview-loretta-spear-2006: Email conversation with Loretta Pearl (Johnson) Spear, 19 Aug 2006, includes physical notes sent by mail; privately held
Reference Detail: Image #2.
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leo Marks).
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1917: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1917); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Clay County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card M” image 97; citing “United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration; M1509, 4,582 rolls; imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Leo Pold Marks [but was signed with Leopold Marks]). Since the card was signed by Leopold, using that spelling, it was probably written out by the registrar. Seems odd that he would have never heard the name Leopold, or think that Pold was a middle name.
Show all citations and reference details for Leopold Marks in a new window.
census-us-1900-ps-mn-ottertail-156-4a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, enumeration district 156, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 137A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Dora 〉 District 0156" image 7; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240779]
Reference Detail: Line 24, dwelling 53
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Nov/〈conflict〉), age (〈conflict〉), and location (New York). See research notes for conflict details.
census-us-1910-ps-mn-ottertail-137-2b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Vergas Village, enumeration district 137, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 66B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Vergas 〉 District 0137" image 4; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 714 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1374727]
Reference Detail: Line 79, dwelling 37
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (New York). See research notes for conflict details.
census-us-1920-ps-mn-clay-42-20a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 42, sheet 20A (form/penned) or page 189A (stamped); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0042" image 39; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 827 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 26, dwelling 395
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (New York). See research notes for conflict details.
census-us-1930-ps-mn-clay-32-26b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 14-32, sheet 26B (form/penned) or page 204B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 July 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0032" image 52; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1083 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2340818]
Reference Detail: Line 65, dwelling 482
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (New York). See research notes for conflict details.
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 238
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (New York). See research notes for conflict details.
census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-2453-18: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 66-2453, sheet 18; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), “〉 California 〉 Los Angeles 〉 Los Angeles 〉 66-2453”, image 19; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5658 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 5-6
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (New York [, USA]). See research notes for conflict details.
census-us-mn-1905-ottertail-dora-5: 1905 Minnesota State Census, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, sheet 5 (form) or page 542 (corner); Minnesota, U.S., Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 18 Jul 2007) 〉 "1905 〉 Otter Tail, Part 1 – All Localities Except Fergus Falls" image 950; citing “Minnesota State Population Census Schedules, 1865-1905, roll 140, Minnesota Historical Society, 1977” [Some pages were filmed out-of-order.]
Reference Detail: Line 12, number of enumeration 52
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (New York). See research notes for conflict.
census-us-ny-1892-kings-17-1-2: 1892 New York State Census, population schedule, New York, Kings County, Brooklyn, ward (AD) 17, election district 1, pages 2-3; New York, U.S., State Census, 1892, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 28 Dec 2020) 〉 "Kings 〉 Brooklyn Ward 17 〉 E.D. 01" image 2; citing “1892 New York State Census, New York State Education Department, Office of Cultural Education, New York State Library, Albany, NY” [Pages 2 and 3 are inconsistently numbered with the recto page marked as 2. Note that the page spreads before and after this one are numbered as expected, verso pages even-numbered, recto pages odd-numbered.]
Reference Detail: Page 2 or 3 [verso on spread], Column B, line 33
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (U.S.).
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1917: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1917); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Clay County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card M” image 97; citing “United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration; M1509, 4,582 rolls; imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Nov 15th 1894), age (23), and location (N. Y.). Using his age and the form date of 5 Jun 1917 gives a birth date range from 6 Jun 1893 to 5 Jun 1894, which makes the record internally inconsistent.
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1942: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1942); U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Markkula, Matt - Martin, Joseph 〉 ALL” images 215-216; citing “The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Minnesota; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147; Box or Roll Number: 620”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Nov. 15 〈conflict〉), age (49), and location (New York). See research notes for conflict details.
ssa-npri-ssdi-leopold-marks-1983: Social Security Administration record (SSDI) for Leopold Marks (1983); U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA; Social Security Death Index, Master File”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (〈conflict〉). See research notes for conflict details.
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ssa-npri-ssdi-leopold-marks-1983: Social Security Administration record (SSDI) for Leopold Marks (1983); U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA; Social Security Death Index, Master File”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Nov 1983).
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census-us-1900-ps-mn-ottertail-156-4a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, enumeration district 156, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 137A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Dora 〉 District 0156" image 7; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240779]
Reference Detail: Lines 20,24, dwelling 53
Comment Detail: Source identifies Leopold Marks as a son of Michael Marks. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
census-us-1910-ps-mn-ottertail-137-2b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Vergas Village, enumeration district 137, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 66B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Vergas 〉 District 0137" image 4; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 714 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1374727]
Reference Detail: Lines 77,79, dwelling 37
Comment Detail: Source identifies Leo Marks as a son of Mikel Marks. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 15, household 238
Comment Detail: Source identifies Michael [Marks] as the father of Leo Marks. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
interview-loretta-spear-2006: Email conversation with Loretta Pearl (Johnson) Spear, 19 Aug 2006, includes physical notes sent by mail; privately held
Reference Detail: Image #2.
Comment Detail: Source identifies Leo Marks as a child of Michael Marks. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
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interview-loretta-spear-2006: Email conversation with Loretta Pearl (Johnson) Spear, 19 Aug 2006, includes physical notes sent by mail; privately held
Reference Detail: Image #2.
Comment Detail: Source identifies Leo Marks as a child of Lottie Schmetgall. The source does not provide sufficient evidence to denote the type of parent/child relationship.
Show all citations and reference details for Leopold Marks in a new window.
Spouse/Partner: Clara Matilda Aggerholm (1898 – 1993)
Married: ?
census-us-1920-ps-mn-clay-42-20a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 42, sheet 20A (form/penned) or page 189A (stamped); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0042" image 39; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 827 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 26,27, dwelling 395
Comment Detail: Source identifies Clara Marks as the wife of Leo Marks.
census-us-1930-ps-mn-clay-32-26b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 14-32, sheet 26B (form/penned) or page 204B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 July 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0032" image 52; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1083 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2340818]
Reference Detail: Lines 65,66, dwelling 482
Comment Detail: Source identifies Clara M. Marks as the wife of Leopold Marks.
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 11, household 238
Comment Detail: Source identifies Clara [Marks] as the wife of Leo Marks.
census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-2453-18: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 66-2453, sheet 18; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), “〉 California 〉 Los Angeles 〉 Los Angeles 〉 66-2453”, image 19; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5658 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 5-6
Comment Detail: Source identifies Clara M. Marks as the wife of Leopold Marks.
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Child: Robert R. Marks (bet 1916/1917 – bef 2005)
Child: Bernice Jeanette Marks (1918 – 2017)
Child: Dorothy Marks (1920 – bef 2005)
Child: June Elaine Marks (1921 – 2020)
Child: Inez Laverne Marks (1925 – 2005)
Miscellaneous Facts
Education Level: sixth grade
Employer: (self), 26 Apr 1942 at Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, United States
Retirement: 1 Apr 1950
Moved To Residence: 1960 at Paradise, Butte County, California, United States
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 238
Comment Detail: Source includes highest education level (G-6 [grade school, sixth grade]).
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1942: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1942); U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Markkula, Matt - Martin, Joseph 〉 ALL” images 215-216; citing “The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Minnesota; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147; Box or Roll Number: 620”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Apr 26, 1942), employer (self), and location (Moorhead, Minn.).
census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-2453-18: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 66-2453, sheet 18; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), “〉 California 〉 Los Angeles 〉 Los Angeles 〉 66-2453”, image 19; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5658 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 5-6
Comment Detail: Source includes official census date (1 Apr 1950) and occupation (Retired).
obituary-clara-marks-1993: Obituary for Clara M. Marks (1993); “Obituaries / Clara Marks,” Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), “〉 United States 〉 California 〉 Chico 〉 Enterprise-Record 〉 1993 〉 August 〉 Aug 25 1993, Wed 〉 Page 17”, column 4; citing “Chico Enterprise-Record (Chico, California), 25 Aug 1993 (Wednesday), page 7B, column 4”
Comment Detail: Source implies year (1960) and destination (Paradise [, Butte County, CA, USA]) because Leopold and Clara M. Marks were married and probably moved as a couple.
Show all citations and reference details for Leopold Marks in a new window.
Residence: at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States
Residence: at , , Minnesota, United States
Residence: at , Otter Tail County, Minnesota, United States
Residence: at Dora, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, United States
Occupation: blacksmith
Residence: at Vergas, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, United States
Occupation: blacksmith at Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, United States
Residence: at Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, United States
Occupation: blacksmith
Residence: at Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, United States
Occupation: grocery retailer
Residence: at Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, United States
Residence: at Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, United States
Occupation: retail store manager
Residence: at Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, United States
Residence: at Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, United States
Residence: at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States
Residence: at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States
Residence: at Paradise, Butte County, California, United States
census-us-ny-1892-kings-17-1-2: 1892 New York State Census, population schedule, New York, Kings County, Brooklyn, ward (AD) 17, election district 1, pages 2-3; New York, U.S., State Census, 1892, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 28 Dec 2020) 〉 "Kings 〉 Brooklyn Ward 17 〉 E.D. 01" image 2; citing “1892 New York State Census, New York State Education Department, Office of Cultural Education, New York State Library, Albany, NY” [Pages 2 and 3 are inconsistently numbered with the recto page marked as 2. Note that the page spreads before and after this one are numbered as expected, verso pages even-numbered, recto pages odd-numbered.]
Reference Detail: Page 2 or 3 [verso on spread], Column B, line 33
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (Feb. 16, 1892) and location (1st Election District of the 17th Ward of the City of [Brooklyn], County: Clay, State: New York).
census-us-mn-1905-ottertail-dora-5: 1905 Minnesota State Census, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, sheet 5 (form) or page 542 (corner); Minnesota, U.S., Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 18 Jul 2007) 〉 "1905 〉 Otter Tail, Part 1 – All Localities Except Fergus Falls" image 950; citing “Minnesota State Population Census Schedules, 1865-1905, roll 140, Minnesota Historical Society, 1977” [Some pages were filmed out-of-order.]
Reference Detail: Line 12, number of enumeration 52
Comment Detail: Source includes date (June 1905), time in state (7 years), and location (Minnesota).
census-us-1900-ps-mn-ottertail-156-4a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, enumeration district 156, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 137A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Dora 〉 District 0156" image 7; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240779]
Reference Detail: Line 24, dwelling 53
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jun 1900) and location (Town of Dora, County: Otter Tail, State: Minnesota).
census-us-mn-1905-ottertail-dora-5: 1905 Minnesota State Census, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, sheet 5 (form) or page 542 (corner); Minnesota, U.S., Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 18 Jul 2007) 〉 "1905 〉 Otter Tail, Part 1 – All Localities Except Fergus Falls" image 950; citing “Minnesota State Population Census Schedules, 1865-1905, roll 140, Minnesota Historical Society, 1977” [Some pages were filmed out-of-order.]
Reference Detail: Line 12, number of enumeration 52
Comment Detail: Source includes date (June 1905) and location (Dora, Otter Tail County, Minnesota).
census-us-1910-ps-mn-ottertail-137-2b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Vergas Village, enumeration district 137, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 66B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Vergas 〉 District 0137" image 4; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 714 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1374727]
Reference Detail: Line 79, dwelling 37
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (15 Apr 1910) and occupation (Black Smith).
census-us-1910-ps-mn-ottertail-137-2b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Vergas Village, enumeration district 137, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 66B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Vergas 〉 District 0137" image 4; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 714 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1374727]
Reference Detail: Line 79, dwelling 37
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (15 Apr 1910) and location (Vergas Village, County: Otter Tail, State: Minnesota).
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1917: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1917); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Clay County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card M” image 97; citing “United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration; M1509, 4,582 rolls; imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
Comment Detail: Source includes registration date (June 5 1917), occupation (blacksmith), and location (Moorhead, Minn.).
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1917: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1917); U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Clay County 〉 ALL 〉 Draft Card M” image 97; citing “United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration; M1509, 4,582 rolls; imaged from Family History Library microfilm”
Comment Detail: Source includes registration date (June 5 1917) and location (Moorhead, Minn).
census-us-1920-ps-mn-clay-42-20a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 42, sheet 20A (form/penned) or page 189A (stamped); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0042" image 39; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 827 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 26, dwelling 395
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jan 1920) and occupation (Blacksmith / 〈unclear〉).
census-us-1920-ps-mn-clay-42-20a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 42, sheet 20A (form/penned) or page 189A (stamped); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0042" image 39; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 827 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 26, dwelling 395
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Jan 1920) and location (Moorhead City, County: Clay, State: Minnesota).
census-us-1930-ps-mn-clay-32-26b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 14-32, sheet 26B (form/penned) or page 204B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 July 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0032" image 52; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1083 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2340818]
Reference Detail: Line 65, dwelling 482
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1930) and occupation (Retail merchant / grocery store).
census-us-1930-ps-mn-clay-32-26b: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 14-32, sheet 26B (form/penned) or page 204B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 July 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0032" image 52; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1083 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2340818]
Reference Detail: Line 65, dwelling 482
Comment Detail: Source includes census date (1 Apr 1930) and location (Moorhead City, County: Clay, State: Minnesota).
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 238
Comment Detail: Source includes date (1 Apr 1935) and location (Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota).
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 238
Comment Detail: Source includes date (1 Apr 1940) and occupation (manager in a retail store).
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 238
Comment Detail: Source includes date (1 Apr 1940) and location (Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota).
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1942: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1942); U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Markkula, Matt - Martin, Joseph 〉 ALL” images 215-216; citing “The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Minnesota; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147; Box or Roll Number: 620”
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Apr. 26, 1942) and location (Moorhead, Clay, Minn.).
census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-2453-18: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 66-2453, sheet 18; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), “〉 California 〉 Los Angeles 〉 Los Angeles 〉 66-2453”, image 19; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5658 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 5-6
Comment Detail: Source includes date ("a year ago" [1 Apr 1949]) and location (Los Angeles City, Los Angeles, California [, USA]).
census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-2453-18: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 66-2453, sheet 18; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), “〉 California 〉 Los Angeles 〉 Los Angeles 〉 66-2453”, image 19; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5658 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 5-6
Comment Detail: Source includes official census date (1 Apr 1950) and residence location (Los Angeles City, Los Angeles, California [, USA]).
ssa-npri-ssdi-leopold-marks-1983: Social Security Administration record (SSDI) for Leopold Marks (1983); U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA; Social Security Death Index, Master File”
Comment Detail: Source includes event date (Nov 1983) and residence location (Paradise, Butte, California, USA).
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1900 U. S. Census gives a birth month (Nov/1891) and an age (8). When applied to the official census date of 1 June 1900, the age gives a birth date range of 2 June 1891 to 1 June 1892, so the record is internally consistent. However, in the record, the value of 8 appears to be a correction, replacing a value of 9. The presence of numerous such corrections on the page, including everyone in this dwelling, suggest an enumerator error. [census-us-1900-ps-mn-ottertail-156-4a]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1910 U.S. Census gives an age of (19), which, when applied to the offical census date of 15 Apr 1910, gives a birth date range from 16 Apr 1890 to 15 Apr 1891. [census-us-1910-ps-mn-ottertail-137-2b]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1920 U.S. Census gives an age of (26), which, when applied to the offical census date of 1 Jan 1920, gives a birth date range from 2 Jan 1893 to 1 Jan 1894. [census-us-1920-ps-mn-clay-42-20a]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1930 U.S. gives an age of (38). When applied to the official census date of 1 Apr 1930, the age gives a birth date range of 2 Apr 1891 to 1 Apr 1892. [census-us-1930-ps-mn-clay-32-26b]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1940 U.S. Census gives an age of (47), which, when applied to the offical census date of 1 Apr 1940, gives a birth date range from 2 Apr 1892 to 1 Apr 1893. [census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1950 U.S. Census gives an age of (60), which, when applied to the offical census date of 1 Apr 1950, gives a birth date range from 2 Apr 1889 to 1 Apr 1890. [census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-2453-18]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1905 Minnesota Census gives an age of (14), which, when applied to the offical census date of 1 Jun 1905, gives a birth date range from 2 Jun 1890 to 1 Jun 1891. [census-us-mn-1905-ottertail-dora-5]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1892 New York Census gives an age of (2), which, when applied to the offical census date of 16 Feb 1892, gives a birth date range from 17 Feb 1889 to 16 Feb 1890. [census-us-newyork-1892-kings-17-1-2]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. The 1942 draft registration card gives an explicit birth date (Nov. 15 1892 [1893 has been crossed out]) and an age (49). When applied to the registration date of 26 Apr 1942, the age gives a birth date range of 27 Apr 1892 to 26 Apr 1893, so the record is internally consistent. [military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1942]
Birth Date: This database uses 15 Nov 1894. His SSDI record gives a date of 15 Nov 1890. [ssa-npri-ssdi-leopold-marks-1983]
The birth date for Leopold Marks is higly variable in the sources used for this record. These differences imply that they are for different Leo Marks (I think this is unlikely), or that Leo didn't want to use his true birth date, or that he didn't know his true birth date. This database uses the birthdate from his 1917 draft registration card.
Leo and Clara probably married 6 Oct 1915 in Clay County, Minnesota. (Certificate 000K-398)
In the Clay County school census for his daughters, the name of the parent/guardian is only given as L.P. Was Leopold's middle initial 'P'? [misc-clay-county-school-census-1939-52]
He purchased land along the Red River in Moorhead, Minnesota and built his first house with salvaged bricks. He then built a few more and used the profits to start a creamery, when he later expanded to a grocery, and eventually added a bakery. His daughter talked about spending time making donughts in the Brownie Bakery. [research-conversation-with-{private}-2011]
Leo and Clara moved moved to Paradise, Butte County, California, before the mid-1960s. Leo probably died there in Nov 1983. [research-social-security-death-index]
They may have moved to California during World War II, after Leo had retired, eventually landing in the town of Paradise. In Paradise, Clars became active in the Jehovah's Witness, and eventually died in a Nursing home when she was 95. Leo passed away from prostate cancer at 94 in Paradise. [research-conversation-with-{private}-2011
The California Death Index gives a birth date of 15 Nov 1890 in New York, and a death date of 6 Nov 1983 in Butte County, California. It also provides a reasonable approximation of his mother's birth surname, Schmidtgall.
census-us-1900-ps-mn-ottertail-156-4a: 1900 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, enumeration district 156, sheet 4A (form/penned) or page 137A (stamped); 1900 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 13 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Dora 〉 District 0156" image 7; citing “Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, NARA microfilm publication T623 (1854 rolls), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1240779]
Reference Detail: Line 24, dwelling 53
census-us-1910-ps-mn-ottertail-137-2b: 1910 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Otter Tail County, Vergas Village, enumeration district 137, sheet 2B (form/penned) or page 66B (stamp sequence, not visible on page); 1910 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 14 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Otter Tail 〉 Vergas 〉 District 0137" image 4; citing “Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 714 (of 1784), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 1374727]
Reference Detail: Line 79, dwelling 37
census-us-1920-ps-mn-clay-42-20a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead (Ward 4), enumeration district 42, sheet 20A (form/penned) or page 189A (stamped); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 District 0042" image 39; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 827 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 26, dwelling 395
census-us-1940-ps-mn-clay-33-12a: 1940 U.S. Census, population schedule, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead, enumeration district 14-33, sheet 12A; 1940 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed before Aug 2018) 〉 "Minnesota 〉 Clay 〉 Moorhead 〉 14-33" image 23; citing “Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 1914 (of 4643), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 10, household 238
census-us-1950-p1-ca-losangeles-2453-18: 1950 U.S. Census, population schedule, California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, enumeration district 66-2453, sheet 18; 1950 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), “〉 California 〉 Los Angeles 〉 Los Angeles 〉 66-2453”, image 19; citing “Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950, NARA microfilm publication T628, roll 5658 (of 6373), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 5-6
census-us-mn-1905-ottertail-dora-5: 1905 Minnesota State Census, Otter Tail County, Dora Township, sheet 5 (form) or page 542 (corner); Minnesota, U.S., Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 18 Jul 2007) 〉 "1905 〉 Otter Tail, Part 1 – All Localities Except Fergus Falls" image 950; citing “Minnesota State Population Census Schedules, 1865-1905, roll 140, Minnesota Historical Society, 1977” [Some pages were filmed out-of-order.]
Reference Detail: Line 12, number of enumeration 52
census-us-ny-1892-kings-17-1-2: 1892 New York State Census, population schedule, New York, Kings County, Brooklyn, ward (AD) 17, election district 1, pages 2-3; New York, U.S., State Census, 1892, database with images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com: accessed 28 Dec 2020) 〉 "Kings 〉 Brooklyn Ward 17 〉 E.D. 01" image 2; citing “1892 New York State Census, New York State Education Department, Office of Cultural Education, New York State Library, Albany, NY” [Pages 2 and 3 are inconsistently numbered with the recto page marked as 2. Note that the page spreads before and after this one are numbered as expected, verso pages even-numbered, recto pages odd-numbered.]
Reference Detail: Page 2 or 3 [verso on spread], Column B, line 33
military-draftreg-leopold-marks-1942: Draft registration for Leopold Marks (1942); U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, database with images, Ancestry (https://ancestry.com: accessed 6 Jul 2021) 〉 “Minnesota 〉 Markkula, Matt - Martin, Joseph 〉 ALL” images 215-216; citing “The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Minnesota; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147; Box or Roll Number: 620”
(no additional information)
misc-clay-county-school-census-1939-52: Minnesota, Clay County, School Census Records, 1909-1962, database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org: accessed 20 Sep 2023), “〉District 002 (1939)”, image 52; digital folder: 004324164, image 545; citing “State School Superintendent, Clay County Auditor-Treasurer, Moorhead”
Reference Detail: Lines 1-4
ssa-npri-ssdi-leopold-marks-1983: Social Security Administration record (SSDI) for Leopold Marks (1983); U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, database, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 1 Feb 2024), no physical record image; citing "Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA; Social Security Death Index, Master File”
(no additional information)
research-conversation-with-{private}-2011: Research Source: Conversation with {private}, 5-15 Oct 2011, includes files containing a short family tree created by Wayne Scott from 15 Oct 2011 email; privately held
Reference Detail: Attachment 8-4, page 1
research-social-security-death-index: Social Security Death Index, Master File; Social Security Administration; Washington D.C., USA [available from many sources]
(no additional information)
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