Samantha Susan Longshore
Last updated 1 Mar 2024 in Spear–Johnson Family.
Born: 29 Sep 1840 in , , Ohio, United States
book-genealogy-of-josiah-munroe-1912: Genealogy of Josiah Munroe, revolutionary soldier, who died in the service of the Continental Army at Valley Forge, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed on multiple dates); citing “G.S. Northrup, Genealogy of Josiah Munroe, revolutionary soldier, who died in the service of the Continental Army at Valley Forge; G. S. Northrup, St. Johns, Michigan, 1912” [This source is only used for individuals within a lifetime from the publication date, and were likely personally known to the informants.]
Reference Detail: Page 347 (image #363), accessed 18 Dec 2023
Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Samantha S. (Longshore) Shafer).
census-us-1870-ps-ia-mahaska-blackoaktwp-15: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Mahaska County, Black Oak Township, page 15 (form) or page 205 (stamped); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 28 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Mahaska 〉 Black Oak”, image 15; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 408 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 25-29, dwelling 110
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Shafer, Susan S.).
census-us-1880-ps-ia-guthrie-75-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Seely Township, enumeration district 3-75, page 17 (form/penned) or 61A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 16 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Seely 〉 075”, image 7; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 342 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Note that “C” and “D” pages are effectively used as “A” and “B” pages respectively.]
Reference Detail: Lines 25-33, dwelling 59
Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (〈spelling〉, Samantha). See research notes for spelling details.
census-us-ia-1885-s1-guthrie-seely-page-43: 1885 Iowa State Census, Guthrie County, Seely, page 43; Iowa, State Census Collection, 1836–1925, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 30 Dec 2023), “〉 1885 〉 Guthrie 〉 Seely”, image 43; citing “Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well various special censuses from 1836-1897 obtained from the State Historical Society of Iowa via Heritage Quest”
Reference Detail: Lines 1-10, dwelling 48
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Shafer, Susan S.). [The middle initial in the record looks like a 'Y' but has no tail, and resembles other obviously 'S' characters on the page, in particular, Shafer and Susan, and the 'S' used to indicate the individual is single.
death-belle-pratt-1944: Certificate of death for Belle Pratt (1944); Arkansas, Death Certificates, 1914-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 17 Dec 2023), “〉 1944, 055-072”, image 2451; citing “Arkansas Department of Vital Records; Little Rock, Arkansas; Death Certificates; Year: 1944; Roll: 4”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Samantha Longshore).
death-bertha-bradbury-1956: Certificate of death for Bertha S. Bradbury (1956); Arkansas, Death Certificates, 1914-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 28 Dec 2023), “〉 1956, 019-036”, image 1611; citing “Arkansas Department of Vital Records; Little Rock, Arkansas; Death Certificates; Year: 1956; Roll: 2”
Comment Detail: Source includes name (Samantha Longshore).
marker-haron-samantha-shafer-1907-unk: Gravestone of Haron (1907) and Samantha (unk) Shafer; Find A Grave ( accessed 16 Dec 2023), memorial IDs 65928723 (Haron) and 65928825 (Samantha), photograph uploaded 20 Feb 2011 by Debra to both memorials; citing “Lakeview Cemetery (Lake Arthur, Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana, USA)” [Although the gravestone appears to show his first name is Haron, this is almost certainly a nickname for Aaron. The plot appears to be grouped with several other Shafer family plots, as shown in additional photographs uploaded 20 Jul 2013 by Debra.]
Comment Detail: Source includes [married] name (Samantha Shafer).
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census-us-1930-ps-tx-liveoak-1-8a: 1930 U.S. Census, population schedule, Texas, Live Oak County, Justice Precinct 1, enumeration district 149-1, sheet 8A (form/penned) or page 226A (stamped); 1930 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 18 August 2018) 〉 "Texas 〉 Live Oak 〉 Precinct 1 〉 District 0001" image 15; citing “Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2370 (of 2667), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [FHL microfilm 2342104]
Reference Detail: Line 13, dwelling 137
Comment Detail: Source includes George's mother's birth location (Ohio [, USA]).
census-us-ia-1885-s1-guthrie-seely-page-43: 1885 Iowa State Census, Guthrie County, Seely, page 43; Iowa, State Census Collection, 1836–1925, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 30 Dec 2023), “〉 1885 〉 Guthrie 〉 Seely”, image 43; citing “Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well various special censuses from 1836-1897 obtained from the State Historical Society of Iowa via Heritage Quest”
Reference Detail: Lines 1-10, dwelling 48
Comment Detail: Source includes age (44) and location (Ohio). Using her age and the official census date of 1 Jan 1885 gives a birth date range from 2 Jan 1840 to 1 Jan 1841.
death-belle-pratt-1944: Certificate of death for Belle Pratt (1944); Arkansas, Death Certificates, 1914-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 17 Dec 2023), “〉 1944, 055-072”, image 2451; citing “Arkansas Department of Vital Records; Little Rock, Arkansas; Death Certificates; Year: 1944; Roll: 4”
Comment Detail: Source includes location (〈conflict〉). See research notes for conflict details.
marker-haron-samantha-shafer-1907-unk: Gravestone of Haron (1907) and Samantha (unk) Shafer; Find A Grave ( accessed 16 Dec 2023), memorial IDs 65928723 (Haron) and 65928825 (Samantha), photograph uploaded 20 Feb 2011 by Debra to both memorials; citing “Lakeview Cemetery (Lake Arthur, Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana, USA)” [Although the gravestone appears to show his first name is Haron, this is almost certainly a nickname for Aaron. The plot appears to be grouped with several other Shafer family plots, as shown in additional photographs uploaded 20 Jul 2013 by Debra.]
Comment Detail: Source includes date (Sept. 29, 1840).
census-us-1870-ps-ia-mahaska-blackoaktwp-15: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Mahaska County, Black Oak Township, page 15 (form) or page 205 (stamped); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 28 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Mahaska 〉 Black Oak”, image 15; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 408 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 25-29, dwelling 110
Comment Detail: Source includes age (〈conflict〉) and location (Ohio [, USA]). See research notes for conflict details.
census-us-1880-ps-ia-guthrie-75-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Seely Township, enumeration district 3-75, page 17 (form/penned) or 61A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 16 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Seely 〉 075”, image 7; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 342 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Note that “C” and “D” pages are effectively used as “A” and “B” pages respectively.]
Reference Detail: Lines 25-33, dwelling 59
Comment Detail: Source includes age (39) and location (Ohio [, USA]). Using her age and the official census date of 1 Jun 1880 gives a birth date range from 2 Jun 1840 to 1 Jun 1841.
census-us-1920-ps-la-jeffersondavis-72-13a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, Louisiana, Jefferson Davis County, Lake Arthur, enumeration district 72, sheet 13A (form/penned) or page 13A (stamped); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "Louisiana 〉 Jefferson Davis 〉 Lake Arthur 〉 District 0072" image 25; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 616 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 16, dwelling 258
Comment Detail: Source includes George's mother's birth location (〈conflict〉). See research notes for conflict details.
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Spouse/Partner: Aaron V. Shafer (1836 – 1907)
Married: ?
census-us-1880-ps-ia-guthrie-75-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Seely Township, enumeration district 3-75, page 17 (form/penned) or 61A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 16 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Seely 〉 075”, image 7; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 342 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Note that “C” and “D” pages are effectively used as “A” and “B” pages respectively.]
Reference Detail: Lines 25-33, dwelling 59
Comment Detail: Source identifies Samantha Schaffer as the wife of Aaron V. Schaffer.
obituary-mary-spear-1942: Obituary for Mary Shafer Spear (1942); “Carbuncle is Cause of Death of Woman,” ( accessed 16 Dec 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Louisiana 〉 Jennings 〉 Jennings Daily News 〉 1942 〉 June 〉 Jun 16 1942, Tue 〉 Page 1”, column 7; citing “Jeff Davis Parish News (Jennings, Louisiana), 16 Jun 1942 (Tuesday), page 1, column 7”
Comment Detail: Source implies Aaron and Samantha Shafer are married.
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Child: Mary R. Shafer (1859 – 1942)
Child: William A. W. Shafer (bet 1862/1863 – ?)
Child: Alice Isabel "Belle" Shafer (1866 – 1944)
Child: Lauretta J. Shafer (1870 – ?)
Child: George Oscar Shafer (1873 – 1944)
Child: Bertha M. Shafer (1875 – 1956)
Child: Oriana A. "Ora" Shafer (1878 – 1901)
Child: Arthur Shafer (bet 1883/1884 – ?)
Miscellaneous Facts
Moved To Residence: 1888 at , Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, United States
obituary-bertha-bradbury-1956: Obituary for Bertha M. Bradbury (1956); “Rites For Mrs. Bradbury, Early Pioneer, Held,” ( accessed 28 Dec 2023), “〉 United States 〉 Louisiana 〉 Jennings 〉 Jennings Daily News 〉 1956 〉 May 〉 May 21 1956, Mon 〉 Page 3”, column 5; citing “The Jennings Daily News (Jennings, Louisiana), 21 May 1956 (Monday), page Three, column 5”
Comment Detail: Source includes year (1888) and destination ("here" [Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, USA]). The obituary makes references to Jeff[erson] Davis Parish, but it was not created from part of Calcasieu Parish until 1913.
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Residence: at Black Oak Township, Mahaska County, Iowa, United States
Residence: at Seely Township, Guthrie County, Iowa, United States
Residence: at Seely Township, Guthrie County, Iowa, United States
census-us-1870-ps-ia-mahaska-blackoaktwp-15: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Mahaska County, Black Oak Township, page 15 (form) or page 205 (stamped); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 28 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Mahaska 〉 Black Oak”, image 15; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 408 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 25-29, dwelling 110
Comment Detail: Source includes the official census date (1 Jun 1870) and residence location (Black Oak Township, County of Mahaska, State of Iowa [, USA]).
census-us-1880-ps-ia-guthrie-75-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Seely Township, enumeration district 3-75, page 17 (form/penned) or 61A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 16 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Seely 〉 075”, image 7; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 342 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Note that “C” and “D” pages are effectively used as “A” and “B” pages respectively.]
Reference Detail: Lines 25-33, dwelling 59
Comment Detail: Source includes official census date (1st day of June, 1880) and residence location (Seely Township, Guthrie County, Iowa [, USA]).
census-us-ia-1885-s1-guthrie-seely-page-43: 1885 Iowa State Census, Guthrie County, Seely, page 43; Iowa, State Census Collection, 1836–1925, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 30 Dec 2023), “〉 1885 〉 Guthrie 〉 Seely”, image 43; citing “Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well various special censuses from 1836-1897 obtained from the State Historical Society of Iowa via Heritage Quest”
Reference Detail: Lines 1-10, dwelling 48
Comment Detail: Source implicitly includes the official census date (1 Jan 1885) and residence location (Seeley Township, Guthrie County, Iowa, USA).
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Research Notes (Conflicts/Spelling/Followup)
Birth Date: This database uses 29 Sep 1840. The 1870 US Census gives an age of (28), which, when applied to the official census date of 1 Jun 1870, gives a birth date range from 2 Jun 1841 to 1 Jun 1842. [census-us-1870-ps-ia-mahaska-blackoaktwp-15]
Birth Location: This database uses Ohio. The 1920 US Census indicates Iowa. [census-us-1920-ps-la-jeffersondavis-72-13a]
Birth Location: This database uses Ohio. Daughter Belle's death certificate indicates Indiana. [death-belle-pratt-1944]
Surname: This database uses Shafer. The 1880 US Census uses the spelling Schaffer. [census-us-1880-ps-ia-guthrie-75-17]
Samantha's parents were both born in Virginia. [census-us-1880-ps-ia-guthrie-75-17]
This database uses the name Samantha Susan Longshore, with the given names in that order. She seems to have used either, but Samantha seems to appear more often and could be considered her "official" first name with Susan a nickname. Thus Samantha S. Longshore and Susan S. Longshore appear to be the same person, rather than two successive wives of Aaron. This is also implied by, for example, three records in chronological order of creation, that identify Aaron's (implied) wife as Susan (census-us-1870-ps-ia-mahaska-blackoaktwp-15), then Samantha (census-us-1880-ps-ia-guthrie-75-17), then Susan (census-us-ia-1885-s1-guthrie-seely-page-43).
Was Samantha born in Columbus, Ohio, and did she die on 2 Jan 1925 in Lake Arthur, LA? (Find A Grave memorial 65928825)
census-us-1870-ps-ia-mahaska-blackoaktwp-15: 1870 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Mahaska County, Black Oak Township, page 15 (form) or page 205 (stamped); 1870 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 28 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Mahaska 〉 Black Oak”, image 15; citing “Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 408 (of 1761), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Lines 25-29, dwelling 110
census-us-1880-ps-ia-guthrie-75-17: 1880 U.S. Census, population schedule, Iowa, Guthrie County, Seely Township, enumeration district 3-75, page 17 (form/penned) or 61A (stamped); 1880 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 16 Dec 2023), “〉 Iowa 〉 Guthrie 〉 Seely 〉 075”, image 7; citing “Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, NARA microfilm publication T9, roll 342 (of 1454), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.” [Note that “C” and “D” pages are effectively used as “A” and “B” pages respectively.]
Reference Detail: Lines 25-33, dwelling 59
census-us-1920-ps-la-jeffersondavis-72-13a: 1920 U.S. Census, population schedule, Louisiana, Jefferson Davis County, Lake Arthur, enumeration district 72, sheet 13A (form/penned) or page 13A (stamped); 1920 United States Federal Census, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed before 17 August 2018) 〉 "Louisiana 〉 Jefferson Davis 〉 Lake Arthur 〉 District 0072" image 25; citing “Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, NARA microfilm publication T625, roll 616 (of 2076), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.”
Reference Detail: Line 16, dwelling 258
death-belle-pratt-1944: Certificate of death for Belle Pratt (1944); Arkansas, Death Certificates, 1914-1969, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed 17 Dec 2023), “〉 1944, 055-072”, image 2451; citing “Arkansas Department of Vital Records; Little Rock, Arkansas; Death Certificates; Year: 1944; Roll: 4”
(no additional information)
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